U. North Dakota Fires Administrator for Discriminating Against Police Chief Who Voted for Trump

It’s amazing that someone was actually held accountable for this kind of discrimination.

The College Fix reports:

University fires administrator for discriminating against police chief who voted for TrumpThe University of North Dakota recently fired its Vice President for Student Affairs & Diversity, Cara Halgren, after an investigation determined she has discriminated against the campus police chief due to his political beliefs.UND Police Chief Eric Plummer had filed a complaint alleging his working relationship with Halgren deteriorated after she learned he voted for Donald Trump, and a subsequent investigation affirmed that position.Halgren was terminated in mid-September. Plummer left UND for a position at Radford University in Virginia earlier this year.In Plummer’s complaint, a copy of which was obtained by The College Fix, he alleged Halgren created a “hostile and toxic environment” after she found out Plummer voted for Trump in 2016. He also named Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Diversity Cassie Gerhardt in his allegations.Plummer wrote in his complaint, dated Jan. 29 of this year, why he told Halgren he voted for Trump.“As Cara is a Vice President, I did not feel I could not answer, as at the time I was not comfortable answering; however, due to our longstanding business relationship, I told Cara who I had voted for in the election based on her request. She then continued ‘how could you have voted for that man?’”Next, Plummer said Halgren canceled all of their future breakfast meetings, which had been a regular part of their work routine.“This severely impacted my ability to foster and develop relationships within Student Affairs, which is a major portion of my job responsibilities,” Plummer wrote.Plummer wrote that over the course of the next four years, his interactions with Halgren and Gerhardt grew less professional and more confrontational.“Their behavior became so pervasive that others, even those working within their own area, routinely would make comments regarding their unprofessional behavior in meetings and in other actions,” he wrote.

Tags: College Insurrection, North Dakota