U. North Dakota Considering Policy That Would House Students According to Gender Identity

This idea is based on the concept of “gender inclusion” which has to be mandatory and touch every aspect of student life.

Campus Reform reports:

U of North Dakota proposes sweeping ‘gender inclusion’ policy that would house students according to gender ‘identity’The University of North Dakota is weighing a sweeping policy change that would impose “gender inclusion” mandates on nearly every facet of university life, including housing.The pending policy document — originated in June and last revised in September — notes that the university prohibits discrimination “on the basis of sex, including gender identity and gender expression.” Therefore, the policy serves as a supplement to the university’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy, as well as its Title IX and Sexual Violence Policy.University of North Dakota communications director David Dodds told Campus Reform that the policy has completed its comment period and has been forwarded to the school’s Executive Council for further discussion.The university would allow members to “specify the pronouns and other gendered personal references used to refer to them.” The university would then utilize these references — “except as legally or administratively required.”For housing, students would therefore be allowed to stay in “housing consistent with their gender identity and expression” — without a requirement that transgender students stay in single-occupancy accommodations.Campus Reform asked the University of North Dakota whether female students would be able to opt out of rooming with a biologically male student. Dodds said that “UND Housing will continue to work with all students to find living arrangements that are best fit for each student, regardless of reason.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Gender, North Dakota