The Salvation Army is one of the few national charities that Americans trust. Or, maybe, as the Salvation Army jumps with both feet onto the racist, anti-American Critical Race bandwagon, that should be past tense: the Salvation Army is one of the few national charities that Americans “once trusted.”
As Americans head out on Black Friday to make a dent in their holiday shopping lists, some are sure to come across Salvation Army volunteers ringing bells as part of the annual Red Kettle campaign. But this year, the global charitable organization wants more from its donors than a donation to the needy during the holidays. With the dissemination of a recent Salvation Army guide titled “Let’s Talk About … Racism,” the Christian organization is attempting to elicit “sincere” apologies from white people for being racist.The guide, which was compiled and approved earlier this year by the International Social Justice Commission of the Salvation Army, aligns the organization with the ideology of the Black Lives Matter, antiracism, and critical race theory movements.Defining “structural racism” as “the overarching system of racial biasing across institutions and society,” the guide declares: “These systems give privileges to White people resulting in disadvantages to People Of Color.”. . . . Between 2014-2021, the Salvation Army received in the ballpark of $10 million from CSOSA, a federal agency that supervises adults on probation, parole, and supervised release in the District of Columbia. The federal agency’s mission is to “support the fair administration of justice in close collaboration with the community.”Over the course of the pandemic, the organization received another $100,000 or so in emergency funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs for homeless shelter operations.
The aforementioned Salvation Army .pdf entitled “Let’s Talk About . . . Racism” (archive link) is a 67-page screed railing against America; it’s a document that is riddled with vile anti-American lies, insulting racist stereotypes, and woke Marxist drivel.
I recommend reading the whole radical, divisive leftist lunacy in full, but here is just one notable lowlight.
Appendix D, page 56, “What Is Whiteness?” is an unreadable “essay” of one self-flagellating nobody’s navigation of “whiteness” in America. According to this person, whiteness is every kind of bad. It’s “vanilla” and “supremacist.”
The rambling musing of this self-hater includes bizarre statements like, “There were givens in my [shameful white] culture such as racial superiority, needing to be at the front of every line, and entitlement to privileges others did not have” and the jaw-dropping observation that “In restaurants I witnessed White people, including myself, send their food back simply because it wasn’t hot enough or wasn’t good enough for them.” The horror! Imagine the audacity of expecting a hot meal to be . . . erm, hot. That’s what white people are like, all demanding and superior. And stuff.
As I said, this “essay” is unreadable. But the section does conclude with some helpful tips on overcoming “whiteness” for anyone who imagines that their immutable skin tone original sin can be atoned by . . . being a blatant racist.
I’m sorry, but there is little more hateful, condescending, and vile than treating black people like emotionally-stunted and genetically-stupid children who need white people to function. Did you catch this gem from the Salvation Army:
Take a personal inventory on race and discuss it with a friend. If you engage a trusted Black or Brown friend, please make sure they have the emotional and mental capacity to handle this.
Your emotionally- and mentally-feeble “Black and Brown friend” may be unable to “handle” your higher level self-flagellation, dripping condescension, and dehumanization of them as people, so don’t harm them by not first ensuring they are capable of reason and human feelings. Have you ever?!
This is the racist, dehumanizing race hatred masquerading as “antiracism” that white leftists (and black race hustlers and grifters) have embraced, and it is vile.
And the outrageous just keeps on coming. The entire Salvation Army .pdf is a study in the racial superiority of white regressives and their intent to infantalize and still further oppress minorities. For their own good, of course.
It’s sickening and evil, and the left has long been noted for its projection, for stating that others are doing what they are doing. So is it really surprising that the same party that has single-handedly kept black people down for well over a century, kept them in cycles of generational poverty and dependence, kept them in a cycle of abortion that has destroyed millions of black lives before they were even born, is now seeking to double-down on those efforts by blatantly treating black people like addled children who need looking after by their (mostly lily white) elitist betters?
This sick, racist, anti-American Salvation Army manifesto has disgusted the right, who are among the charity’s top givers.
As The Salvation Army launches its Red Kettle Campaign this holiday season, some of its long-time donors are withdrawing their support from the 156-year old charitable organization citing its newly embraced “woke” ideology as the reason.Of great concern to loyal supporters and faithful Salvationists is the initiative dubbed “Let’s Talk About Racism.” In a nutshell, its curriculum outlines the Christian church’s alleged racial collusion and provides action steps to analyze and combat racism through an “anti-racist” lens while incorporating Critical Race Theory.. . . . Active officers in the Salvation Army’s western territory were trained in matters of racial equity in a compulsory manner in January. The agenda for the Territorial Virtual Officers’ Councils on Racial Equity workshop mirrored the “Let’s Talk About Racism” resource put out by the Commission and was required of current officers.General Brian Peddle, CEO of The Salvation Army announced the initiative in February through a video in which he said “it examines racism through the lens of scripture, church and world history and guides gracious discussions about overcoming the damage racism has inflicted upon our world and yes, on our Salvation Army.””As we anticipate having courageous conversations about race please join me in working toward a world in which all people feel included, valued and loved on Earth just as they are in heaven,” Peddle stated in the one-minute video.
Like many of you living in smaller towns across Free America, I know some of the Salvation Army kettle corps, and I would never hurt their feelings or personally attack them. These are people with good hearts donating their time to what they believe to be a good cause.
Speaking of donors to a (formerly) good cause, it looks like the Salvation Army has indeed alienated many of its donors with its embrace and enforcement of racist and divisive CRT.
For the first time in decades, I won’t be putting any dollars in the Salvation Army kettles this year. If I’m feeling kind of Let’s Go Brandon, I may suggest that my friends and neighbors ringing those bells take a look at what their organization is peddling. Or I may not, ’tis the season and all. Either way, the Salvation Army gets not one more dime from me.
[Featured image via YouTube]