Professors at Brown University Think Biden is Doing a Great Job

It appears Biden actually has some fans. His polls may be terrible, but at least he has the faculty at Brown on board.

The College Fix reports:

Contrary to public opinion polls, Brown U. professors think Biden is doing just swellDespite President Joe Biden’s cratering public opinion poll numbers, assorted faculty at Brown University think the chief executive isn’t doing all that bad a job.From the messy withdrawal from Afghanistan, to the handling of COVID, to skyrocketing gas prices and the supply chain mess, Biden’s approval rating at present is only slightly higher than Donald Trump’s just prior to the 2018 midterm elections.On Thursday, the president stated his COVID vaccine mandate will take effect just after the first of the year, despite very poor backing from Republicans, but more significantly only 44 percent support from independents.Overall, a mere 37 percent of independents are on board with the Biden agenda.Of course, there’s also Tuesday’s election results, particularly in Virginia and New Jersey, which could prove a harbinger of things to come one year from now.Nevertheless, Professor Wendy Schiller of the Brown political science department told The Brown Daily Herald the president has “worked hard to better a public health situation [he] inherited.”Despite the overall middling popularity of COVID vaccine requirements, Schiller, a contributor to MSNBC, NPR,, said Biden’s “firm stance was strengthened by [his] usage of ‘federal powers of mandates to make sure to send the signal that this is a public health emergency.’”Schiller also said Biden brings a restoration of “stability” and “predictability” to the presidency: “He seems to me to have a moral fortitude where he is really certain that what he’s trying to do is the right thing to do for as many people as possible.” She added the longtime Delaware senator’s “multiple [life] tragedies […] impact the way he leads.”

Tags: Brown University, College Insurrection, Joe Biden