If Glenn Youngkin Wins. It Should Give The Biden Left Pause, But It Won’t

The Virginia governor’s race has been non-stop drama.  The increasingly desperate Terry McAuliffe campaign has gone from proudly declaring that parents have no rights when it comes to their child’s education to attempting to promote a clear false flag op against Glenn Youngkin.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a campaign as pathetic, desperate, and sad as the McAuliffe campaign.  In fact, the last one I recall that came even close was the Massachusetts Martha you expect me to touch the unwashed masses!? Coakely failed campaign against Scott Brown.  Brown, you may recall, was the 41st vote (back before the Reid rule hobbled the Senate).

Brown’s election to fill Ted Kennedy’s seat in deep blue Massachusetts was going to bust the Democrat supermajority and kill ObamaCare.  Even I got off my couch for that one.  A desperate Coakely got Obama to campaign for her, as well as Michelle Obama.  It didn’t work.  Brown won, but somehow America still lost.

Ultimately, radical anti-American Democrats don’t care one whit what we, the people, think or want.  They will plow ahead with their crazy no matter what.

We saw that when Brown was elected and then-Senate majority leader Harry Reid changed the rules of the Senate to pass the ObamaCare monstrosity despite no longer having the then-required 60 votes . . . and having been deprived of it by Massachusetts’ voters.  A clear sign that the people were not happy and did not want a massive restructuring of our health care and a good chunk of our economy forced through on a party-line vote and rewritten Senate rules.

And we are seeing how little the left cares about the American people now as the cost of everything from food to gas to home heating is going through the roof, the border is a complete disaster, WuFlu vaccine mandates are compounding supply chain problems, and all the Democrat Congress and WH care about is climate change, SALT relief for their wealthiest members, and taxpayer money thrown at every racist-fueled “justice” lunacy they can dream up.

Seriously?  Americans can’t buy gas AND food, but hey, no worries, someday, Biden will build back a better job for us in . . . what? Infrastructure construction or in “retrofitting” every existing structure in America per the Green New Deal?  In those social science patrols who stop violent crime with their words?  Give me a break.

Central planning is so faulty that it cannot work, has never ever worked, but these clowns who are befuddled by labor, fuel, and supply chain problems they (willfully?) created think they have it in the bag?  They are the first central planners in the history of the world to successfully create a utopian commune world?  Well, sure, if they blithely ignore the huge swaths of American voters over whom they are steamrolling.

We know communism creates among a people only misery, poverty, starvation, and alcoholism fueled by despair.  Most ’60s communes, even very small ones, broke down because some people were not happy that others just sat around reaping the rewards of others’ work.  Look, if 20 patchouli-stinking pot-heads can’t make communism work in some California retreat, the chances of it working on a population of over 300 million are nil.  Period.

But logic is racist.  Or something.

Even if Youngkin does pull out a win in Virginia, you can bet that the commie left will not pause and wonder if maybe they are on the wrong track, ignoring the very real concerns of the people.  Indeed, a Youngkin win would mean, somehow, that the radical, un- and anti-American left is winning.  Reams will be written about how Democrats akchually won and again have a resounding mandate to trample our Constitution and enslave our people.  Oh, and about how President Trump was defeated in Virginia (yeah, I know, don’t ask, they are crazy).

If McAuliffe wins, as I suspect he will (somehow), then yeah! All hands on deck for the destruction of America in favor of a brave new world in which up is down and wrong is right. Where boys in skirts can willfully rape middle school students . . . and just be shuffled off to another school district to rape again.

Wait, didn’t the left condemn the Catholic Church for this very thing?  Well, no, that’s different.  Erm, yeah, somehow.  Moving known rapists to another school is totes different; it’s not at all like moving rapist priests to another congregation. Or something.

It’s clear where McAuliffe stands and what he stands for.  We will find out soon enough if Virginia stands with him.

Tags: Biden Administration, Democrats, elections, Virginia