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‘Homophobic’ Graffiti Left on ‘Free Expression’ Bridge Investigated at Duke University

‘Homophobic’ Graffiti Left on ‘Free Expression’ Bridge Investigated at Duke University

“Individuals and student groups may express opinions within this area that are not restricted by content, except by legal standards”

Do you think any criticism of Trump or Republicans would warrant an investigation? I’m guessing no.

The College Fix reports:

Duke University investigates ‘homophobic’ graffiti left on ‘Free Expression’ bridge

Duke University police continue to investigate graffiti left on the East Campus Bridge, at least three weeks after the school first announced the incident.

The Chronicle first reported on the incident on October 19, but did not provide any photos of the graffiti in its article and did not quote exactly what it said. The campus paper described the graffiti as “homophobic” and “anti-Black.”

But the private North Carolina university specifically tells students they are allowed to write anything they want on the bridge.

“Individuals and student groups may express opinions within this area that are not restricted by content, except by legal standards,” the university’s free expression policy says.

That has not stopped an investigation from moving forward. University officials said in an email, according to the Chronicle, that perpetrators could be punished under the school’s “hate and bias policy.”

The paper reported that an email from student conduct director Jeanna McCullers and Clay Adams, vice dean of students, promised to invoke the policy if the perpetrator is a member of Duke.

“We expressly condemn this language and this type of behavior, which devalue and undermine the rich diversity of individuals within and outside of our community,” the email said. “These actions are cowardly and done to disparage our LGBTQIA and people of color communities. This will not be tolerated on Duke’s campus.”

The Fix reached out to McCullers and Adams via email on October 27 and November 1 and asked for a copy of the letter sent to students and an update on the investigation.

Duke University’s media team has not returned a voicemail and three emailed requests for comment.


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The irony is strong with this one.

“Free” expression (Doctor Evil air quotes).

What specifically was on the bridge that has caused this reaction? Or will they tell us? Never mind, stupid question.

Over/Under chances it’s a hoax hoping to spark a “conversation”.

“You are free to express any opinion that we approve of.”

How does Duke define free expression? I’m amazed they can’t figure out how stupid this looks and sounds.