Conservative Black Student at Auburn U. Protesting Vaccine Mandates is Met With Racial Slurs
“this is embarrassing…someone save this c**n”

Progressives claim to support Black Lives Matter, but all of that goes out the window the instant a black person identifies as conservative. What this student was subjected to is just sickening.
Campus Reform reports:
Conservative Auburn student met with racial slurs in response to his anti-mandate views
A student activist speaking out against Auburn University’s vaccine mandate received multiple racist messages after a photo of him holding a controversial protest sign circulated online.
Jaden Heard, a Black sophomore at Auburn University (AU) and a Turning Point USA (TPUSA) member at the school, has been vocal about his disapproval of the school’s vaccine mandate, which is required for all staff members.
To fight against the mandate, Heard, along with other members of the Auburn community, attended an organized protest to spread their anti-mandate message.
Heard told Campus Reform that over one hundred people were present at the protest, which was covered by the Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN).
At the protest, Heard held a sign comparing the school’s mandate to the Tuskegee Experiment, a comparison that sparked backlash from students at Auburn University, as well as at Tuskegee University.
“Basically, AU ended up setting a vaccine mandate on all faculty and staff part time and full time. A lot of us from the TPUSA chapter decided to have a protest on our campus and a bunch of faculty and parents [showed] up as well. I decided to bring a sign and even explained my reasoning for using the sign on RSBN to use at the protest. I decided to post the protest and my sign on my Instagram. Students from Tuskegee University are now personally attacking me, threatening me, calling me racial slurs, and here we are,” Heard explained to Campus Reform.
Heard posted his RSBN interview to his personal Instagram page. With this, came backlash from students from his school and beyond.
Campus Reform obtained screenshots of comments and direct messages sent to Heard, some including racial slurs and racist comments in response to him having an opinion that goes against progessive approved narrative.
Multiple individuals called Heard a “c**n.” One posted Heard’s interview on Instagram story, writing “this is embarrassing…someone save this c**n.”
Another user commented on Heard’s Instagram post saying “I hate how brainwashed you are, but remember you still a NEGRO.”

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Just another man-child needing guidance4 from Concerned Whites ™ who know what is good for him.
Progressives being actively racist?
Wait, I forgot — progressives can’t be racist.
When they do it, it’s called something else.
I don’t think they’ve ever said what that is, though.
I miss newspapers. People cannot immediately comment on a newspaper article. And even letters are edited. It is clear as to why that is so.
In tweeto veritas.
Allowing idiots the opportunity to voluntarily identify themselves for your cataloging is the next best thing to requiring them to get “L” forehead tattoos.
And newspapers learned their lesson. Ten years ago, newspapers’ websites, as well as those of TV stations and networks, afforded very active comments sections. Now, try to find one, at least for any media with circulations larger than the East Wormhole Navel Gazer. They’ve discovered that the narrative is hard to hold together when their readers continually poke holes in it.
I suspect it was the reporters realizing that the readership was better educated and informed than they were.
I am guessing that fair use would allow a website that was dedicated to commenting on stories in the local rag. Maybe a reddit sub called “what they got wrong” which would be similar to my favorite “what could go wrong” where the comments are almost always better than the featured SNAFU.