Chinese Dissident on Wokeness in America: “In Many Ways, You’re Already in the Authoritarian State”

A dissident from China named Ai Weiwei was recently a guest on Firing Line, which, I honestly forgot was still a thing. Anyway, he had some fascinating views on political correctness.

He suggested that the ideology of the left is reminiscent of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

He also said that political correctness is making America an authoritarian state.

The Daily Wire has details:

Famed Chinese Dissident: U.S. ‘Already In Authoritarian State,’ ‘Dangerous’ Wokeism Like Mao RevolutionChinese dissident Ai Weiwei, a famed artist and activist, warned Americans during an interview that aired late last week that they are already under the control of an authoritarian state, they just don’t realize it yet.Weiwei said that the situation in China has become “more extreme, in terms of censorship, in terms of their tolerance to dissidents.” He later added that he was not hopeful for China’s future given the direction that China is going.Later, when asked about authoritarianism in the U.S., Weiwei said “certainly, in the United States, with today’s condition, you can easily have an authoritarian.”“In many ways, you’re already in the authoritarian state,” he said. “You just don’t know it.”When asked how so, he responded, “Many things happening today in U.S. can be compared to Cultural Revolution in China.”“Like people trying to be unified in a certain political correctness,” he continued. “That is very dangerous.”

Here’s a short clip. You’ll notice that host Margaret Hoover tries to bait him into saying Trump is an authoritarian. His answer doesn’t go the way she wanted.

The full episode is about 27 minutes long, if you want to watch it:

It’s amazing that Biden is trying to mandate vaccines, the left has gone full-on insane over controlling language and Hoover wanted to know if Weiwei thinks Trump is an authoritarian.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: China, Culture, Political Correctness, Progressives