Loudoun County Family of Girl Allegedly Sexually Assaulted in School Plans to Sue LCPS

Scott Smith Loudoun County

Scott Smith accused the Loudoun School Board of covering up his daughter’s alleged sexual assault by a boy in the girl’s bathroom on May 28. Well, he accused them recently, but he tried in June at a school board meeting. The cops arrested him for disorderly conduct before he could let everyone know what his daughter said happened to her.

In the last few days, the Loudoun County Public Schools and the board have tried to cover their tracks. However, the second case of an alleged sexual assault in a girl’s bathroom at another school on October 8 raised even more red flags.

The sheriff’s office reported the October 8th incident. The school board insisted it did not know about the May 28 incident. Apparently, May 28 had “a different set of circumstances.”

The Loudoun County commonwealth’s attorney confirmed the same boy is the suspect in both cases.

The Smith family has now obtained legal counsel and plans to pursue a lawsuit against LCPS and the school board.

Attorneys for the family of the Stone Bridge High School student who was sexually assaulted in the girls’ restroom on May 28 by a boy claiming to be “gender fluid” today announced they will pursue legal actions against Loudoun County under the provisions of Title IX.The Smith family has retained The Stanley Law Group of Virginia, which will also represent Mr. Smith against “wrongful and unconstitutional” charges filed against him in Circuit Court.

The Smiths also repeated their accusation against the schools and school board:

The facts are that a male student claiming to be “gender fluid” was permitted to enter the girls bathroom on May 28 and sexually assaulted our daughter. Making matters worse, the school system repeatedly failed to protect our daughter. Then, they concealed the sexual assault from the public while considering formalizing a bathroom access policy that would have – and now has – increased the likelihood of sexual assaults like these. as a result, our daughter and our family has suffered, and continue to suffer, from the very real consequences of a policy that endangers the safety of every student.

Tags: Education, Sexual Assault, Virginia