Huge Win for Parents as Loudoun County School Board Member Beth Barts Resigns
Beth Barts has been embroiled in one controversy after another, beginning with (but not limited to!) her involvement with the odious “The Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County” Facebook group.

Yesterday, a group of parents gathered in front of the Loudoun County Public Schools headquarters and called for the immediate resignation of any school board member who had knowledge of an alleged sexual assault at one district high school and failed to take steps to prevent a second alleged assault at a different high school.
Today, school board member Beth Barts tendered her resignation, effective November 2nd. Which, by the way, is an election day here in Virginia. In a statement posted on social media by the school board, Barts wrote:
“Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from the Loudoun County School Board effective November 2, 2021. This was not an easy decision or a decision made in haste. After much thought and careful consideration, it is the right decision for me and my family.”
“This could not have been any easy decision for Ms. Barts. We have made known our displeasure with her actions as a school board member over the past several months, but today she has done the right thing. Her former colleagues should take notice.
The community should know, however, that the problems with Loudoun County Public Schools and on the board go well beyond one school board member. We will continue to shine a light on Loudoun County Public School and will keep fighting until we have a school board of common sense, non-partisan members and a superintendent who is accountable to the parents and tells the truth.”
One thing is clear here: the power and the momentum are with the parents. This is what happens when you stop ceding ground to the other side and start going on offense.

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So it wasn’t her hate or dishonesty that brought her down, it was actual violent crime.
This is actually a bit disheartening. How many more just like her are hanging on simply because there haven’t been criminal charges filed (or buried) in their districts?
It’s not clear that Barts’ resignation had any connection with the “call for the immediate resignation of any school board member who had knowledge of an alleged sexual assault,” or whether the timing was just a coincidence. Barts was under fire for much longer for very different reasons.
Why are they always so fat??
Because leftist women are ugly inside and out.
and DANGEROUS for over passes and other crossing with weight limits.
The first rat is crawling down the rope toward the shore. Law suits have this effect. Remember if she violated anyone’s constitutional rights she loses her qualified immunity. I see becoming a witness for the plaintiff in her future.
Lawsuits lead to discovery. The Board needs to be reminded that cover-ups are often worse than the original offenses.
See below. They screwed up having dad arrested. The fan will soon need disinfecting.
I would not call it a “huge” win.
I would reserve the word “huge” to the scenario where they all resign and get charged. They are nothing less than criminals.
accessories before and after the fact of multiple crimes.
Well, in a way, it is a huge win. When Fight for Schools started out, Barts was their main thorn and their only target. Now she’s gone. It’s just that in the meanwhile, the huge thicket has been mapped more completely, its extent is better understood, and multiple avenues of attack are now apparent.
So, who appoints her successor?
“Beth Barts tendered her resignation, effective November 2nd. Which, by the way, is an election day here in Virginia.”
I’m assuming this may mean that “vote for no more than N” on the ballot suddenly becomes “vote for no more than N+1.”
No, I’m assuming it will be “Vote for N” and then they’ll have to have a special election at a later date to fill the vacancy. That is unless they still don’t have the ballots prepared for the upcoming election.
It’s a county, not a state, so it’s on the cusp as far as dates go.
She is just the tip of the iceberg.
Our public schools are sinking because they hit a Woke iceberg consisting of radical teacher unions and politicized school boards.
It’s astonishing that the teachers unions and the school board members do not realize that they and their woke (neo-racist) agenda is the problem. Anytime the school system is on the OTHER SIDE of parents – members of the school system should have the brain-power to realize they took a wrong turn somewhere. Reminds me of a quote – “none are so blind as those who refuse to see”.
Our public schools are toast because of single family parents low on the IQ totem pole who also have the morals of a jailbird.
There’s no hope other than to homeschool your kids or send them to private schools. Even still, the population coming out of public schools is too often unemployable and a criminal menace.
“Anytime the school system is on the OTHER SIDE of parents – members of the school system should have the brain-power to realize they took a wrong turn somewhere.”
In our government monopoly bureaucratic “public” school system – “The One Best System”, the “school system” is ALWAYS “on the OTHER SIDE of [approximately half of] parents”.
Could someone please explain to my why the LI staff and most commenters seem unable to comprehend this?
Maybe you misunderstand it. Just because approximately half of America votes D doesn’t mean that those same people are totally in bed with some of the extreme wackness that the Ds get behind.
If you asked the average D, “Do you think it’s OK for a political party to create scandalous claims out of whole cloth to disgrace and impede an innocent politician?” that they would say yes? You’d more likely get deflective responses like “The FBI didn’t really do that!” Because they know in their hearts that “yes” is never an acceptable answer.
In easier times, school boards often had near-total support in the community. People were satisfied with the schools, they accepted the tax rate involved, etc. The school board made sure the bills were paid, the laws were followed, and the district’s kids and teachers got lots of praise and kind words. It doesn’t have to be a bunch of 51-49 ideological issues.
It would be well that she might bear the burden of her wanton and reckless disregard for others, in a durable and meaningful manner.
There is so much toxic poison and malice in the public indoctrination system that I have little confidence in it ever being trustworthy, again.
The harshest penalty would be to lock her refrigerator between the hours of 5pm to 6am.
C’mon, you’re better than that.
Um, aren’t you?
“There is so much toxic poison and malice in the public indoctrination system that I have little confidence in it ever being trustworthy, again.”
It has always been a “public indoctrination system”. In former times most of us agreed with the content of the indoctrination. Lots of Catholics, for example, were not.
did not.
Editing capability would be nice, but I’m grateful for what you give us.
I remember some indoctrination in my schooling, which I filtered out in real time. But mostly it was facts in social studies and history, more writing than I enjoyed doing, and learning a bit of science and some math basics. It prepared me reasonably well for an engineering major in college.
We still do some of that. The most contentious issues involve reducing that in the interest of DEI; somehow those things are racist if the outcomes are correlated to race. But the system can be good if we get past the lefty arguments and intentional interruptions.
Covering up child rape and retaliation against a parent for talking about it should result in prison time.
Or, being forced to go into that same bathroom for a few hours with the transvestaite rapist.
If you could find one that would even consider victimizing someone as… well, nevermind.
I am a teacher myself, and I am cheering for those Loudoun parents. Not only are our school systems being forced to be complicit in rapes by “transgirls” on biological girls, but we are also nw supposed to affirm a path that at worst leads to suicide and at best to a life of expensive hormonal treatments and irreversible surgery. I pray that this marks the beginning of a great counterrevolution.
Keep in mind that no one has connected Barts to the rape scandal. They are two different things.
In fact, the School Board has steadfastly denied that they even knew about the incident. Which is not outside the realm of possibility, if a principal decided to “handle it’ and transfer the student without informing the Board (as I think he is legally required to do, so I wouldn’t want to be that principal right now). I don’t think we have any real evidence one way or the other, YET, about whether the Board really was informed about this incident.
“The alleged perpetrator was transferred to a different county high school and is alleged to have committed another sexual assault last week at his new school.”
And this school board pig merely resigns? That’s a small win. There needs to be criminal prosecution for aiding and abetting felony assault, non compliance with mandatory reporting laws, and conspiracy to deceive law enforcement – followed by a public flogging of this school board pig.
The civil lawsuit is going to be large, but we taxpayers are stuck with paying it. But you’re absolutely right: this porcine slob is an accessory after the fact and should be prosecuted.
See my comment above — this particular “pig” is not implicated in the rape scandal so far. Her offenses were quite different.
One down. All of the rest to go.
Rabid diversitist. Affirmative discrimination. Karmic irony.
Waiting for arrests. Anything else is not enough for me.
No, it isn’t. Because they’ll simply replace Barts with someone just as bad, or worse, and nothing will change. Guaranteed.
That Barts is allowed to “resign” is just the first skirmish of the first battle. There’s going to have to be a lot more “resignations” before that school board truly changes.
Well, maybe, maybe not. I have to assume that of all the parents in the thick of this battle, there have to be several who have vowed, “screw this clownshow, I’m running for school board.” If you pay attention and outnumber the clowns on the ballot, you starve the circus.
Huge victory? Replace all of the board members, the superintendent, the principals, and the teachers – you still have America’s best example of totalitarian socialism. Only perhaps it’s your kind of totalitarian socialism.
Let us not be unreasonable! Please!
Having been on the receiving end of punishment when I was only a peon and had no control of what happened, I disagree with your totalitarian solution. I am sure there are good teachers (and maybe principals) who disagree with bad policies but find themselves unable to resist (for whatever reason). Weren’t there some school board members who disagreed? And I would not condemn a superintendent who believed it was his (or her) responsibility to implement the decisions of the board, as that is what they are hired to do.
Even her resignation states the underlying problem: “This is the right decision for me, and my family”
I couldn’t care less about her, or her family, nor should they play part in this decision. The decision point should be – What is best for my community? Right?
Barts’ comments and actions in defense of CRT and theLGBT agenda were horrific
The second rat crawls down the rope toward the shore.
Epoch Times,
Public Schools Superintendent Scott Ziegler made the admission during a brief appearance before reporters, where he read a prepared statement and took no questions.
Ziegler said that the district made “errors in our state reporting regarding disciplinary incidents in schools,” adding that it “inadvertently omitted some information in the past.”