Chinese American Group Calls On Parents and Students To Opt Out Of “Totalitarian Social Emotional Surveys” In NY Schools

The Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York (CACAGNY) released a statement on October 19 advising parents of students in New York City schools to “immediately opt out of new invasive and totalitarian Social Emotional Surveys designed as re-education for children.” CACAGNY notes that parents from totalitarian states should recognize these surveys as “the language of re-education and thought control.”

CACAGNY warns in the letter:

Under “social emotional learning” (SEL) programs that include “screenings,” school staff performs what amounts to psychiatric evaluation and therapy. SEL hands over to school staff powerful mental health techniques that, even for adult patients, are rife with risks of misuse, manipulation, and abuse–and they want to put vulnerable kids at such risks! Worse, school staff are not licenses mental health professionals, so if they abuse our kids, there is no professional oversight to prevent, monitor, or discipline them! Quite the opposite: some some states are preemptively proposing to give SEL school staff qualified immunity from malpractice claims – something NYC denies to even the police. Finally, we know school districts need to extract certain kinds of answers from our kids, to justify their Critical Race Theory (CRT) and associated identity pedagogies. For all these reasons, don’t consent to the surveys!

CACAGNY advises parents to utilize the opt-out process, included in small print at the bottom of the survey.

This may sound over the top to some, but for those who have paid attention to the radicalization of public schools as early as kindergarten, this sounds very familiar. Indeed, CACAGY says, the first survey tells the kids “schools are now officially in charge of their social and emotional assessment,” and if they don’t please the schools, “the schools can bludgeon them with the giant club of ‘mental illness,’ then ‘help’ them until they ‘recover.'” [emphasis added]

It’s very important to understand the language used. Proponents of CRT use innocent sounding terms to make it seem as if a need for equity exists. Social Emotional Learning has become a popular tool in radical new school lessons that introduces concepts of CRT into everyday curriculum. Often paired with climate surveys designed to produce disparate results among different racial cohorts, these methods too often presuppose a conclusion that demonstrates the need for such things as culturally responsive learning to close so-called equity gaps. Equity gaps seem easy to prove, but ultimately are a logical fallacy–the old correlation not being causation problem.

CACAGNY has sounded the alarm several times over CRT in New York schools:

CACAGNY Denounces Critical Race Theory as Hateful Fraud

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a hateful, divisive, manipulative fraud.

CRT appears in our workplaces under the cover of implicit bias/sensitivity training. It infiltrates our schools pretending to be culturally/ethnically responsive pedagogy, with curricula such as the New York Times’ 1619 Project and Seattle’s ethnomathematics. Hate groups, with allies in politics, the press and education, pass CRT off as anti-racism and diversity, equity and inclusion, but CRT is exactly the opposite. From its very roots, CRT is racist, repressive, discriminatory, and divisive.

What is CRT?

Heavily influenced by such hate promoters as Marx, Lenin, Gramsci, Schmitt, Marcuse, Foucault and Freire, but with race struggle replacing class struggle, CRT’s main ideological dogmas are:


Earlier in October, CACAGNY held a rally in protest of Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s decision to end Gifted and Talented programs in NYC schools over equity concerns:

Instead of returning to tried and true methods of teaching that used to produce positive results, equity-minded school teachers and administrators have created an environment in which a student’s failure and the dismal proficiency scores in core subjects must necessarily derive from systemic racism. SEL, climate surveys, and other such contrivances assume the problem, provide correlative statistics, and present the grand solution in one neat, tidy package.

On top of that, as CACAGNY points out, more and more schools are handing the keys to students’ mental health over to equity-minded bureaucrats.


Jeff Reynolds is the author of the book, “Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and Their Campaign to Undermine Democracy,” available at Jeff hosts a podcast at You can follow him on Twitter @ChargerJeff, on Parler at @RealJeffReynolds, and on Gab at @RealJeffReynolds.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, New York City, Social Justice