A new poll from Quinnipiac has Biden at 38% approve and 55% disapprove. It’s absolutely stunning to see Biden sink this low after only nine months in office.
And that’s not all. A majority finds the Biden administration is not competent.
From Quinnipiac:
Americans Give President Biden Lowest Marks Across The Board, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Majority Say The Biden Administration Is Not CompetentPresident Joe Biden receives a negative 38 – 53 percent job approval rating, the lowest score he’s received from the American people on his job performance since taking office, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll of adults released today. In Quinnipiac’s last national poll released 3 weeks ago, he received a negative 42 – 50 percent job approval rating.Today, Republicans (94 – 4 percent) and independents (60 – 32 percent) disapprove of the job Biden is doing, while Democrats approve 80 – 10 percent.
Biden is underwater on pretty much every major issue:
– the response to the coronavirus: 48 percent approve, while 50 percent disapprove;- the economy: 39 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove;- his job as Commander in Chief of the U.S. military: 37 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;- taxes: 37 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove;- foreign policy: 34 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;- immigration issues: 25 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove;- the situation at the Mexican border: 23 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove.
Biden’s situation is so bad that even liberal media types are talking about it on the air.
Lindsay Kornick of FOX News notes that CNN’s Jake Tapper mentioned it:
CNN’s Jake Tapper calls President Biden’s new poll numbers ‘brutal’CNN anchor Jake Tapper called new poll numbers for President Biden “brutal” on Wednesday.Quinnipiac University released its results from its latest survey which show Biden’s approval numbers underwater. The president’s approval rating is at 38%, down from 42% last month. The survey, which was conducted Oct. 1-4, also showed disapproval of the president rising from 50% up to 53%…”These new poll numbers are frankly brutal for the president,” Tapper said during his CNN show “The Lead.”
And then there’s this tweet from ABC News:
At the rate he is going, Biden could be a lame duck president before his first midterm election.