Arbery Case Day 5 Wrap-Up: Only 20% of Pool Conceded Pre-Formed Opinion on Guilt

Welcome back to our ongoing coverage of the Ahmaud Arbery case, in which defendants Greg McMichael, Travis McMichael, and William Bryan are being tried for murder and other charges in the shooting death of Arbery.  I am, of course, Attorney Andrew Branca, for Law of Self Defense.

Today the court proceeded with jury selection, or voir dire, in the case, with the goal of empaneling 12 jurors and 4 alternates.  Today was the fifth group of prospective jurors put through the selection process, with each group nominally numbering 20 people (note that there was no jury selection conducted this past Friday, as the court was in recess for the day due to some personal conflict of one of the lawyers involved in the case).

Today’s voir dire process mirrored that of last week, with general (group) voir dire being conducted in the jury assembly room, and subsequent individual voir dire conducted in the courtroom afterward (again, with no audio).  We’ll share our notes and video of the general voir dire proceedings with you here.

I did notice that the juror numbers from last Thursday, the last day of general voir dire, ranged in the high 200’s, and the juror numbers from today ranged in the high 300’s.  This would almost seem to suggest that several blocks of 20 prospective jurors had been skipped for some reason–but that’s speculation on my part.

Key Findings of Today’s General Voir Dire

Of particular note from today’s general voir dire:

General Voir Dire

Once again today’s general voir dire was a four-stage process, with welcoming remarks and a few questions from Judge Walmsley, then extensive questioning by Prosecutor Linda Dunikoski, more succinct questioning by Defense Counsel Jason Sheffield, and finally closing remarks and cautions by Judge Walmsley, after which the court transitioned into individual voir dire.

Judge Walmsley Welcomes and Questions Prospective Jurors

As one would expect, Judge Walmsley’s opening remarks to the prospective jurors today was essentially identical to his remarks from yesterday.

It was here that only 20% of the prospective jurors indicated they had formed or expressed an opinion on the guilt of the defedants.  In contrast, that figure last Thursday was 45%.

Here are Judge Walmsley’s four general voir dire questions to the prospective jurors, and their numbered responses:

Are any members of panel related by blood or marriage to any defendant or Ahmaud Arbery? 408, 411

Formed or expressed any opinion re: guilt or innocence of accused? 377, 379, 390, 397

Have you any prejudice or bias resting on your mind either for or against the accused? Judge didn’t read aloud the number! Seemed just one.

Not impartial between state and accused? 377, second he didn’t say aloud!

At that point he handed over general voir dire to the State, in the form of Senior ADA Linda Dunikoski.

Senior ADA Linda Dunikoski

Once again, ADA Dunikoski took just over 40 minutes to work through roughly 80 questions identical to those she asked yesterday, as well as to read through a lengthy list of prospective witnesses to see if any were known to the panel.  Like yesterday, the state had about 80 general voir dire questions for the prospective jurors.

Do any of you know us [prosecutors]? No one.

Anyone not currently reside in Glynn County? No one.

Anyone under 18 years old? No one.

Anyone convicted of felony and not had rights restored? No one.

Anyone who sat on the grand jury that returned this indictment in this case? No one.

Anyone here who is a POST-certified LEO with arrest powers? No one.

Anyone 70 or older and does not wish to serve on jury? No one.

Anyone full-time student currently enrolled and atttending classes? No one.

Anyone full-time caretaker of child 6 or younger and no alternative child care? No one.

Anyone full-time caretaker of elderly or disabled person, no alternative? No one.

Anyone have difficulty hearing? 390

Anyone who has difficulty with English language? 390

Anyone have unavoidable personal conflict with trial schedule, surgery, birth of grandchild in distant state, etc.? 408, 415, 377

Any related by blood or marriage to local DA Keith Higgins? No one. Know him personally? No one.

Anyone related by blood or marriage to former DA Jackie Johnson? No one. Know her personally? No one.

DA pro-tem, Flynn Brody, anyone related by blood or marriage? No one.

Any opinion on election where Jackie Johnson defeated by Keith Higgins for DA? No one.

Anyone have opinion why Cobb County DA office assigned to case by Georgia AG? No one.

Anyone here unable to give state fair trial because we DAs not from here, from Cobb County? No one.

Anyone related to Waycross DA George Barnhill? No one.

Barnhill Jr.? Former local prosecutor, now in private practice, in Brunswick? No one.

Know Atlantic DA? No one.

Anyone know any of the defense attorneys (names them in pairs for each defendant)?

Defense counsel Gough, related by blood or marriage: 392

Know Gough by his work as lawyer? No one.

Know Travis McMichael? No one.

Know Greg McMichael? No one.

Know “Roddy” Bryan? 383

Know Ahmaud Arbery? 411, 408

Know Arbery’s mother, Wanda Cooper Jones? 408, 411

Markus Arbery Sr., Ahmaud’s father? 408, 411

Markus Arbery Jr. , Ahmaud’s brother? 408, 411

Know Ms. Elrod? 383

Lee McMichael, Travis mother? 402

Lindsey McMichael, Travis sister? No one.

Anyone know Judge Walmsley? No one.

Anyone here previously been through jury service, to a verdict? 377, 380, 383, 415

Were any of you foreman? No one.

Did you reach verdict? 380, 383, 377. 415–they settled.

Anyone sat on a grand jury before? No one.

When received summons for jury duty, directed to web site, there were documents related to this case, did you look at them? 377

Anyone serve in military? No one.

Anyone have prior LEO experience, previously POST-certified? 381 (Federal)

Anyone have close friend or family member in law enforcement or previously? 377, 379, 380, 381, 392, 397, 411, 415

Anyone have experience in field of social work? No one.

Work or education in counseling, psychology, psychiatry? No one.

Have experience in legal field, lawyer, paralegal, took classes on law, etc. 392

Anyone have experience in criminal justice field? Prison work, mentoring in prison? 381

Related to or close friend who works in a prosecutor’s officer, anywhere? No one.

Anyone who has medical training, beyond CPR or lifeguard? 402, 414

Anyone know criminal defense attorney? 392

Notable bad experience with law enforcement? No one.

Notable good experience with law enforcement? No one.

Notable bad experience with prosecutor? No one.

Notable good experience with prosecutor? No one.

Notable bad experience with criminal defense attorney? No one.

Notable good experience with criminal defense attorney? No one.

Anyone arrested or convicted for something like DUI or more serious? Not traffic. 380, 379, 395, 402, 390

Close friend or relative arrested or convicted of serious charge? 379, 397, 402, 396, 411, 414, 386, 390

Anyone falsely accused of crime, whether involved police or not? 396, 411

Close friend or relative falsely accused of crime, police involved or not? No one.

Anyone been a victim of a violent crime or crime against your person? 395, 396, 386, 402, 403, 409, 415

Close friend or relative victim of violent crime or crime against person? 386, 402, 408

Anyone witnessed violent crime in progress? 381, 411

Anyone taken cell phone video of crime in progress? No one.

Anyone victim of burglary or home invasion? 380, 383, 386, 402, 414, 415

Close friend or relative victim of burglary or home invasion? 379, 402

Ever had a firearm stolen out of your car? 402, 415 (out of house, not car), 383 (stolen from house), 380 (stolen from house?)

Ever had to give a statement to law enforcement, beyond traffic? 386, 402, 396, 414

Ever call 911 about a crime? 402, 403

Ever been a witness at trial, sworn, civil or criminal? 396, 397, 381, 415

Have you ever taken upon yourself to investigate a crime? No one.

Friend or family member who has taken upon self to investigate a crime? No one.

Recognize any other prospective juror in this room? No one.

At Selden Park last Monday (initial report for jury duty), recognize anyone ther? 377, 379, 381, 395, 402, 408, 409

You or anyone in household owns firearm? 377, 379, 380, 381, 383, 386, 392, 397, 402, 408, 409, 411, 415 (13/20)

Ever had to carry gun for job? 381

Anyone have non-military, non-LEO firearms training, took a class? 383, 392, 386, 402, 396, 414

Lived in Glynn County less than 5 years? 379, 386, 403, 411

Anyone currently reside in Scitilla Shores neighborhood? No one. Previously? No one.

Particularly familiar with that neighborhood? No one.

Anyone currently reside in Royal Oaks neighborhood? No one. Previously? No one. Particularly familiar with that neighborhood? 409, 415

Across highway 17, Fancy Bluff neighborhood, anyone live there? No one. Previously? No one. Particularly familiar? 409

Anyone here have religious, moral, ethical conviction that would keep you from passing judgment on a person, unable to return a verdict, never going to happen, guilty or not guilty? 390

Anyone have personal conviction unable to pass judgment, unable to render verdict? 390

Reverse question, anyone does NOT belong to any social group, no church, no bowling league, no book club, no professional association, etc. 392, 396, 402, 403

Anyone here or relative or close friend ever been arrested and thought treated unfairly by either police or criminal justice system? No one.

Anyone here, relative, or close friend ever arrested for kidnapping or false imprisonment? No one.

Anyone here, relative, close friend ever arrested for shooting someone? No one.

Anyone here, relative, close friend ever arrested for murder? 397, 380

Anyone feels will be unable to follow law as instructed by Judge Walmsley, even if disagree with it? No one.

Anyone here who WANTS to serve on jury? 396

Anyone thinking now they should have raised card to prior question? 395, about Markus Sr., went to school with him, knew him by nickname.

433, medical training.

415, know Greg McMichael from coming into my business.

Juror 390 is accompanied by a person younger than 390, who is addressing the court at this point in time, what’s your relation to juror 390? She’s my mother.

Judge Walmsley: Language issue? She doesn’t speak English. First language is Spanish. 90% she doesn’t understand. Interpreter required all the time. But she does know someone who was involved in shooting, suicide.

408, DUI of relative.

381, medical training, and social group, not part of such groups.

383, DUI of relative.

ADA  Dunikoski then read through her extensive list of possible witnesses, inquiring as to each if any of the jurors knew any of them.

Having completed her questioning of the prospective jurors, ADA Dunikoski turned the pool over to the defense.

Defense Counsel Jason Sheffield

Defense Counsel Jason Sheffield conducted the general voir dire for the defense as a whole (although, technically speaking, he represents only Travis McMichael).

It is notable that Sheffield again introduced Travis McMichael as “former Coast Guard,” without objection from either State prosecutors, nor objection from the court.  Accordingly, I expect this will be done in every general voir dire.

Sheffield’s questioning of the pool took about 13 minutes, asking about 20 questions identical to those he asked yesterday.

Anyone know Travis McMichael, “former Coast Guard”? 415

Anyone know Greg McMichael? 415

Anyone know Roddy Bryan? 383, 395, 415

Any of you, after seeing what’s in media, or in community, developed a negative feeling about Travis McMichael? 377, 392, 395, 397

Anybody developed negative feeling about Greg McMichael? 377, 392, 397

Anyone developed negative feeling about Roddy Bryan? 377, 392, 397

Negative thoughts or feelings about criminal defense lawyers? No one.

Anyone have NO firearms in your home? 395, 396, 403, 414, 416, 390 (?)

Anyone ever voted for or supported political candidate based on position to limit gun rights?

Anyone oppose the laws that allow for open or concealed carry in public places? 390

A lot of demonstrations, marches, gatherings, locally and elsewhere, participate in any of these demonstrations or marches pursuant to social justice movement, before or after the shooting in this case? 403, 414, 381

Anyone supported in any way the Black Lives Matter movement, whether financial support or bumper sticker or yard sign, whatever. 397, 403, 411, 414

Anyone feels ever been denied any opportunity because of ethnicity or race? 380, 390

Anyone feels been falsely accused of doing something wrong of anything or suspected based on race or ethnicity? 411

Also 390 to last question (translation required, so delay)

Anyone agree the old Georgia flag, from 1956 to 2002, was a racist symbol? No one.

Anyone agree that people of color are not treated fairly by criminal justice system? 379, 380, 386, 395, 397, 403

Anyone feel, about police in general, do not treat equally black and white people? 380, 386, 395, 392, 397, 403, 411

Any experience with psychology or psychiatrists led you to believe they could find mental illness in just about anybody? 379, 396

Anyone have anything going on at home or work so difficult that it will consume your thoughts while sitting in trial, we will not have your full attention at all times, impair your ability to give your full attention, could be two, three week trial? 383, 392, 377, 390, 397, 408, 411 (7/20)

On subject of full attention during trial, we will take breaks, but if you have a mental, physical, visual, auditory hearing issue that could impair your ability to focus on trial, would need more than usual breaks? 390, 397, 416

Lastly, anyone here concerned that their verdict could in some way affect them after this trial when back in community, at home, at church, with friends, or professional associations, cause concern or problem? 402

After the defense had worked through its questions, the proceedings were returned to Judge Walmsley.

Judge Walmsley Closing Remarks and Cautions to Prospective Jurors

Judge Walmsley informed the prospective jurors that they’d take a short recess and then transition into individual voir dire in which they would be questioned separately to follow up on these and other questions.

He cautioned them that until he instructs them otherwise that they were not to discuss the case amongst themselves or others, not to search out information about the case, not visit the neighborhoods involved, none of that.  Further, if anyone approaches them about the case, or is discussing the case within their hearing, they are to notify the court.

And with that the court recessed, to come back into session a short time later with individual voir dire.

Individual Voir Dire: No Useful Coverage

As noted, individual voir dire is broadcast without sound, so that broadcast is of little use for purposes of analysis.  Basically the broadcast of individual voir dire consists of video of this scene, without sound, for hours:

Presumably, local journalists will be reporting the bare facts such as how many jurors were dismissed and how many were seated, and we’ll share that information with all of you as it comes our way.

OK, folks, that’s all I have for you on these jury selection proceedings today.

Until next time:


You carry a gun so you’re hard to kill.

Know the law so you’re hard to convict.

Stay safe!


Attorney Andrew F. Branca
Law of Self Defense LLC

Nothing in this content constitutes legal advice. Nothing in this content establishes an attorney-client relationship, nor confidentiality. If you are in immediate need of legal advice, retain a licensed, competent attorney in the relevant jurisdiction.

Law of Self Defense © 2021
All rights reserved.



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