Wealthy Virginia County to Spend Millions in COVID Relief Funds on ‘Equity’ Programs
“a type of learning intervention that has been scrutinized for its purported ties to left-wing ideas”

Why is COVID relief funding being used in this way? Do you think most taxpayers would approve of this?
FOX News reports:
Virginia county directing $20M of COVID relief toward ‘equity,’ ‘social and emotional’ programs
One of the nation’s wealthiest school systems is planning to spend millions in coronavirus relief money on so-called “equity” training and a type of learning intervention that has been scrutinized for its purported ties to left-wing ideas.
At the end of last month, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) announced it would direct $78.8 million in toward a “welcoming” and “culturally responsive” environment for students. Its website explains that the funding is intended to “support equity professional development for school teams, and social-emotional staff to work directly with departments and school-based teams.”
It adds that “[f]unding will also be used for allocations to schools based on a formula (size, poverty, English learners, special education). These funds will be used to directly support student social emotional needs.”
A more detailed breakdown of FCPS’ plan showed the majority ($46.2 million) designated for “Intervention Special Education Teacher Contracts.” But it also showed $2.2 million going toward “Equity PD for School Teams” and $140,115 toward “Equity PD for Equity Leads” — both apparently referring to professional development for staff and faculty.
The funding came as part of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund III (ESSER III) provisions included in Congress’ coronavirus relief.
Parents Defending Education, a nonprofit opposing so-called woke “indoctrination,” criticized this week one of the social and emotional learning (SEL) initiatives. In total, the school district is directing $23.3 million toward “SEL (Wellness) Intervention” through ESSER III funds.

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“These funds will be used to directly support student social emotional needs.”
Because supporting student academic needs is just so bourgeois.
That, and giving some kid a swift kick in the BEE-hind and telling them to suck it up is cruel.
In Portland there are bus stop benches touting Covid relief funds for foster kids. WHY?
Because it’s Portland?
Memo for Fairfax County Public Schools: Given your intentions, you’d get more bang for your buck just flushing all that money down the toilet.
Parents Defending Education is a wonderful organization. They’re helping our district organize to push away the indoctrination.
Fairfax County, probably lots of woke government employees there. They got what they voted for on their school board.
Supposedly smart people can be so stupid. Voting “woke”, then being shocked, shocked when it affects them. It’s not all Dominion, I’ve seen it in our district. One of the parents shouting the loudest against CRT was dissing me about 4 years ago when I called foul as they were laying the groundwork, implied that I’m a hater, etc. She’s on board now but whatever, I know what weak morality she has. But a vote’s a vote for the present.
Smart? Or, intelligent? I have known many intelligent people with no “smarts”.
COVID sure is the All-Weather Breakfast, isn’t it?
Want to put your entire constituency under house arrest? COVID!
Want to oppress some small businesses and favor others? COVID!
Want to close gun dealers? COVID!
Want to shut down demonstrations that oppose you? COVID!
Want a way to bail out incompetent Democrat states and cities? COVID!
Want a way to slush-fund unauthorized Marxist state programs? COVID!
There’s nothing COVID can’t do!
Destroys everything American, from stove to barn!
That’s right. Makes you ask permission, get approval for everything. That’s the opposite of Americanism.
They will waste COVID funds on this, and then increase my property taxes next year.