Wash-U, Saint Louis Student Senator Caught Removing American Flags From 9/11 Memorial
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Wash-U, Saint Louis Student Senator Caught Removing American Flags From 9/11 Memorial

Wash-U, Saint Louis Student Senator Caught Removing American Flags From 9/11 Memorial

“Alkilani had attempted to trash the memorial on Friday night” but was thwarted by campus police

This is the flagrant disrespect and hatred for America that Democrats and their media mouthpieces and Big Tech enforcers champion.

The College Fix reports:

A student senator at Washington University in St. Louis was nabbed red-handed removing American flags from a 9/11 memorial on this day of tribute.

According to The New Guard, a member of the WashU College Republicans recorded Fadel Alkilani carrying trash bags full of the flags he had just yanked.

Alkilani told the person filming that the memorial was “in violation of school rules” and he “expressed no remorse” for his actions.

When the Young America’s Foundation contacted Alkilani about the incident, he told the group “I did not violate any university or legal policy. Now go away.”

The senator said in a now-protected tweet that he plucked the flags as a “protest against American imperialism and the 900,000 lives lost as a result of post 9/11 war.”

. . . . According to WashU students who were taking part in the 9/11: Never Forget Project, Alkilani had attempted to trash the memorial on Friday night … until campus police arrived and thwarted him. After his vandalism today and subsequent replanting of the flags, police told him he’d be arrested if he tried a third time.


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The Friendly Grizzly | September 12, 2021 at 1:50 pm

So, the Poh-lees are waiting for a third time? Why?

Some YYF-ers need to find him and break his thumbs.

how immature!

empiricallyobvious | September 12, 2021 at 9:05 pm

Sorry Kelly in ME, he is not immature. He knows exactly what he is doing and he is a true fascist…using the power of the state or institution to coerce others or force his ideas on them…

What a brave dissident. Now take your little tantrum to a working class town with lots of veterans and first responders. 3-5 page paper due the next day.