Virginia Education Dept. Blasted for 9/11 Sensitivity Training Video for Teachers
“The Virginia Department of Education is woke-washing the 9/11 attacks.”

A 9/11 sensitivity training video shown to teachers in Virginia is sparking outrage from parents who say it is minimizing the severity of September 11th and rewriting history.
The training session is led by a professor from American University who even says the hijackers should not be called terrorists.
Who can blame parents for being angry about this? It’s a sickening outrage.
Adriana Diaz writes at the Daily Mail:
Virginia Department of Education is accused of ‘hijacking history’ over new video urging teachers to call 9/11 killers ‘extremists’ not ‘terrorists’ to avoid Islamophobia
The Virginia Department of Education have been slammed for a teacher training video which instructs teachers to avoid calling the 9/11 killers ‘terrorists’, and to avoid promoting ‘American exceptionalism’ during lessons about the attacks.
The nearly two-hour long video posted on the VDOE’s YouTube channel is intended to promote a ‘culturally responsive and inclusive 9/11 commemoration’ to guide teachers how to broach the sensitive subject ‘in a way that does not cause harm.’
But the advice was blasted by some parents as ‘woke-washing the 9/11 attacks’, and ‘hijacking history’.
The instructional video shared as part of VDOE’s VA Equity webinar series was lead by American University School of Education professorial lecturer Amaarah DeCuir.
DeCuir shared her ‘Webinar In’s & Out’s’ listing ways she deems appropriate or inappropriate to teach about the events surrounding the 9/11 attacks.
She claimed that asking students to ‘stand and condemn 9/11’ in a performative way would be ‘highly inappropriate.’
She also suggested that teachers use the word ‘extremists’ instead of ‘terrorists’ to further ‘disrupt this false equivalency of Muslims and terrorism.’
‘I choose to use the word extremists and I use this based on the scholarship of other scholars and activists in the community that will also use this word to describe the perpetrators of the crimes associated with 9/11,’ she said.
Unsurprisingly, the Virginia Department of Education has removed the video from their YouTube channel, but you can see parts of it in the local news report below:
FOX News has a statement from the critic who appears at the end of that video:
Asra Nomani, vice president of strategy and investigations at Parents Defending Education, and a Virginia resident, blasted the presentation as “hijacking history” and “sanitizing the truth of the 9/11 attack” in a statement to Fox News.
“As an American Muslim parent and journalist who has investigated Islamic terrorism for the past 20 years, it’s offensive, immoral, unethical, manipulative and dangerous,” Nomani said. “The Virginia Department of Education is woke-washing the 9/11 attacks. Speaker Amaarah DeCuir instructs teachers to erase the fact that the 9/11 hijackers were motivated by an extremist interpretation of Islam. Decuir advises teachers to talk about ‘extremists’ behind the 9/11 attacks, without identifying them as Muslim extremists or calling them out as ‘terrorists.’ It would be like teaching about the Holocaust without discussing Nazi Germany.”
This entire affair is so insulting. It should make people’s blood boil.
Who at the Virginia Department of Education thought this was a good idea?
Featured image via YouTube.

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When people are no longer afraid of getting shot for their actions.
I’ll answer that last question, Mr. LaChance. It was our lamebrain, idiotic Governor that thought this was a good idea.
They’re anxietiests.
For good reason. Americans have thrived on taking every crisis as believable, and act accordingly. Sometimes, even a simple bit of entertainment can lead to drastic measures like suicide. I refer to War of the Worlds.
Cranberries cause cancer.
Coffee causes cancer.
The swine flu panic.
Satanist symbols in soap company trademarks.
The hammer and sickle on Kennedy 50 cent pieces.
Now, covid.
Coffee does cause cancer (1/25,000), but not drinking coffee causes unemployment (1/10), so I assess the relative risks and act accordingly.
Islam is a religion of peace.
All terrorist are loners.
White supremacy is America’s biggest threat.
D&D is a gateway to Satanism.
Heavy metal music is a gateway to Satanism.
Video Games cause real life violence by being mimicked.
Looney Tunes violence causes real life violence by being mimicked.
Very true, except for the part about people committing suicide because of Orson Welles’s War of the Worlds. That didn’t actually happen. The whole story about it causing panic was 95% fake news.
so you raise your children to believe that their “destiny” is to strap on a bomb, walk into a crowd of innocent people, detonate the device while killing as many of the “infidels” as possible, then pass on to your “reward?”
or you teach them that it’s your “destiny” to hijack an airplane full of innocent passengers and fly the machine into a prominent building, killing them all in addition to as many “infidels” in the building as possible, then pass on to your “reward?”
only two examples of the many considered efforts to “terrorize” innocent people in the name/to the glory of allah–and not an anomaly, an isolated incident or two, but a consistent, determined campaign to KILL innocent people that’s been going on for a very long time
efforts to somehow “normalize” such behaviour by calling it anything but what it is–“terrorism” or “murder” –reek of guilt on the one hand and deceit on the other
Islam perfects the next world, not this one.
It is no coincidence that our present government, especially the Justice Dept and Homeland Security are using the the same semantics as the Islamapologists.
The only terrorists they refer to are White Supremacists. History and facts be damned in Newspeak.
Why is Virginia so nutty on so many things? Is this something throughout the state, or is it the high population that “works” in Washington DC but resides in VA?
Wokeism is like a virus. The proximity to DC is likely the cause of the VA infection.
So far no vaccine for it.
And all the non-Virginians overwhelming Northern VA, in particular, bringing their toxic woketardism with them.
I was born and raised in Tidewater for 20+years and live there again after stints in Florida and Texas for education.
I can 100% tell you that this is the NoVA contingent. We had a good state until the spillovers from MD and DC ruined it.
Yep, unfortunately NOVA keeps creeping west and south. The Fredericksburg I grew up in doesn’t exist any more. Not sure what part of the state we’re going to live in when we move back to be closer to our grandkids.
The best solution (for Virginia and the People’s Democratic Republic of Maryland) would be to move DC to the middle of the country.
“or is it the high population that “works” in Washington DC but resides in VA?”
When I lived there, Fairfax and Arlington Counties were considered the state’s liberal hellholes. (Richmond, being the “big city,” was a close second, but nowhere near my wheelhouse). Wypipo who worked in DC never lived in DC. Low-rank military looking to “live red” would commute to the Pentagon every morning from Dale City or even Frederickburg, a 2+ hour commute each way (given the ferocious three-lane-parking-lot traffic congestion inside the Beltway). Manassas was cattle farms, horse schools, antique shops, and fast food restaurants. In the past 40 years, the blue cancer has spread uncontrollably.
“Speaker Amaarah DeCuir instructs teachers to erase the fact that the 9/11 hijackers were motivated by an extremist [*see below] interpretation of Islam.”
*Correct word is “normative,” as in,
Surah 8,60, And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.
Surah 9,29, Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.
[Surah 9:5] But when the forbidden 4 months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Who at the Virginia Department of Education thought this was a good idea?
Probably all of them, given what we know about the crack-pot, anti-American, Marxist scum that makes up so much of Virginia’s government.
“ Probably all of them, given what we know about the crack-pot, anti-American, Marxist scum that makes up so much of Virginia’s government.”
That, and holders of Ed D degrees.
The Virginia Department of Education have been slammed for a teacher training video which instructs teachers to avoid calling the 9/11 killers ‘terrorists’, and to avoid promoting ‘American exceptionalism’ during lessons about the attacks.
“Terrorism” will now be applied only to those whose political or religious views annoy the ruling junta.
I’m offended. There was not one word of praise for Barack Obama who defended the controversial plans to build a Muslim religious center including a mosque at ground zero in New York. Or the need for Biden to visit the mosque on 9/11 celebrating the muslim victory. I mean, come on man.
Q: Who at the Virginia Department of Education thought this was a good idea?
A: All of them.
It sounds like our children are being gas lighted / brain washed into accepting their assailant as not an evil party, alas the Stockholm Syndrome. Sickening.
Stockholm Syndrome multiplied by 10.
Terrorists, no, of course not, just extremists, maybe even over enthusiastic militants, how about we just call them “some people who did something”!?
“Who at the Virginia Department of Education thought this was a good idea?”
All of them. It’s a Democrat administration.
Nauseating dhimmitude, rationalizing, excusing and whitewashing of the intrinsic pathologies of the ideology of “Submission” — supremacism, totalitarianism, belligerence and hatred of non-Muslims — is standard operating procedure for contemporary Dhimmi-crats. They’ve been pulling this crap for the last thirty years, well before the 9/11 attacks.
The thing that has puzzled me about leftists/progressives is that they continue to blame “whites” and “Christians” for all the evils in the world, but don’t apply these same standards to other races and religions.
Because those are not white or Christian. Duh!
“She also suggested that teachers use the word ‘extremists’ instead of ‘terrorists’ to further ‘disrupt this false equivalency of Muslims and terrorism.’”
Remember, folks, a sahih hadith is the highest grade of hadith. And we derive the English word Sunni from what Sunnis call themselves in Arabic; Ahlus Sunnah. The adherents of the Sunnah or example (in Arabic Sunnah is literally the well trodden path) of Muhammad. The example of Muhammad is to be found primarily in the canonical collections of hadith. Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim are the two most authoritative of Khutub al Sittah (six books) that comprise the core canonical texts for Sunnis. And all Sunni Muslims must believe sahih or genuine ahadith or they are heretics.
Sahih Muslim – 5 The Book of Mosques and Places of Prayer
“Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon hlmg) said:
I have been given superiority over the other prophets in six respects: I have been given words which are concise but comprehensive in meaning; I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies): spoils have been made lawful to me: the earth has been made for me clean and a place of worship; I have been sent to all mankind and the line of prophets is closed with me.”
False equivalence my ass.