Terry McAuliffe Thinks Parents Shouldn’t Have a Say in What Schools Teach Their Children

Terry McAuliffe, who wants to be Virginia’s governor again, said during a debate that parents should not be involved in the schools.

Guess what, Terry. Parents are in charge. They aren’t stupid. What about the parents who used to teach? You don’t think even we should have a say in what goes on in the schools?

But it doesn’t matter if a parent isn’t a former or current educator. The parents have every right to be involved in everything that goes on in the schools.

Even if your child doesn’t go there you have a right to speak up because your tax dollars pay for those schools.

SEND YOUR KIDS TO PRIVATE SCHOOLS. A lot of private schools offer many scholarships and aid. They also have uniform exchanges so you don’t have to buy the uniforms. Public schools are a mess.

There’s a reason why I don’t teach anymore. I refused to play politics with my students’ education. I refused to place anything above their education. Their education meant more to me than test scores or passing numbers.

That was in 2004. I cannot imagine what it is like now.

Tags: Education, Virginia