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Point Park University Students Could Face Official ‘Actions’ for Using the Wrong Pronouns

Point Park University Students Could Face Official ‘Actions’ for Using the Wrong Pronouns

“Misgendering, Pronoun Misuse, and Deadnaming Policy”

This policy is being pushed by the school’s office of equity and inclusion, the new Red Guard in higher education.

Campus Reform reports:

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Action could be taken’ against students using wrong pronouns at PPU

On September 13, the Office of Equity and Inclusion notified the student body of Point Park University (PPU) that “action could be taken” against individuals who do not use their classmates’ preferred pronouns.

Campus Reform obtained a copy of the email.

The university’s Misgendering, Pronoun Misuse, and Deadnaming Policy states that “any individual who has been informed of another person’s gender identity, pronouns, or chosen name is expected to respect that individual.” If a complaint is filed regarding this policy, “action could be taken,” the email reads.

“While the University recognizes the aspect of intent versus impact, we must recognize that regardless of the intent, if an individual is impacted in a harmful way, action could be taken if a complaint is filed,” the email states.

The email served to notify students on the university’s anti-discrimination policy for the 2021-2022 academic year.

“The Office of Equity and Inclusion would like to welcome in the 2021-2022 academic year with information on current policies that exist through our office and information regarding the Preferred Name Policy, instances of misgendering, pronoun misuse, and deadnaming (the use of a person’s legal “dead” name instead of using the person’s chosen or preferred name), as well as resources on microaggressions and additional training,” the opening of the email reads.


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“Action could be taken”

This is supposed to sound ominous and succeeds. Someone has been brushing up on their totalitarian handbook.

The Friendly Grizzly | September 21, 2021 at 11:42 am

Is “a$$h01e a pronoun?

Oversoul Of Dusk | September 21, 2021 at 3:49 pm

I hope FIRE fixes bayonets and charges.

These civil rights violations need to get way more expensive. I assume the school has liability insurance. If the payouts get big enough, the smart insurers will raise the premiums a lot or decline to renew the policy.

I hope we get to the point where every illegal “action” by the Office of Iniquity and Oppression results in an uninsured personal judgement against the wackos running the place.

    FIRE can criticize and apply moral pressure, but there’s nothing else it can do. There is no civil right violation, and nothing illegal about it. There is no way to extract any kind of payout. The university is entitled to impose whatever crazy policies it likes, and if students don’t like it (which they shouldn’t) they’re free to go somewhere else.

According to the article, ““any individual who has been informed of another person’s gender identity, pronouns, or chosen name is expected to respect that individual.””

Someone telling me his/her/its preferred pronouns is supposed to engender respect? Unless the preferred pronouns are the obvious traditional ones, all it will engender is ridicule!! And I have no intention of remembering whatever he/she/it prefers.

But I am willing to go with it/its.

My alma mater recently sent out a request to update their alumni records. One of the questions was “Preferred Pronouns.”

I entered “His Royal Highness.” I wonder if they’ll start using my PP on the mail they send asking for donations.

“Chief” or “Master” works for me. Oh, and if questioned, all disrespect was intended.

have an action in mind myself–imagine being a parent who’d forked over tuition to a dump like PPU so that junior, when graduated, would no longer be just an ordinary dumbass but an “edjukated” dumbass


How can any parent knowingly spend genuine cash to send their kid to a place like this?