“Justice for J6” Entrapment Rally was a Bust
Police, media and “fedboi” infiltrators outnumber ‘Justice for J6’ protesters. As expected.

If the Biden administration was banking on using Insurrection Theater to distract from a truly epic series of failures over the past few weeks, its officials must be reeling in disappointment.
The ‘Justice for J6’ rally on Saturday was attended by more police officers and press than protesters, as a few hundred demonstrators gathered near the Capitol building to show support for the January 6th demonstrators who have been incarcerated and are facing a variety of charges.
A heavy police presence – officers in riot gear, plain clothes police, law enforcement on bikes and horses – awaited the crowd. Also there were counterprotesters, who carried homemade signs – one read loser which was a reference to Donald Trump, its carrier said – and ‘Black Lives Matter’ flags. One small group stood on a street corner, blaring the song ‘FTD (F*** Donald Trump).’
Police broke up shouting matches between the two groups, moving people apart before fights could break out. There were no reports of violence amid fears the day could turn into another insurrection. One man with a knife was arrested on a weapons violation charge.
…Nearly 700 people were anticipated to attend the rally. Instead there appeared to be a few hundred people.
U.S. Capitol Police said there were ‘approximately 400 to 450 people were inside the protest area today (excluding law enforcement).’ But they did not break down how many of those were there for the rally, how many were members of the media and how many were counterprotesters.
Perhaps the greatest threat to the public peace were the counter-protesters.
Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger said Friday that the primary concern was not violence at the rally itself, but the potential for violent clashes between the demonstrators and counter-protesters.
WTOP’s Alejandro Alvarez said he’d seen counter-protesters mixing in with rally-goers, but “I have not seen [them] making any attempt to disrupt the event.” He added that “Some debates have broken out, some quite heated. But personally I have not seen any direct confrontation” between any combination of protesters, counter-protesters and the police.
Duffy reported Saturday from the Capitol that there was “a brief interaction between counter-protesters and those leaving the rally heading north from here, but they broke that up pretty quickly.”
There are several media takes that are hilarious. To begin with, most Trump-supporters and independent conservatives understood that this rally had the potential for entrapment by federal agent “infiltrators.” Therefore, those of us who read “alternative media” expected very small crowds, but according to the mainstream media, “Justice for J6” rally draws smaller than expected crowds at U.S. Capitol.
The reporters’ disappointment is palpable.
Citizens filming the event noted that it appeared that Capitol Police may have ended up arresting an undercover agent.
The man showed a badge which prompted the Capitol Police to ask if he’s “undercover”. The man shook his head “no” and was asked if he’s part of the event, to which he said “I’m just here.”
I don’t know how they knew he had a firearm or why he was searched. But I’m guessing someone in the crowd ratted on him because they suspect the crowd is littered with undercover officers. The fact that was the first question asked by the Capitol Police tells me they’re well aware of the officers present.
There’s no way he was going to say “yes, I’m undercover” with people and members of the media listening in.
The social media takes were hilarious.
“Stand down, we got our crew infiltrating the crowd.” “What crowd sarge? I can clearly see our guys in those matching shorts, watches, glasses, shirts. Hey guys!” https://t.co/lhIRngMcWI
— Kaitain 🇺🇸 (@Kaitain_US) September 18, 2021
— Ross Elder (@RossElderWrites) September 18, 2021
Pockets bulging with nothing in them
The same digital watch (non apple)
All black sunglasses
Athletic builds
Dude still wearing his dress socks
Well groomed short faded haircuts
Suspiciously watching someone record them in a group
This is a piece of art https://t.co/PqRLuHlKHK
— ELIJAH SCHAFFER (@ElijahSchaffer) September 18, 2021
— Booger (@PFC_Booger) September 18, 2021
"I thought you were bringing the avocado toast, Brad!" — Today's @FBI https://t.co/Ygk3zOMlOg
— Nick Searcy, INSURRECTIONAL FILM & TELEVISION STAR (@yesnicksearcy) September 18, 2021
It looks like the #JusticeforJ6 “Rally” could have been an email. pic.twitter.com/YLfxWOiBb4
— Erich with an “h” 🇺🇸 (@ErichinATL) September 18, 2021
When you order your insurrection from Wish pic.twitter.com/RGbiLNVD9a
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 18, 2021
I have to say, this is the most fun I have had at a rally I didn’t attend.
I cannot wait to see what next week brings for the Biden administration, since “Insurrection 2.0” was clearly a bust.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Imagine if those weren’t feds and they get home to see the internet buzzing about themselves.
But…those are some glowies right there.
Also, those capitol police riot outfits look like costumes from Space Balls.
Space Balls! Bwahaha! Yeah, the cosplay vibe was off the charts with those.
I know many people who do cosplay. They spend much more time researching and attempting to achieve artistic and historical accuracy. What the FBI did was literally the equivalent of showing up at San Diego ComicCon or Atlanta’s DragonCon wearing only a pair of Spock ears.
Heh, true. I wasn’t clear, though, I was referring to the Space Balls costumes of the Capitol Police (or whomever was in the riot gear) not the fedbois.
No style to those riot suits….they look like giant beetles. Obviously, Hugo Boss was needed.
The more I look at them I see “Sardaukar” writ large.
Had to look that up, but I think you are onto something! LOL
“Bidi, Bidi, Bidi, Bidi, Bidi…. Where’s the Commander, Buck?”
“Hey! You guys all got the exact same sunglasses! Cool! Are you that Gay Men’s Choir? When are you guys going to be on?”
Bet that would go over well…
It’s cosplay much like Biden, dressed up by Dr Jill in a highly tailored suit, going around pretending to be president. He is nothing more than a coplay president, looking like a character out of the walking dead dressed in an expensive suit, while someone else behind the scenes is actually calling the shots. Biden reminds me of these jokers pretending to be police, when in fact they are actual idiots who are not worthy to wear a police uniform.
Hee! And so true!
And, not even major league space ball.
I turned on the sound, hoping to hear Vader’s Imperial March, but was disappointed.
Love the Gestapo uniforms. The only thing missing is the Totenkopf and the NAZI arm band.
Just a gentle reminder Patriots. Any conservative who supports and defends the Constitution will be arrested for exercising their right to protest.
Antifa and BLM can burn cities to the ground and injury with impunity.
Capital protesters go to the Gulag.
BLM and Antifa – the police turn their backs, or release them due to corrupt prosecutors.
Free country? Not really.
Lol what he said
As the traditional culture slowly morphs into the new ‘counterculture’.
Actually it’s pretty sad that real Patriots can’t gather today without Feds trying to arrest them for using constitutional rights.
But BLM/Antifa rioting, burning, billion dollars of destruction
Nothing there
I’ve begun to no longer call myself a conservative.
Because there’s precious little to conserve any longer. The left now are the conservatives.
I’m a reactionary to what has been taken from me.
Conservatives are now the true liberals.
Oddly, conservatives have always been liberal, in the classical sense, except on moral issues. It’s when the left hijacked the term to mean anti-American, anti-capitalist socialist cum communist that we stopped acknowledging our roots in true liberalism.
Social issues are what people vote on.
Who setup who? This was an effective 3-D troll on the Feds.
Between the Capitol Police in their Imperial Storm Troopers body armor and the “undercover” feds standing around with their thumbs up each other’s butts, I don’t know which to laugh at harder. At least they weren’t able to entrap anybody this time. It would be interesting if somebody ran a facial recognition comparison between the J6 video to see which of these clean-cut all-American law enforcement agents show up in both, wouldn’t it?
This ^^^^
Thank the Lord these people saw the light. They went there, they said what they needed to say, and they went home. In the process they made the filthy left look stupid and over reactive.
This was no doubt a trap. The Democrats wanted someone to go into lunatic mode to have something to talk about on Monday morning. Now the democrats have not only no policy which anyone cares about, but no crisis either except the ones that they themselves have created.
Good show.
Going lunatic mode is the job of the undercover cops. It’s why they are there.
They’ve been doing that sort of thing since Viet Nam protests and before.
A friend of mine just couldn’t wrap his head around the thought the Feds would set people up and pull off false flags to frame Americans. Then I told him to research COINTELPRO and Operation Northwoods for himself and get back to me. He understands now.
looks like the capitol cops were prepped for armageddon–and the fedbois?–come on
looks like they get their intel from the same guys that duped our drone pilots
So much for the agents provocateur outing.
If you go down to the Mall today
You’re sure of a big surprise.
If you go down to the Mall today
You’d better go in disguise!
For every Bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain,
Because today’s the day the
Smokey Bears have their picnic!
Picnic time for Smokey Bears
The little Smokey Bears are having
A lovely time today.
Watch them, catch them unawares!
And see them picnic on their holiday.
Good game plan…….make noise about rally at location “X” then don’t attend. Let the fedbois stand around and blink.
It’s time to get organized, y’all.
Great memes today. I wish we could schedule a rally every weekend so the Capitol police could dress up in riot gear. All six FBI guys want to be Miss Congeniality in the Soibois pageant.
Don’t a conservative protest is possible now or foreseeable future. They will all be a set up with Fedbois looking for more J6 suspects. Not sure how much but fear of going to a rally then your life in a Gulag is yet but obviously some percentage.
Conservative protests are always possible, but why keep running up into the mouth of the enemy to do it?
If you run up into the Washington sewer, the people you are protesting have every advantage. The Antifa brownshirts will be there, the FBI and ATF will be there looking for “White Supremacists” and “Domestic Terrorists”, and every other swamp rat looking to hold onto a job will be working against you with them..
Stop doing dumb stuff. If you want to hold a rally do it in Helena, MT or Pierre, SD. Make Biden come to you, on your land. Make him be the aggressor.
Yep. Make them come to you.
Elliott Ness is not impressed.
The traitors have no new plays in their playbook. “This worked before! WTF?”
Wait for it. Nancy Pelosi reportedly has scheduled the third Impeachment of President Trump for suborning the 9/18 Insurrection which is
presstitutes and Democrats in congress inform us.
The MSM refers to 1/6 trespassers as “insurrectionists” and BLM riotous as “peaceful protestors”. Never forget which side they are on.
The few sane People in Portland: “Shit if this is what it takes- Everyday is now a J6 protest in downtown.”
This article itself is disinformation. The idiotic rally drew almost nobody. Why? To start off with, because nobody believes the propaganda about the poor, poor, poor rioters being victims. They were violent nutcases, and it appears they still have 40 nutcases out of 100,000 people who showed up on Jan 6th. They selected out the true weirdos that belong in jail. They are being treated just fine in jail, despite the leftist false claims being spread by their attorneys and other nutjobs who are violent nuts themselves. What is weird is that people who should know better, like Steve Bannon and Matt Braynard, were pushing this nuttery until Trump himself shat on their parade and denounced the rally.
Nobody believes the violent nutjobs are victims. That is the story here. Despite some of the stories on Legal Insurrection, these people are properly detained, they are violent nutjobs who have threatened other people or who have long criminal records, for the most part. Too many idiots just fell for the propaganda that they are noble Trump supporters.
So to hide the fact that nobody believes in the “poor violent criminals are political prisoners and are being mistreated ” BS, we here instead that someone noticed a few undercover cops at the event.
Nice try. The ones acting up were mostly FBI informants/instigators. Never charged with crimes but identified in the reports.
The purpose of yesterday’s highly successful rally in DC yesterday was to make Nancy Pelosi, the Capitol police, and the FBI look stupid and incompetent. Looks like you fell for it, too. It was a true “hold our beer” moment, and it will go down in the annals of Greatest Punks of All-Time.
Shhhhh. Don’t let the cat out of the bag, how can we ensure the lunatis overreact and beclown themselves next time if we let them know the plan? 😛
Overreacting has been the Democrat/Marxist reaction since the J6 rally, it is a easy trap to put them in.
They all have Mulders I want to believe poster in their office only with innsurection instead of flying saucers
I wonder which fed vetoed wearing MAGA hats.
Must have thought that after spending so much time and effort putting together their ‘blend in wardrobe’ they’d be too obvious, or something.
Wasn’t that accomplished long ago?
Thank you for your measured and valuable contribution to the conversation.
You are quite right though with your shouted statement “NOBODY … NOBODY” – given that there is a very obvious lack of “violent criminals who attacked the United States on January 6th” there are probably next to zero people who believe that these criminals that maybe exist in your imagination are heroes, or victims.
Fred, you are wrong, but you already knew that didn’t you?
Sorry we ruined your cosplay, Special Agent.
Heh, I don’t see glowie, I see unhinged #NeverTrumper. But I am often wrong and admit that all discipline, honor, and good judgement have been sucked out of the feds. So yeah, maybe you’re right. 😛
paid troll.
Overpaid troll.
Paid in gummies.
If by your crazed all caps “NOBODY,” you mean tens of millions of Americans, you win. A lot of us, including me, think that the Jan. 6th trespassers and paraders (yeah, that’s an actual charge, parading) are political prisoners, at least one beaten to the point of blindness and permanent disfigurement.
It’s amusing to me (and I would guess to many here) that you believe what you are saying enough to tap caps lock, but unfortunately for you, we aren’t sheeple here. You can say “nobody” believes whatever to us, and we will jovially disagree. Because our own thoughts and beliefs immediately and forever disprove your caps lock rant. You get that, right?
Norm nailed this one. His favorite part of 1/6 was the violent terrorists respecting the velvet ropes.
The hoped-for riot never happened, so the Communists’ fallback position about 9/18 is that nobody showed up because everyone now is against Trump.
In the events of yesterday we got a look at the far Left mentality that returned Afghanistan to Taliban control so swiftly. The Communists running our country hate anyone who does not worship Karl Marx, and that includes Afghans as well as Americans. Everyone outside of their social circles is (at best) a sub-human pest to be tolerated and (at worst) a neo-Nazi to be genocided. With that sort of contempt it is no wondered they got throughly owned in Afghanistan and looked so stupid in yesterday’s failed frame up.
Get out your inhaler and take deep breaths sweetie. You are going to cause an asthma attack. Bless your heart.
Whatever, Nancy.
K…though even some Obama appointed Fed Judges seem to asking questions about whether the charges were appropriate.
Quick question, before you clutch your pearls do you rinse them off after their use as anal beads or is your head still too far inside to matter?
Is that you General Milley?
I look at that picture of the feds dressed to “blend in”, and, as I commented at another website, they look like they are in costume for a Law Enforcement Special on Glee.
I am a little insulted they think we look like that. Or, even worse…maybe I do look like that and haven’t noticed. Surely, somebody would have told me.
The feds are ridiculous,..
There’s a Bizarro comic the feds reminded of… and I had to scroll through my Facebook feed to find it.
The link comes up “Bad dog.”
Or did you mean way down the page, “If I ever leave the house dressed like that?”
My barber definitely would have told me, and he hasn’t.
Tough crowd, here. No wonder we can’t keep any trolls!
It’s obvious that the trolls come here with preconceived, erroneous ideas about who we are, and how we think. When they “demolish” what they think we think, we point and giggle. If they could set aside their contempt for a moment, we might have a conversation, sometime.
Fred reminds me of the San Diego Union-Tribune. I cite journal articles to them, and they cite Buzzfeed back to me, as if it were an answer.
What the hell are they dressed up like that for? Who the hell are they expecting to engage in combat with? Even Marines going into battle against armed enemies are not dressed up like that. Isn’t that a tiny bit overkill facing some unarmed women and chidren in a crowd?
Critical Assembly Theory (CAT) asserts that every unarmed woman and child poses a plausible “burden”. So, Democrats are well within their rites to choose Planned Public/hood (PP), following modern jurisprudence (i.e. Twilight Amendment or “penumbras and emanations”), and a novel apology for self-defense.
The Capitol Police are a joke.
A-holes in the half-shell.
On the other hand they may need to shoot some more unarmed women holding onto a Trump flag, they may need that level 4 armor.
“I have to say, this is the most fun I have had at a rally I didn’t attend.”
Hahaha. Same, girl! 🤣
Weren’ t Klan meetings reaching a point where Fibbies were ratting out other Fibbies for what they were saying at the meetings?
Yeah. Ever see the spiderman meme with 6 or 7 spidermen pointing at each other? Every terror threat or conspiracy seems to be a bunch of FBI agents and a mentally disabled guy.
The 1960s TV series Get Smart did this in one episode where at the very end there was no escape for the captured Maxwell Smart and Agent 99. It is then revealed that the criminal organisation that captured them is composed entirely of undercover federal agents, and that the original bad guy leader died years ago. Every one of the undercover thought that every other member of the criminal organisation was legitimate and since they shared no information between agencies, they didn’t tell each other they were all from different federal agencies.
Yet another example of how hopelessly worthless our intel agencies are.
A little note
If this wasn’t just a troll and an actual protest had happened the fedbois would not have been together incompetently standing out for everyone to easily know they were there but would have dispersed into the crowd.
Right. That’s documented in the OpSec manual under “Putting Toothpaste Back in The Tube.”
Hope the feds put you in charge for the next rally. It’s one of the few ways they could top this one.
I suspect that the Communist regime currently occupying the White House are busy full tilt running facial recognition on the protesters who showed up. They will be next to have their rights violated just like the J6ers. Those Rabans the Fed are wearing probably have built in cameras.
I suspect that many of the trespassers in the Capitol on 6 Jan were government agents, there for the same purpose as at this sham rally..
This is great. Accusations of “insurrection” have always been so patently and idiotically false that the more the left and the Dems pursue it, the more they keep the event in the media, the more paranoid their batshit-crazy rhetoric becomes.
I can envision the next Presidential race when the Ds will bring it up as a weak attack on the opposition–“If you are a Republican you support the violent overthrow of the United States by a handful of unarmed yahoos.”
Long before then, most Americans who have not done so already will have grown bored with the whole matter, and only a few desperate psychopathic leftists will be beating the drum for its prosecution.
If January 6th really was an insurrection, then why didn’t anyone return fire when Ashley Babbit was shot?
Imagine that! An insurrection with only one shot fired and that not by an insurrectionist!
The easiest way to see that a narrative is bogus is when it illogically contradicts itself.
Never fear
The democrats already have Mitt Romney still beating the drum about the “violent insurrection “