Iowa State U. Training Document Says Privileged People Include Christians, Whites, Men

The left thinks they’re inclusive and against hate, but their actions suggest otherwise.

The College Fix reports:

Privileged people include Christians, men, whites: Iowa State University training documentA training document provided to freshmen orientation leaders at Iowa State University tells them that the world is racist and also provided information on who the most oppressive and privileged people are.Furthermore, it’s not just the United States that is a bastion of racism and privilege, according to the public university, it is the entire world.“Our world has been ordered and structured on the basis of skin color and that oppressive ordering and structuring is RACISM,” the handout said.A university spokesperson told The College Fix it was available for use by orientation leaders.“The information on privilege was included in a section of optional additional resources for Destination Iowa State team leaders,” spokesperson Angie Hunt told The Fix via email. “It was not a required or mandatory part of the training for team leaders, and was not used in the orientation programing for Destination Iowa State participants.”Hunt said that team leaders could use it in their preparation.Training for Destination Iowa State focuses on team leadership and program logistics to prepare team leaders to welcome new students and help them transition to Cyclone life,” Hunt said. “Organizers provide several resources to help students engage on these topics, which are regularly reviewed and updated.”Topics include straight white men being privilegedDestination Iowa State team leaders who utilized the resource would learn that white people, Christians, men and heterosexuals number among the most privileged.

Tags: College Insurrection, Iowa