Hillary Campaign Lawyer Michael Sussmann Indicted for Allegedly Lying to FBI in Russia Probe

Hillary Clinton Orange Suit

A federal grand jury indicted DNC/Fusion GPS/Hillary Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmamnn for allegedly lying to the FBI during the Russia investigation.

It turns out Sussmann’s lies initiated the investigation into Trump’s campaign.

From Fox News:

Sussmann, whose firm had previously represented the Democratic National Committee, told the FBI’s James Baker in Sep. 2019 that he was not representing a client when pushing for an investigation into Trump. Sussmann denied any wrongdoing, while withholding the fact that he was working on behalf of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.Lawyers for Sussmann say that he “has committed no crime” and that prosecuting him “would be baseless, unprecedented and an unwarranted deviation from the apolitical and principled way in which the Department of Justice is supposed to do its work.””We are confident that if Mr. Sussmann is charged, he will prevail at trial and vindicate his good name,” they said.

The indictment reminds everyone that outlets reported a few weeks before election day in 2016 about supposed secret channels between Trump’s campaign and a Russian bank.

One article mentioned how the FBI spent weeks investigating this alleged channel and had damning information about potential ties between Trump and Russia.

From the indictment:

The FBI had, in fact, initiated an investigation of these allegations in response to a meeting that MICHAEL A. SUSSMANN, the defendant herein – a lawyer at a major international law firm (“Law Firm-1”) – requested and held with the FBI General Counsel on or about September 19, 2016 at FBI Headquarters in the District of Columbia. SUSSMANN provided to the FBI General Counsel three “white papers” along with data files allegedly containing evidence supporting the existence of this purported secret communications channel.

The indictment alleges that Sussmann lied to the FBI during the meeting “about the capacity in which he was providing the allegations to the” agents.

“Specifically, SUSSMAN stated falsely that he was not doing his work on the aforementioned allegations ‘for any client,’ which led the FBI General Counsel to understand that SUSSMAN was acting as a good citizen merely passing along information, not as a paid advocate or political operative.”

The grand jury wrote that Sussmann did not tell the FBI he “acted on behalf of specific clients,” including a technology industry executive, internet company, and Hillary’s campaign.

The grand jury accuses Sussmann of depriving “the FBI of information that might have permitted it more fully to assess and uncover the origins of the relevant data and technical analysis.” That information includes the names and motivations of his clients.

On page 23, the grand jury alleges Sussmann repeated the false statement to another government agency “on or about February 9, 2017.” He met with two agents of this agency, identified as “Agency-2,” outside of DC.

Sussmann Indictment by Techno Fog

Tags: 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton, Michael Sussman, Trump Russia