Fake News: Leftists, Liberal Media Push Narrative That Border Patrol Agents Whipped Haitian Migrants
Border patrol source responded with some common sense this city girl even knows: “Agents use their reins for a lot of reasons. Primarily it’s used to steer the horse, but agents will also spin them sometimes to deter people from getting too close to the horse.”
The best way to deflect attention away from a horrible Biden administration is to make up a narrative.
The left is doing just that with photos of border patrol agents and Haitian migrants.
The left says the border patrol agents on horses are whipping Haitian migrants. Except…I don’t see whips. I see reins.
Thanks a lot, El Paso Times. You would think you guys would know the difference between a whip and reins:
A mounted U.S. Border Patrol agent shouted commands in a tense encounter with Haitian migrants wading through the Rio Grande near Del Rio, Texas.
As the Haitians tried to climb onto the U.S. side of the river Sunday afternoon, the agent shouted: “Let’s go! Get out now! Back to Mexico!”
The agent swung his whip menacingly, charging his horse toward the men in the river who were trying to return to an encampment under the international bridge in Del Rio after buying food and water in Ciudad Acuña, Mexico.
One migrant fell as he tried to dodge, others shielded their heads with their hands.
"The agent swung his whip menacingly, charging his horse toward the men in the river who were trying to return to an encampment under the international bridge in Del Rio after buying food and water in Ciudad Acuña, Mexico."https://t.co/5kahlscTnP
— Shannon Pettypiece (@spettypi) September 20, 2021
Before I show you the pictures and video I want you to read these two tweets. It explains what is happening.
The reins are held in the rider's hands. They are usually long enough to perhaps APPEAR whip-like and occasionally a rider will use it to spur the mount a bit. But reins are not whips. Border Patrol doesn't carry whips. (2-END)
— Mike Glenn (@mrglenn) September 20, 2021
Sawyer Hackett, the man in charge of Julián Castro’s PAC, tweeted out these horrible photos! I don’t see Twitter labeling them as misinformation.
HACKett (get it? hahaha!) got some help from the loyal leftists in the media.
Here’s the video pic.twitter.com/itFwZfYN45
— Sawyer Hackett (@SawyerHackett) September 20, 2021
From @elpasotimes: As the Haitians tried to climb onto the U.S. side of the river Sunday afternoon, a border agent shouted: "Let's go! Get out now! Back to Mexico!"
The agent swung his whip menacingly, charging his horse toward the men in the river.https://t.co/DejaoSQKwI
— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) September 20, 2021
This is inhumane. This is not America. Border patrol: your president is no longer Donald Trump. https://t.co/Vkqu5TKiFW
— Pete Souza (@PeteSouza) September 20, 2021
PBS's Yamiche Alcindor, CNN's April Ryan, and McClatchy's Bryan Lowry freak out at Jen Psaki over how the U.S. border officials are the REAL bad guys in this border crisis b/c of video they claim shows them riding horseback to corral Haitians and using whips pic.twitter.com/Eb31jOek1p
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) September 20, 2021
A video showing Border Patrol officers on horseback using ropes to whip at Haitian migrants attempting to cross the Rio Grande has garnered a strong reaction from the Biden administration and other politicians. https://t.co/qNzf84TdTm
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) September 20, 2021
Some early Border Patrol agents were members of the KKK and the Texas Rangers. The image of a Border Patrol agent on horseback with a whip is upsetting but not totally shocking.
Former Border Patrol agent @BuddJenn explains why she “felt like a fucking Nazi”on the job. https://t.co/U3oU420ERB
— Dena Takruri (@Dena) September 20, 2021
A border patrol source told Townhall’s, Julio Rosas:
Agents use their reins for a lot of reasons. Primarily it’s used to steer the horse, but agents will also spin them sometimes to deter people from getting too close to the horse. If they get too close, the horse can step on them, breaking bones or causing other injuries. Agents also need to maintain control of their reins so they don’t lose control of the horse, which can cause injuries to immigrants, the agents, and the horses.
We are not aware of anyone being struck with the reins.
From a Border Patrol source: “Agents use their reins for a lot of reasons. Primarily it's used to steer the horse, but agents will also spin them sometimes to deter people from getting too close to the horse…We are not aware of anyone being struck with the reins.” https://t.co/yxxyoAuklh pic.twitter.com/t3o3h9dJbL
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) September 20, 2021
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We know if fake but as an exercise. If it wasn’t for the left open border policies those peop[le wouldn’t be there so no matter how you slice it, it’s the left’s fault.
Its fake but accurate according to the factcheckers.
“Fact checkers”? Don’t you mean
“The con artists have had to rebrand themselves. The new way to suppress your opinion is to claim they are “fact checking’ you.”
We live in the age of propaganda. The people at the NYT, CNN, Washington Post know very well that most get their news from the internet. And they know they mostly just read headlines, or maybe a paragraph or two before moving on. So propagand works very well this way. Democrats, or millenials or others who were schooled in Democratic Party Public Schools, will just assume the US is evil and that our Nazi Border Patrol is abusing people. The people at NYT, CNN, Washington Post know full well they are lying. But lying is communicating these days, and lying is effective. So they lie all the time now, because 50 percent of the electorate believes the lies.
“The best way to deflect attention away from a horrible Biden administration is to make up a narrative. The left is doing just that with photos of border patrol agents and Haitian migrants.”
And the BP agents take their orders from… what administration, again?
Snake, scorpion, jar.
Why do we care?
The border is gone. The people controlling Biden wanted that a long time ago. Well, here we are.
“This is inhumane. This is not America. Border patrol: your president is no longer Donald Trump.”
There was never any need for them to do it when he was.
The people supporting this, the proud Biden voters….where are you?
You should be shouting from the mountaintops for the world to see…….so we can ostracize you.
Biden supporters are hiding. They are MIA.
>> . They can’t defend the indefensible.
>> . It’s embarrassing.
Can’t wait for 2022. Anyway to speed up the election date ?
Biden voters are not in hiding. They are rolling in their graves.
If they rolled once for each time they voted some of them would be dizzy.
“The people supporting this, the proud Biden voters….where are you?”
Camp-following the Where In The World Is Kamala Sandiego Mystery Tour.
Supporting what? Border Patrol people western riding, and controlling their horse with the reins? There was no whippin.
Well she kinda looks like a Nazi, so…. You know what they say, if it’s white and looks like a Nazi, it is.
Fraudster Shaun King doxxing the mounted patrol agents.
I prefer to refer to this imbecilic race hustler by his more apt and witty moniker, “Talcum X.”
I’m unsure if any of the ‘reporters’ blathering about this have ever seen a horse.
Except when they look in the mirror—they see the back end of one—and no one else is looking over their shoulder.
The horseback border patrol use western reins. They are not a loop. They are two seperate lines. Clearly the problem is the reporters have never seen someone use western reins OR riding a horse. He has one hand on the horse, one grabbing the tshirt. He is guiding the horse with his legs and the reins are swinging free.
Leftards know jack of the subject of firearms and even less of horsemanship,of course it’s not surprising when you consider where they keep their head-on a dark smelly place.
There is a depressing sameness to events like this. The Border Patrol agents will be fired and prosecuted. The illegal aliens will get a fat payday and free citizenship from the Feds. The Border Patrol will be ordered to stand down while agents undergo “antiracist training”. And Congressional Republicans will join with Communists to milk this event to demand unconditional amnesty for tens of millions of illegals.
Another handmade tale. That said, emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout.
More d/progressive projection. What is it with d, blacks and whips? At some point they need to let go of their repugnant history and stop bringing into the 21st Century.
But look at the bright side. We haven’t heard about serendipitous “nooses” for weeks now.
The same imbecilic, Dhimmi-crat cretins, idiots and fools spreading these nonsensical and slanderous narratives are the same dopes who perpetually strut about telling anyone who’ll listen how allegedly “smart” and sagacious they are; allegedly so much more so than those conservatives.
The vile Dhimmi-crats truly are perpetually and predictably dumber than a box of rocks, and, are nowhere near as useful.
“Fleeing disaster and political ruin”. Even if that’s true, why is it our problem?
These invaders can’t be poor. Traveling from Haiti to Central America, then north through Mexico to the US border, is an expensive trip. That’s thousands of miles of ocean to cover. Either a flight or cruise to Central America isn’t cheap by itself, and I can’t help but wonder who isn’t enforcing covid travel rules on these people. I object to them on principle, but while we have them it should stop large migration waves like this.
Reportedly, most of these Haitians are from Brazil
and that’s still not cheap
I heard that many, perhaps most were actually living in Chile. Whether Chile, Brazil, or any other South American country, no wonder they were so mad at being shipped back to… Haiti!
Is it ok to whip them if they are I vaxxed?
unvaxxed, you need edit Prof!
All this is, is an excuse to let them into the country instead of deporting them, as was the previous lie.
Leftists know as much about horsemanship as they do firearms.
“Agents use their reins for a lot of reasons. Primarily it’s used to steer the horse, but agents will also spin them sometimes to deter people from getting too close to the horse. If they get too close, the horse can step on them.”
The reins are not a whip. And if used like a whip would not be long enough to strike anything. The only thing whipped was this story which is a bunch of whipped-up bullshit.
Not whips. Reins, obviously western reins in particular. Horse mounted folks are a deterrent and crowd control method. Pretty standard. Swinging the reins, as I did see done, would deter/intimidate which is the purpose. I haven’t seen a single instance of a person being struck with the reins.
Whips make a better headline and support the narrative. Same as at the DoD, demoralize the troops. Identify and drive out those who object to BS ineffective policies and CRT/Equity.
It’s also been mentioned that mounted Border Patrol agents are more effective at searching for illegals stranded or dying in the desert, or on private ranch land… or their remains. And no, we don’t want people sneaking across the border, but we do not let them die a miserable death out there, if they can be found in time. Once again, Biden is going to get people killed.
Fleeing disaster and political ruin?
Well, they are leaving President Houseplant’s US…..