‘Calling It a Baby?’: The Left Melts Down After SCOTUS Refuses To Halt Texas Pro-Life Law

I never thought pro-life SCOTUS justices would have the balls to refuse to stop a law that strips Roe vs. Wade.

Good for them for following the science and basic biology.

SCOTUS voted 5-4 to to not stop the Texas Heartbeat Law, which bans abortion after a viable heartbeat. Moms know that you usually hear a heartbeat at the six-week appointment.

The decision left the pro-abortion people foaming at the mouth, screaming the end of the world and Texas will turn into the Handmaids Tale or whatever that show is called.

God forbid we protect life. You know, the first and most important natural right given to us by our Creator.

Weird. LIFE is in the Constitution. Abortion is not. Even their beloved late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg said SCOTUS ruled on Roe vs. Wade the wrong way.

Grab the popcorn!

Tags: Abortion, Texas, US Supreme Court