Biden’s Pre-Recorded 9/11 Statement Was Weird and Disturbing

I have just watched the single most strange and disturbing video I’ve ever seen. As LI readers know, I am a bit prone to hyperbole, but I am not being hyperbolic here. This Biden video intended to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 is an unmitigated disaster.

The Biden 9/11 video depicts Joe Biden purportedly addressing America on and about the 20th anniversary of 9/11, but it has a weird “found footage” vibe that is deeply disconcerting.

The video is alarming.

Watch (WARNING: this is creepy and strange and resembles not only “found footage” horror films but innumerable hostage videos):

This video is shocking and clearly demonstrates that Slow Sleepy Groping Joe is completely out of his depth.

Biden is ashen in this video (maybe ashen is the new black?), he’s confused and dazed, and he’s rambling utter nonsense. The cuts between frames/footage are jarring. We have doddering, watery-eyed Joe facing the camera saying one thing, snip, we have contentious Joe railing at the camera from a different angle. Snip, we have Joe weird-whispering about . . . really, who cares?

The man in this video couldn’t manage a 10-year-old’s lemonade stand, let alone play life guard at a pool while letting black children play with his leg hair. God forbid the man in this video act as president of our great republic and as our military’s Commander in Chief. And yet, there he is, in all his deeply disturbing glory.

For all the world to see.

I’m dating myself here, but watching this weird video with Hostage in Chief Creepy Sleepy Slow Joe uttering the words he’s been told to say against a blurry backdrop, all I could think of (after hostage videos) was that weird animatronic head that would proclaim, “I want my MTV.”

Visually, this video is not only dated (to the early 1980’s) but truly horrific. It looks like Biden’s image has been thoughtlessly pasted into each and every scene by a precocious child who just learned the copy and paste function.

The blurry backdrop is . . . weird. And disconcerting. There’s this strange visual of Biden superimposed on–seeming to float on, sort of 3-D–a weird out-of-focus background. It’s a strange choice since it makes him look even less “real” and “down to earth” and “compassionate” than he already does (i.e. not at all).

Indeed, this technique makes him look like some kind of out-of-touch politician who lives in his own special bubble, untouched by the real world or the real problems and concerns of actual voters (all a blur to Biden).

Honestly, I couldn’t even hear what Biden was saying while viewing this horrific video. I had to let it run in a separate tab so I could hear his remarks on this, the twentieth anniversary of 9/11.

I wish I hadn’t bothered. What he says is even more disturbing and off-putting than the bizarre visuals. Both portray a “leader” with zero leadership ability and a “president” who is functioning not only without the consent of the governed but without a clue.

Tags: biden