VIDEO: California HS Teacher Brags About Having Students Pledge Allegiance to LGBT Flag

In the video, this teacher says she took down the American flag in her classroom during COVID because it makes her uncomfortable. Just sickening.

The College Fix reports:

California teacher tells class to pledge allegiance to gay pride flagA high school teacher in California is under investigation after a viral video shows her bragging about telling students to pledge allegiance to the gay pride flag.According to Fox, Newport Mesa School District’s Kristin Pitzen made the comment after discussing how she doesn’t require her class to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance (to the American flag).“I always tell my class, stand if you feel like it, don’t stand if you feel like it, say the words if you want, you don’t have to say the words,” Pitzen says. In this, she is absolutely correct, legally; students are not required to participate in the Pledge if they so desire.However, in Pitzen’s classroom — because it “made her uncomfortable” — there is no American flag to say the Pledge to. She sarcastically giggles about how she eventually would “find” the flag that used to hang in her room, using a “waving off” / “yeah, right” gesture.She notes when a student had asked her where those who do wish to say the Pledge should look, she responded “We do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to.” She pans the camera around to show the gay pride flag.In the second part of the video, Pitzen shows the multitude of flags in her classroom, including gay pride flags, and gleefully boasts (with hand over heart) “I pledge allegiance to the queers.”

Featured image via Twitter video.

Tags: California, College Insurrection, Education, LGBT