Valparaiso University Drops ‘Crusaders’ Nickname for Being Associated With ‘Hate Groups’
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Valparaiso University Drops ‘Crusaders’ Nickname for Being Associated With ‘Hate Groups’

Valparaiso University Drops ‘Crusaders’ Nickname for Being Associated With ‘Hate Groups’

“School officials announced in February that they had retired the Crusaders name following input from students, faculty and alumni.”

This effort to rename everything the left doesn’t like is going to go on for years as other words fall out of favor with them.

The Associated Press reports:

Crusaders no more: Valparaiso University chooses to replace nickname embraced by hate groups

Valparaiso University announced Tuesday that it has adopted the Beacons as its new team name, replacing the Crusaders, a term school officials dropped this year after saying it had been embraced by hate groups.

The university’s president, José D. Padilla, said the private Lutheran school’s new nickname “directly connects to the University’s motto, ‘In Thy Light We See Light,’ and represents the Valparaiso University community in many ways.”

“We are beacons of knowledge for our students’ academic, social and spiritual growth. Above all, we are beacons of God’s light around the world. We light the way for our students, so that once they graduate, they shine their light for others,” Padilla said in a news release.

School officials announced in February that they had retired the Crusaders name following input from students, faculty and alumni.

That decision came after a decades-long debate that has recently intensified because groups such as the Ku Klux Klan began using the words and symbols of the Crusades, which were a series of bloody religious wars starting in the 11th century between Christians and Muslims.

For years, Valpo’s sports mascot had been a helmeted figure in faux armor. But the school’s faculty and student senates each passed resolutions calling for a change, and the university’s alumni board of directors supported reassessing the team name’s appropriateness.


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They changed it to the Jihadists.

The Friendly Grizzly | August 13, 2021 at 2:48 pm

My old high school was virtually all Jewish. The Fairfax Lions. I suppose that, today, the other schools, mostly Christians, would whine about the Christians Lions thing of old time Rome .

Now that they’re the Beacons, their sports mascot can be a dim bulb.

They should also ban their Young Democrats club because the KKK began as a part of the Democrat Party.

All schools should make the Teddy Bear their mascot.

But then people would say we’re hatin’ on Xi Jinping, aka Winnie the Pooh. And no hatin’ allowed.

Will they be banning Muslim student groups from campus for being hate groups? It was, after all, Muslims who were invading Europe and taking hundreds of thousands of slaves (for both manual labor and to rape) for centuries before the Crusades were started to stop them.