University of Virginia Disenrolled Over 240 Students for Not Getting COVID Vaccines

The craziest aspect of this story is that most of these students weren’t even enrolled for in-person classes on campus.

From the Business Insider via Yahoo News:

More than 240 University of Virginia Students have been disenrolled because they didn’t get COVID-19 vaccinesThe University of Virginia has disenrolled 242 students for the upcoming semester because they are not vaccinated against COVID-19, according to the Charlottesville CBS affiliate WCAV.These students amount to roughly 1% of the school’s student body, she noted. The institution has previously warned students they may risk disenrollment if they fail to get vaccinated or submit a request for exemption.Only 49 of the 242 disenrolled students had actually registered for on-campus classes this fall.In April of this year, the state’s Attorney General officially decided Virginia colleges and universities “may condition in-person attendance on receipt of an approved COVID-19 vaccine” during the pandemic, according to a statement from the Attorney General’s office.

Tags: College Insurrection, Vaccines, Virginia, Wuhan Coronavirus