University of Nebraska Board of Regents Prepares to Battle Over Critical Race Theory

One member of the board has proposed keeping CRT out of the curriculum. It’s not an outright ban, but some professors are concerned.

FOX News reports:

CRT debate heats up in Nebraska as university professors deride proposal from regentThe debate over critical race theory (CRT) has intensified in recent weeks as Nebraska’s governor and leaders of the state university system feud over a controversial proposal from one of its regents.The University of Nebraska Board of Regents is set to consider a resolution introduced by Republican Jim Pillen, a regent who is also running for governor. Introduced to a board committee last month, the resolution would oppose “any imposition of Critical Race Theory in curriculum.”The resolution is not intended to ban CRT, although a host of University of Nebraska- Lincoln professors worried it would have that impact. In a statement Tuesday, the group argued the resolution was “anti-American” in that it allegedly attempted to silence discussion about important issues.”A politically constructed cultural war intending to hamper progress in dismantling racism that is grounded in distortions and misunderstandings should not be allowed the power to limit our freedom to discuss, examine, and disrupt issues around race and racism in an intellectual community like the University of Nebraska-Lincoln,” reads the lengthy statement, which was signed by several professors and an academic retention specialist.”Not only have we, as a campus community, committed to an anti-racism journey, we have also identified anti-racism and racial equity as a grand challenge that our community will work on through research and creative activities with dedicated purpose over the next several years. This resolution seeks to diminish these efforts and commitments by making faculty, students, and staff who do the important work of anti-racism targets in a politically constructed battle.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Nebraska