University of Michigan School of Public Policy Launching New ‘Center for Racial Justice’

Do you ever wonder where young people get such a warped sense of race in America today? Look no further than your local college campus.

The College Fix reports:

U. Michigan creates new ‘racial justice’ center to deal with ‘societal challenges’The University of Michigan’s Ford School of Public Policy will be launching a new Center for Racial Justice which, according to a university press release, will “expand knowledge about the complex intersections between race and public policy.”It also will “create a community” of students and scholars who are engaged in social justice and racial equity work. Diversity and Social Transformation Professor Celeste Watkins-Hayes will be in charge of the new center.According to her faculty page, Watkins-Hayes is an “internationally-recognized scholar and expert” whose research deals with the “intersection of inequality, public policy, and institutions, with a special focus on urban poverty and race, class, and gender studies.”As usual with academy diversity matters, the language is flowery yet vacuous.“At the Center for Racial Justice, we believe in the power of public policy to help address the societal challenges that we all face,” Watkins-Hayes says. “As we examine the fraught histories and consequences of some of our policies and the transformative power of others, we learn a valuable lesson: Effective and just public policy can only be achieved if we bring diverse perspectives to the table.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Michigan, Social Justice