Rep. Tlaib Caught Partying Maskless Same Day She Criticized Sen. Paul

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) slammed Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) because he pushed people to resist the new CDC guidelines. The CDC wants vaccinated people to wear masks inside, stay apart by six feet, etc. Basically, everything we had to do without a vaccine.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much because what appeared on Instagram the same day?

Bassam Saleh, a band that plays at weddings posted a video of Tlaib partying maskless in close proximity to others at an indoor wedding.

The wedding took place in Dearborn, MI, located in Wayne County.

The CDC rated Wayne County as an orange zone. If you live in an orange zone you must wear a mask indoors even if you have the vaccine.

Will she blame this on white supremacy? The band posted the video. They made sure to showcase her on the Instagram story.

Will she claim everyone had their vaccine? The CDC tells you to wear a mask inside no matter what in Wayne County.

I’m so tired of these hypocrites. So sick and tired of these people acting like they are better than us plebes.

I’ll bite my tongue out of respect for Professor Jacobson. I’ll just say to Tlaib, “Bless your heart, ma’am.”

Tags: Centers for Disease Control, Michigan, Rand Paul, Rashida Tlaib, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus