Psaki Tries to Shame DeSantis, But Misrepresents Florida COVID Policy
Psaki left out a few details: DeSantis is allowing people and students to choose to mask and held many vaccination events.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki tried to shame Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over COVID cases in his state. She also slammed his policy to handle the virus:
“Twenty percent of the cases we’re seeing are in Florida,” Psaki said.
“There are steps and precautions that can be taken,” she continued, “including encouraging people to get vaccinated, encouraging people to wear masks, including allowing schools to mandate masks and allowing kids to wear masks, which is not the current state of play in Florida.”
“So, you know, at a certain point, leaders are going to have to choose whether they’re going to follow public health guidelines or whether they’re going to follow politics,” she added. “And we certainly encourage all governors to follow the public health guidelines.”
Psaki goes hard after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, urging him to do more to "encourag[e] people to get vaccinated," "wear masks, including allowing people and schools to mandate" them. She adds he needs to choose whether "to follow public health" to save lives or "follow politics"
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) August 2, 2021
Oh, my sweet fellow ginger. Maybe you should explain DeSantis’s policy in full.
“I signed an executive order directing @HealthyFla to enter rulemaking in collaboration with @Education FL to protect parents’ freedom to choose whether their children wear masks in schools.”
I signed an executive order directing @HealthyFla to enter rulemaking in collaboration with @EducationFL to protect parents' freedom to choose whether their children wear masks in schools.
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) July 30, 2021
DeSantis did not ban masks from schools. He is giving people and students the freedom to choose to wear one.
Freedom is a bad word for Democrats.
On July 29, DeSantis made it known Florida would remain free:
“I think it’s very important that we say unequivocally no to lockdowns, no to school closures, no to restrictions and no to mandates,” DeSantis declared.
“Floridians are free to choose — and all Americans should be free to choose — how they govern their affairs, how they take care of themselves and our families, and they should not be consigned to live — regardless of which state in the union — consigned to live in a Faucian dystopia in which we’re governed by the whims of bureaucratic authorities who care little for our freedom, little for our aspirations and little for our happiness. No more. We can’t let it happen going forward,” the governor said.
DeSantis’s office hit back at Psaki because he has held many vaccination events and giving people the choice to mask or not:
“By dismissively ignoring Governor DeSantis’ efforts to protect vulnerable Floridians, Psaki is the one playing politics with the pandemic,” DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw told Fox News in an email.
“The White House should be more concerned about the flip-flopping of the CDC, which is inadvertently promoting vaccine hesitancy with their confusing, contradictory public communications. Stating that vaccinated people should wear masks and socially distance is implying that the vaccines do not change anything, which is the wrong message for our federal government to be promoting.”

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She a Ho
Ho’s gonna lie…
Maybe not sexually, but she really has sold her soul. What a disgusting mess she turned out to be.
No, she didn’t have a soul to sell being a ginger…she had to sell something worth far less instead…cheaply and often.
In fairness asking Peaks to accurately state FL covid policy isn’t fair …since the administration can’t keep on message for their own policy.
Maybe she could do a compare and contrast with FL and NY on nursing homes policy and deaths ..oh wait….
She’s not ‘misrepresenting’.
She’s freaking LYING, call a spade a spade.
A half truth is the blackest sort of lie. So said my father a long time ago.
That’s pretty rich coming from the same folks who let the teachers unions write their school guidance policies.
Better headline:
Psaki Tries to Shame DeSantis by Misrepresenting Florida COVID Policy
I wonder….
…is there a correlation between untested illegal immigrants arriving in Texas and being transported to Florida courtesy of this administration, and the sudden sharp rise in covid positive cases in Florida?
“So, you know, at a certain point, leaders are going to have to choose whether they’re going to follow public health guidelines or whether they’re going to follow politics,” she added. “And we certainly encourage all governors to follow the public health guidelines.”
But your public health guidelines ARE politics. They’re just YOUR politics.
The vaccination push is a demand that everyone get vaccinated against a disease that has the same risk as the flu, but with an experimental vaccine, the side-effects of which probably won’t be fully known for a decade or more.
This is not the type of killer disease the early fear mongers warned us of, and while the Delta variant may be more more easily spread it is less virulent. For most of the population, COVID-19 was never more than a middling-to-bad case of the flu, and the so-called Delta variant has been likened to a mild cold in severity.
This is not to say that it’s not potentially lethal or that people don’t or can’t die of it. All respiratory infections can be lethal and should be taken seriously. But I question if the lethality of the thing really warrants a vaccine unless you’re old or have a preexisting condition, especially since there are readily available therapeutics to treat the disease and the symptoms.
I will not willingly become an experimental test subject or otherwise take part in the medical experiment called human trials for any of the so-called vaccines for COVID-19.
I don’t know how else to characterize it. They give the vaccine to millions of people and then observe to see what happens. They can’t even really tell you if it works or not. They project how many people in a given population will contract COVID, how many will die, etc., without the vaccine. Then they compare that to how many people actually contract COVID, die, etc. with the vaccine, and that’s how they estimate the effectiveness. Its all computer models, projections and estimates, kind of like climate change.
There are other reasons people aren’t lining up to get the vaccine. Fully vaccinated people are contracting COVID and dying. They’re re-imposing mask mandates for fully vaccinated people, suggesting that the vaccines aren’t as effective as we’ve been led to believe.
No vaccine is without risk and the Food and Drug Administration hasn’t actually approved any of the vaccines being used. My understanding also is that no mRNA-based vaccine or treatment has ever been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. On June 25, the FDA announced increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle and surrounding tissue) following vaccination with either of the mRNA treatments. So how safe is it really? This mRNA “vaccine” has been described by scientists as “gene therapy” that actually alters a person’s genetic code and characteristics. Where’s the anti-GMO anything crowd on this one?
Then there’s the fact that the federal government and Big Tech are not only conspiring to censor voices that aren’t 100% on board with the current COVID mania, but Facebook and Twitter are colluding with government agencies to spread government propaganda – all of which further spreads distrust about the government’s public health agenda.
Getting the vaccine is a personal choice that should never be forced on anyone. Everyone should weigh the risks and benefits, and live with the consequences. That’s how we treat the flu vaccine, and it’s how we should treat the COVID vaccine.
“The vaccination push is a demand that everyone get vaccinated…”
Misery loves company.
idonttweet: The vaccination push is a demand that everyone get vaccinated against a disease that has the same risk as the flu,
COVID-19 has a much higher mortality rate than the seasonal flu. More than 600 thousands Americans have died.
idonttweet: the side-effects of which probably won’t be fully known for a decade or more.
All vaccines have side-effects, however, after billions of doses, there is no evidence of anything more than very rare reactions, as seen in other vaccines.
idonttweet: They give the vaccine to millions of people and then observe to see what happens. They can’t even really tell you if it works or not.
That’s how all vaccine development works. COVID vaccines went through all three phases of trials, including testing on tens of thousands of volunteers. Because rare reactions are, well, rare, scientists continue to monitor the vaccine during the rollout, then make recommendations based on the evidence.
idonttweet: They project how many people in a given population will contract COVID, how many will die, etc., without the vaccine. Then they compare that to how many people actually contract COVID, die, etc. with the vaccine, and that’s how they estimate the effectiveness.
They didn’t project, but set up in a double-blind test. They gave thousands of volunteers vaccines, and thousands of others they gave placebos. They then *observed* how many of each group contracted COVID-19.
idonttweet: Fully vaccinated people are contracting COVID and dying.
The rate of infection, hospitalization, and death is much lower in the vaccinated population. Nearly all hospitalizations in the U.S. are among the unvaccinated. However, the vaccine is not perfect, so even vaccinated people should be careful where the vaccine is prevalent.
idonttweet: This mRNA “vaccine” has been described by scientists as “gene therapy” that actually alters a person’s genetic code and characteristics.
The vaccine does not alter a person’s “genetic code.”
And they’re suppressing any discussion of treatments that have either been useful as a preventative measure or in dealing with the symptoms.
Nor the number of deaths attributed to any vaccine from 2019-2021 is 5960.
The total death from the three covid vaccines is 5632. So 328 from all other vaccines combined. And that’s just deaths. Not any other issues which could be severe.
The disclaimer is a scream, given the “lax” reporting on Covid deaths. Lot’s a information available.
But it’s totally safe!
If these maroons were serious about this epidemic, they would be scrambling to use every real tool available. They would not bother with the unmistakably useless masks, and they would be working on making sure every infected person has early outpatient treatment.
Unlike the mRNA vaccines, early outpatient drug treatment limits the total number of viral particles produced, thereby limiting the development of genetic variants. Early outpatient drug treatment gets results in about 5 days, and confers durable, broad-based immunity.
They are serious about the epidemic, though not for humanitarian or medical reasons: they are using it to destroy our Republic.
I guess when you’re a fascist, freedom of choice does seem like a terrible idea. What else can you expect from anyone who is low enough to work for a pedophile?
“inadvertently promoting vaccine hesitancy with their confusing, contradictory public communications”
Who say it’s inadvertent? It’s straight out of the Communist Party playbook and 1984. The more government orders can deviate from objective reality, and the more citizens can be roped into actively participating in the lie, the greater the stranglehold the government has on the country.
Mary Chastain: DeSantis did not ban masks from schools. He is giving people and students the freedom to choose to wear one.
Sure. Imagine the one kid in class who wears a mask in a society that is denigrating any attempt to control the pandemic.
In any case, one person wearing a mask has minimal value. Everyone wearing a mask and maintaining social distance can significantly reduce the prevalence of the virus in a community.
“Psaki tries…”
As the wise old Yoda once said, “There is no try. There is only do or do not.”