Poll Finds Most Voters Believe Biden Not All There, Aides Doing His Job for Him

A new poll from Rasmussen finds that most voters believe Joe Biden has basically checked out and that his job is being done by his aides.

Of course, lots of people have believed this for months. If you simply watch Biden try to speak without a script, it’s nearly impossible not to reach this conclusion.

Paul Bedard writes at the Washington Examiner:

Majority says Biden is out of it, aides are doing his jobPreelection concerns that President Joe Biden wasn’t physically or mentally up for his new job at age 78, the oldest-ever chief executive, are now settling in as the public sees him slow-walking, refusing to consider questions at press conferences, and seemingly befuddled with the crisis in Afghanistan.Not only has his average approval rating fallen below 50%, the lowest of his presidency, but a new survey has found that in addition to likely voters believing that Biden is not all there, they believe that aides are doing his job.In the survey, Rasmussen Reports said 52% of respondents said they are not confident that Biden is physically or mentally “up to the job of being president of the United States.” And 41% of respondents said they are “not confident at all.”Another 46% said they are confident in Biden…The survey outlet also asked, “Is Joe Biden really doing the job of president, or are others making the decisions for him behind the scenes?”Again, a slight majority, 51%, said others are doing his work, while 39% said Biden is in charge, down from 47% in March.

There’s more, and it only gets worse for Biden.

Samuel Chamberlain writes at the New York Post:

Most voters deem Biden unfit to be president, poll showsIn addition, 52 percent of respondents said they were “not confident” that Biden was physically and mentally up to the job of being commander-in-chief, compared to 46 percent who said they were.The phone and online survey of 1,000 likely voters was taken Wednesday and Thursday of this week, after Biden had attempted to defend his decision to pull US combat forces out Afghanistan in an address from the East Room of the White House.

Finally, take a look at Biden’s approval tracking from Real Clear Politics:

Biden’s presidency is unraveling right before our eyes after only seven months.

The man is simply not up to the job.

Tags: Afghanistan, Biden Administration, Economy, Joe Biden, Polling