‘Textbook Gaslighting’: Biden Describes Afghanistan Withdrawal as an ‘Extraordinary Success’

Oh. My. Goodness. My friend Chris Barron described President Joe Biden’s speech the best way:

Textbook gaslighting. Biden described the Afghanistan withdrawal as an “extraordinary success.” We were 100% ready for anything!

However, anything bad that happened, was not Biden’s fault. He blamed everything on the Afghan army, the Afghan government, and former President Donald Trump.

It gets better. Those Americans stranded in Afghanistan? It’s their fault because they were warned so many times since April.

You know, despite Biden constantly reassuring us that the Taliban could not take over and the Afghan government and army were super duper strong.

Oh, Biden also promised not to leave any American behind.

Biden and his minions cannot stop trying to convince us that our main problem with him is ending the Afghanistan war.

No matter what we do or say he will never accept the fact that we all wanted to end the war but hate how he messed up so bad.

Biden will always bring up his dead son Beau. He died of brain cancer. He did not die while serving in Iraq.

Biden propped up the Taliban like they’re a reformed terrorist group. Let’s listen to someone who is in Afghanistan.

Tags: Afghanistan, Biden Speech