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Iowa State Prof Says Trigger Warnings More Necessary Now Than Ever

Iowa State Prof Says Trigger Warnings More Necessary Now Than Ever

“Warning an incoming class about the absence of intellectual safe spaces is one thing; providing those spaces is another.”

If you need trigger warnings to discuss sensitive topics, are you really ready for college?

The College Fix reports:

Iowa State professor: Trigger warnings are more needed now than ever before

Dismissing evidence that so-called “trigger warnings” do more harm than good, an Iowa State University professor is arguing that such warnings are more necessary now than ever.

Liberal Arts and Sciences Professor Michael Bugeja, writing in Inside Higher Education, says policies regarding trigger warnings need to be updated because “times have changed.”

“Measuring distress in a clinical experiment is one thing; encouraging discussion about distressing topics over an entire semester is another,” writes Bugeja. “Warning an incoming class about the absence of intellectual safe spaces is one thing; providing those spaces is another. Concerns about threats to academic freedom is one thing; exercising freedom responsibly is another.”

As an example of a trigger warning that works, Bugeja cites campus crime alerts at Iowa State that begin by warning crime victims that the alert itself might be triggering.

“Any recipients of this notice who have been a prior victim of sexual misconduct or assault should be aware the following message could invoke an emotional response,” the alerts begin, adding the intended outcome is to “provide information that promotes safety; facilitate individuals being able to better protect themselves; and describe details regarding the date, location and type of crime involved.”

Earlier this year, Brandeis University even counseled against using the term “trigger warning” because it contained the word “trigger.”

In justifying the need for trigger warnings, Bugeja cites the widely debunked statistic that “one in four undergraduate female students and one in 15 undergraduate male students have been raped through physical force, incapacitation or violence.”


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Here is what all trigger warnings should say, “This content may be upsetting to you. Suck it up. Try, for once in your worthless little lives, to act like an adult and LEARN. Leave the whining to the other idiots.”

Of course, someone would complain that my trigger warning is triggering. That, of course, is the point and the solution is contained within. Too bad they’ve already been taught not to listen.

The Friendly Grizzly | August 27, 2021 at 12:34 pm

“Iowa State Prof Says Trigger Warnings More Necessary Now Than Ever”

For who? The lilly-livered, sniveling professor?

This constant wallowing in victimhood is making things worse rather than better. We are raising a whole generation of people who are incapable of the slightest criticism or adversity. This does not bode well for the country’s future.

I agree that we just need to tell them to toughen up, suck it up, and get on with it.

Safe spaces!

The USA, as originally designed, is the world’s pre-eminent Safe Space.
Once you snowflakes are done fundamentally transforming it, here’s the trigger warning you’ll be looking forward to.
You might want to be giving some thought as to how who’ll be handling that “distress” for you, man-bun. Because it won’t be my generation, we’ll be dead.

empiricallyobvious | August 27, 2021 at 8:05 pm

Waaaa… adulting (stupid word, by the way) is so hard. Especially if mommy wipes your arse, does your homework, thinks for you and generally praises you endlessly for merely breathing. Survival without a binky will be difficult for this next generation of “non-tellectuals”

    henrybowman in reply to empiricallyobvious. | August 28, 2021 at 12:01 pm

    “Especially if mommy wipes your arse, does your homework, thinks for you and generally praises you endlessly for merely breathing.”

    It’s nice that it’s still true that anybody can grow up to be president.

Is it time for Brandeis to appoint a Committee of Public Safety? How’d that “Public Safety” thang work out the last time it was tried?

(Yes, I know: “This Time it will be different.”)

Trigger warnings are more ridiculous than ever…with people finding more and more things to be offended about you risk being fired if you don’t accurately predict every person’s feelings despite having never met them before!

    henrybowman in reply to healthguyfsu. | August 28, 2021 at 12:06 pm

    This guy has the right idea — bait the perpetually offended into leaving/dropping his class, then he can spend the reset of the semester teaching the reachable ones, the ones who realize that they don’t already know everything.

If one cannot handle various subject matter (which may or may not be disturbing), one has no business being at a university- or out in the world for that matter.
Parents, stop coddling your children. Raise them to question. Raise them to speak up. Raise them with the proper foundations of faith and knowledge of our founding documents in order to be productive citizens.