Hawaii’s Plans to Vaccinate Itself Out of COVID Bondage End in Failure
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Hawaii’s Plans to Vaccinate Itself Out of COVID Bondage End in Failure

Hawaii’s Plans to Vaccinate Itself Out of COVID Bondage End in Failure

Hawaii should really say “aloha” to “zero COVID”, which is no longer possible.


Back in May, I reported that Hawaii was keeping the state in COVID-bondage until the vaccines ended the pandemic. Hawaii officials forced tourists to quarantine, arrested them, and smashed their travel plans for failure to follow the state’s aggressive and arcane COVID policies.

In addition to the severe masking requirements and restrictions Hawaii has imposed, especially on visitors, 73% of the state has received at least one dose. Overall, 772,354 people, or 54% of Hawaii’s population have been fully vaccinated.

Furthermore, the state can hardly be considered a center of red-state, Trumpian political activists.

With all of these facts in mind, a look at the COVID-situation in the Aloha State clearly shows that the bureaucratic approach is a failure.

Hawaii is reporting Hawaii’s sharp rise in Covid-19 cases during the month of July.

The state reported four more Covid deaths on Thursday, and more than 750 new cases. Covid hospitalizations hit a record single-day high at 352, according to the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency.

The highly contagious delta variant now makes up 93% of recent Covid cases in the islands, according to the new variant report released this week. Health officials say community transmission is responsible for the latest surge.

“We are certainly at a critical juncture,” Sarah Kemble, state epidemiologist at the Hawaii Department of Health, told reporters on Thursday.

Faced with a flood of COVID-19 patients, Queen’s Medical Center West Oahu is declaring a “disaster” and is seeking additional support.

“Today we declared an internal state of emergency, so that means that all hands are on deck,” said Jason Chang, of the Queen’s Health Systems.

Officials say Queen’s West Oahu is at capacity and every bed in the facility is full right now.

“What that means is they’re overwhelmed, the capacity to take care of patients has exceeded, and they’ve asked the city for help,” Emergency Services Department Director Jim Ireland said.

Officials will be creating an “extended ER” in the hospital’s parking lot. One tent has already been set up and more will be set up in the coming days.

“This has been a preventable situation. We’re asking everybody to please, get vaccinated. We don’t want people to go out and socialize,” Chang said.

While many of the new Hawaiian cases are among the unvaccinated, 10% have been vaccinated. It must be noted that new studies confirm what the evidence from news reports over the last few weeks has suggested: The vaccine effectiveness wanes over time.

Taken together, the studies show that although the vaccines remain highly effective against hospitalizations and deaths, the bulwark they provide against infection with the virus has weakened in the past few months.

The finding accords with early data from seven states, gathered this week by The New York Times, suggesting a rise in breakthrough infections and a smaller increase in hospitalizations among the vaccinated as the Delta variant spread in July.

Hawaiian hospitals are delaying non-emergency procedures in the wake of this outbreak. This is likely to lead to deaths and long-term health consequences in and of itself.

Sarina Erstad has had a tough year. In May, she found out she had breast cancer and spent three months going in and out of The Queen’s Medical Center for a barrage of tests and exams to figure out how bad it was.

She scheduled a mastectomy to remove her cancerous breast on Aug. 19. Then Covid-19 cases shot up in Hawaii, and with them, Covid hospitalizations.

As case counts swelled, Erstad found out that her surgery was rescheduled until Aug 24. Then she heard it was canceled. Then it was back on, but up in the air when.

On Wednesday, she heard it was canceled completely and might not be rescheduled for months. She might have to go on hormone therapy and chemotherapy to prevent the cancer from spreading.

Clearly, the developments in Hawaii show that restrictions and masking do not work. It is not clear if the current vaccines are a long-term solution, either. Early diagnosis of more severe cases (rather than identifying all cases), seeking effective new treatments, and developing medical and healthcare resources would all be smarter moves.

In conclusion, Hawaii should really say “aloha” to “zero COVID”, which is no longer possible. I offer this graph, summarizing the number of COVID deaths in the state, to highlight the need to properly assess risk versus response to the virus.


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“Failure” is the generally applicable term for everything the Igeocracy undertakes.

The last I heard, there is no actual test for the delta variant. Masks cannot protect against ANY virus. Vaxxed folks are not protected.

I am 72 and haven’t worn a mask or contracted any illness in 3 years. How can psaki, Hawaii, or any other self-proclaimed “authority” claim that I am a threat to anyone? Pelosi, obama et al are only spreading fear.

    Dathurtz in reply to bear. | August 23, 2021 at 7:47 pm

    They have to do an actual genome sequence to detect a variant.

      Andy in reply to Dathurtz. | August 23, 2021 at 7:55 pm

      A test exists…. I call bullshit on it being done extensively. I also call bullshit on the hospitals. These guys have been cashing in on the panic and people need to start auditing the hell out of them. The only “saint” in these hospital names is the patron saint of milking every patient for everything they are worth.

        Colonel Travis in reply to Andy. | August 23, 2021 at 8:17 pm

        The variants aren’t bullshit. The idea that we can hide from them is.

          caseoftheblues in reply to Colonel Travis. | August 23, 2021 at 9:18 pm

          The variants are normal expected mutations that virus ALWAYS do…

          I call bullshit on them testing for it. No one is challenging what they are saying. For all we know they artificially reduced the beds in the ER to pump up the numbers.

          Hospitals are run by liars and thieves. NO ONE is questioning or challenging them.

          Colonel Travis in reply to Colonel Travis. | August 23, 2021 at 10:26 pm

          Yeah that’s awesome you call bullshit. What does that even mean? You think the virus isn’t real? All variants are fake? Viruses adapt and change. That’s what they do. The UK has the most data that I’ve seen on this Delta variant, months of it, and it is very real and clearly not more dangerous nor deadly than any before it. Why is this not spread around more? Because the people in charge don’t want it to. It’s right there in front of your face if you want to look it up.

          You’re ire shouldn’t be directed to what is, in fact, true – that there is a Delta variant. Some of us know the things “experts” tell us to do are worthless. It doesn’t matter if it’s August 2021 or April 2020. Unfortunately, not enough of us care, I have no solution for that. The planet has basically given up and yielded to tyranny.

          Colonel Travis in reply to Colonel Travis. | August 23, 2021 at 10:28 pm

          Andy, read this guy. He is one of the few level-headed people with a proper background who can talk rationally about all this. He’s very good.


          Statement by Hawaii- we tested and found it was the delta variant: NO THEY DIDN’T, just like my governor didn’t use ANY science or data to shut down our state- he made it up as he went using absolutely nothing but emotion and panic. Show us the fucking numbers of actual tests or it didn’t happen. They’ve lied so many times now, nothing they say should be trusted.

          The Hospitals over run: BULLSHIT- numbers are up- but they are playing the numbers way up. They’ve been caught manipulating the numbers throughout this entire event. Kate Brown in Oregon is bringing in the national guard to work jobs that have no medical specialty. Think about that for a minute. Name one person not vested in increasing panic that has audited the hospitals. CDC was caught jacking the florida numbers a month ago and Desantis called bullshit on that.

          Notice the articles talking about kids. Those are all very carefully worded and look a lot like other procedures not related to Covid which had a positive covid test. All of them are ginned up to create panic about back to school.

          Delta variant— so deadly that the demographics are virtually unchanged. Over 60, often with co-morbidities, about 10% in their 50s mostly with co-morbidities and all other are statistically insignificant.

          Notice something else- a good portion of us were exposed- never caught it. They won’t talk about that- some immune systems will beat this before it even develops enough test positive. This is what great immune systems do. That reality is really unpopular and it true for large swaths of the population.

          Half the country is not vaccinated- there’s a good reason for that, they are not at risk.

          I do hope a lot of the lard asses / smokers and compromised hold outs do get vaccinated. As for the rest of us- go pound sand.

          Colonel Travis in reply to Colonel Travis. | August 24, 2021 at 1:22 am

          Andy, the Delta variant is the dominant strain in America. That’s simply a fact. You don’t have to test every single person for it. I don’t know why you’re mad about that, in and of itself. Yes, you should be mad about the other stuff. “Experts” are going to BS us no matter what the strain is.

          DaveGinOly in reply to Colonel Travis. | August 24, 2021 at 5:51 pm

          The idea that they’re testing everyone and know with certainty that the Delta is dominant is what’s likely BS. Nobody said they don’t exist. They’re testing patients for COVID, they’re not checking them all to see what variant they have. That’s useless as far as having an effect on treatment.

          They are probably testing a fraction of all COVID-positive people to see if they carry the Delta variant or not, and then extrapolating from there. They are certainly not conducting two tests on every patient. Remember, the hospitals claim to be “overburdened”. That would include their labs, which would not have time to perform diagnostically useless tests.

Someone should start questioning the hospitals.

Are they really testing and validating the cases as the delta variant? When TF did that test become widely available since this is a term that is barely a month old????

“ah- your covid test came back… you’ve not only got covid… but we analyzed the genetic structure with this off the shelf test to show that it’s the delta”

    Dathurtz in reply to Andy. | August 23, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    Yeah. I would be surprised if more than a very small amount of genome sequencing was goin on.

    Sanddog in reply to Andy. | August 24, 2021 at 1:53 pm

    The delta variant has been around since December of last year. It burned through the UK and made it’s way here. Since it’s more infectious, it’s pretty much taken over as the dominant strain.

What your story neglects to mention is that while cases have surged, deaths are near zero. Vaccines work to prevent death. This is true in Florida as well.

But it seems true that masks are not working against the delta variant.

I’m not sure why there are so many hospitalizations, but it might have something to do with Uncle Sam paying the bills for covid cases.

Just guessing.

    CommoChief in reply to Petrushka. | August 23, 2021 at 7:59 pm

    Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the vax as well as naturally acquired immunity work to prevent death and hospitalization. Discounting natural immunity is a mistake we need to stop making.

    I would expect to see blaring headlines and endless stories of folks who recovered from Covid in Dec or Jan who were hospitalized in July or Aug if natural immunity was ineffective.

      Petrushka in reply to CommoChief. | August 23, 2021 at 8:26 pm

      Natural immunity is probably stronger than vaccination, but it would take years to get where we are now with case mortality rate. As a senior, I was among the first in line for the vaccine. Everyone should make their own choices.

      I will mention that the Cuban community in Miami had a low vaccination rate until delta came along. Now it’s about 80 percent. And Florida’s death rate is nearing an all time low.

    caseoftheblues in reply to Petrushka. | August 23, 2021 at 8:04 pm

    Masks don’t work against ANY of the mutations of the covid virus, any virus really…well documented. People telling you they do are the same people telling you Biden did a heckofva job in Afghanistan…think about that

    Does not. My graph clearly shows that.

    NavyMustang in reply to Petrushka. | August 23, 2021 at 9:55 pm

    “I’m not sure why there are so many hospitalizations…”

    I’m as full of it as anyone else, but here’s my theory anyway.

    FORTY YEARS ago, I had the flu. I was about 25. I was sick as a dog. I don’t think I could have been sicker. What did I do? I stayed home until I got better. Imagine that.

    Fast forward to today. Someone gets the flu and feels like I did…or maybe they don’t feel as bad as I did. What’s their reaction?


    Now, we all know that the odds of their dying are not very good. Like me, they will get better. But they rush to the hospital ER anyway. And the hospital decides that, well, this guy is pretty sick, we better cover our six and admit him to the hospital. If he’s sick enough, they put him in the ER.

    And we end up with no beds for something that the vast majority of people only need to stay home and weather the storm.

    I’m 66 now. Kidney cancer survivor with one kidney, cardiac stent, etc. If I got the flu as bad as I did when I was in my twenties, THAT wold be bad. But most won’t feel that way. Heck, I’m pretty sure that I caught COVID on a recent trip to Florida. I had a dry cough, headache, felt crappy for a few days, then all was fine. No big deal.

    All I can say is God help us if we have an outbreak of a really lethal disease. The Karens would have a psychotic break.

      Texasvoice in reply to NavyMustang. | August 24, 2021 at 10:05 am

      I am close to a century old. I will not take any of the current vaccines. I have not changed any of my lifestyle.-don’t take the flu vaccine even tho Medicare sends 10/12 letters a season pleading for me to do so. The fact that the 1986 change to the vaccine liability tells me everything and then the change in 1992 that allows big pharma to pay a fee-fine or what I consider a bribe to put the drug of their choice on the market with the empty promise that its ok for human use…It is still at the end of the day about government standing between you your family your doctor and becoming the god all knowing. It is about the power of the few over the freedom of the many. My experience says when the government shows up and says I’m here to help run fast. I have seen nothing about the natural immunity. I guess no one remembers measles. Our parents actively looked for kids that had all the childhood diseases-not because we were likely to die-we were likely to miss school.. So now even if you have the virus and recover that doesn’t enter into the equation at all. That should be a red flag. If you had the disease and recovered means your body produced the necessary response to that disease. always better than the artificial response. I watch Israel and the Sub Sahara data.. I also listen to the ones that actually treated us. They were heroes last year treating all of us w/o any vaccine but now that they refuse this vaccine they are painted as villains. It is early treatment. I do think the therapeutics which have been on the open market for decades should be our choice. When the government threatens to take you license is really scary to me and it is across the board attorneys doctors teachers researchers media and removing students from school and at the university level returning no money for all the years that were done to get that little piece of paper. Didn’t New York just state that those of us that refuse to follow don’t deserve the good life the rest of us do.

    gibbie in reply to Petrushka. | August 23, 2021 at 10:22 pm

    Florida is having a rather bizarre decrease in daily deaths. I don’t understand it, but I’m happy about it.

      I was reading about a couple of studies that indicate we’re (in Florida) going to hit herd immunity next month. That explains why the cases are starting to level out, with deaths decreasing in the hardest hit areas. I think one was a University of South Florida study, but I can’t recall (or quickly find it).

        I’m not sure that herd immunity is actually possible if you can become infected and transmit the virus when fully vaccinated. My county is 80% fully vaccinated, 90% with at least one shot but our cases are steadily increasing. I personally know 3 people, one who was hospitalized, all vaccinated, that are currently infected. I got a call from a client yesterday telling me I was exposed at a jobsite (where vaccinations are mandatory). No covid here but it’s become apparent the vaccine might be slowing infections but it’s not what we were promised.

          randian in reply to Sanddog. | August 24, 2021 at 9:38 pm

          Regarding herd immunity, there’s this weird thing called an “immune system” that takes care of that.

      Petrushka in reply to gibbie. | August 24, 2021 at 1:15 pm

      It’s not bizarre. florida has, for the last six weeks, been doing more vaccinations per capita than any other state. Most of the cases were in South florida, and this is where most of the vaccinations are being done. The results are just beginning to show.

      caseoftheblues in reply to gibbie. | August 25, 2021 at 1:58 pm

      Florida is actually trying to treat people before they end up in the hospital. Most other states esp blue ones have actually outlawed treating for Covid

        GusPatriot in reply to caseoftheblues. | August 25, 2021 at 3:21 pm

        See monoclonal antibody treatment, along with other outpatient treatments. What should have been a priority has been blockaded, in some cases using false medical studies that have been proven false and pulled from publication.

        The NIH website recommends no outpatient treatment protocol other than OTC symptom remedies. That in itself is beyond belief. Yet it exists today.

        A vax that has zero long term studies, zero long term data, is being forced on huge populations.

        Risk mitigation is secondary to money and control.

    caseoftheblues in reply to Petrushka. | August 24, 2021 at 5:43 am

    Natural immunity works even better than the vaccines…actual science from 50 years not 5 months of research

    It’s by design, the continuing surge of illegal immigrants. They have nowhere else to go but the hospitals since they aren’t screened at the border before being bused out to US cities.

    caseoftheblues in reply to Petrushka. | August 25, 2021 at 10:53 am

    You might want to broaden your search for data…vaccines increasingly showing to NOT be effective..and what they did do wanes very quickly compared to natural immunity

    caseoftheblues in reply to Petrushka. | August 25, 2021 at 1:57 pm

    Yah….not so much as the data starts to come in. In UK 40% of deaths fully vaccinated and ….. During period of time (August 11th – August 19th), the SNHD’s total COVID Deaths (those of both vaccinated and unvaccinated), rose from 4936 to 5032, or 96 deaths. Of the total deaths, 50 of them were fully vaccinated, meaning 52% of the deaths were fully vaccinated patients. SNHD=South Nevada Heath department

caseoftheblues | August 23, 2021 at 8:01 pm

What’s really odd is they won’t allow any treatment of covid after you get it. Not every case of pneumonia ends up in the hospital right…you get diagnosed and you are given meds and go home, take them and most get better and don’t end up in hospital. Not with covid…you get it…are told no treatment…if you get bad end up in hospural…still no treatment…they watch you get worse till they intubate you which is a virtual death sentence. And the medical world is just fine with it….even though they have meds which could up survival rates by 50-85%…patients families have had to go to court to force doctors to treat family members…what is going on?

Looking at your charts, I do see that it reflects low deaths. My mistake.

Hawaii has a lot of people with just one shot. That does a pretty good job of reducing the death rate, but not the case rate.

It true that delta is surging everywhere. It’s not true that vaccinated people have no advantage when it comes to death.

Masks and lockdowns are practically useless. This has been proven over and over again.

Remember “Fifteen days to flatten the curve”? We long ago surpassed fifteen months, and if the Communists have their way it will stretch into fifteen years – or decades. Deep blue states like Hawaii are run by nihilistic mind-control death cultists.

A reminder. 100% of the covid deaths here are associated with comorbidity. And for the most part these are the usual suspects: extreme age and frailty, obesity, diabetes. Initially the average age of death was 82. However the Delta variant is bringing younger people in the hospital and the comorbidity profile may change along with the average age of covid related death.

    caseoftheblues in reply to puhiawa. | August 23, 2021 at 9:22 pm

    Not true…your Delta info just flat out wrong…it’s NOT more deadly to any group

      You don’t understand what I wrote and and I am not going to explain it. I suspect I know a great deal about this than yourself.

        caseoftheblues in reply to puhiawa. | August 24, 2021 at 5:47 am

        I doubt you do…with all your talk of the “delta” variant…you know they mutate every ten hours right…

          And most mutations give the virus ZERO advantage. When it’s a big enough shift that the virus become more or less infectious, more or less deadly, it’s identified as a variant of the original virus.

What is source for the data in the chart tweeted by Dan Darling.

I’m having a debate with someone who finds it suspicious that there is no data source and believes that the chart is fake.

Source Please.

    Colonel Travis in reply to Ben Kent. | August 23, 2021 at 10:13 pm

    I don’t know Dan Darling but cases per 100K is easy to lookup for any state. NYT, for example. That tweet is about a week old. Right now Texas is 60 cases per 100K, the Big Island is identical, Maui is a little less, the whole state of Hawaii is 49 per 100K. Keep in mind that we’re talking about entire states. It depends on where you are. Texas is huge. Some of the rural counties have case rates that are insanely high using this 100K metric, like Glasscock County, Texas. 162 per 100K! OMG THAT’S 4X WORSE THAN DALLAS! Yeah and there are literally 2 people in the entire freaking county who have it in a county with a population of about 1,200.

    Read this fellow, who Leslie featured, and who has sources to everything and shows the absurdity across the entire planet.


      These skyrocketing case totals are measured with what? PCR, which isn’t reliable and generates many false positives, especially with high amplification cycles. Since the amplification cycle counts being used for these tests is always kept secret I assume they’ve jacked up the counts for political effect.

Has this hospital in Hawaii fired any nurses for not getting the jab? Just wondering if they’re overwhelmed because of number of cases or because of lack of personnel.

Leslie Eastman: Overall, 772,354 people, or 54% of Hawaii’s population have been fully vaccinated.

That is insufficient to expect the pandemic to have ended.

Here is a chart showing Hawaii and Texas: opposite approaches and yet same trajectory. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E9EkrxUXEAEcaXC?format=jpg

But not the same result.


Leslie Eastman: While many of the new Hawaiian cases are among the unvaccinated, 10% have been vaccinated.

So, while half the population is vaccinated, only 10% of new cases are among the vaccinated, and the cases tend to be milder.

Two tricks are almost certainly being used here. First, there’s a difference between a hospital or ICU being “full of” COVID patients and “full with” COVID patients. How many of their COVID patients arrived at hospital for other medical conditions, and were discovered upon testing to have COVID?

The second is throughput, it’s not discussed at all. All their ICU beds are full. But how long does each patient stay in an ICU bed? If you have 20 ICU beds with COVID patients for a week, but the average stay in an ICU bed for a COVID patient is three days, that means you’ve treated something more than 60 patients. Same goes for the beds occupied by COVID patients in other wards. They are not “jammed” like traffic on a road or logs in a river, keeping others out who require care. (The unfortunate lady with breast cancer is probably the victim of a panic-induced reflex by hospital administrators who are needlessly cancelling other procedures to open beds or for fear of transmission. This was done last year and resulted in the lay-off of many hospital employees, including medical professionals, when there was no work for them because the hospitals were largely empty.)

Since the first case was identified last year, “zero COVID” has never been an option. No matter what measures were taken, it’s not a possibility. Yet there are *still* people in authority who have implemented responses that pretend it’s an achievable goal.

We could try alternative treatments like Ivermectin but for the CDC outright lying about it and saying no doctor should prescribe it because “it’s for horses” and “dangerous”. The 40 years of medical data saying otherwise has apparently been deemed “misinformation”.

Add to that the CDC ceasing reports of breakthrough cases (if you don’t look for them they didn’t happen?), simply not recording adverse vaccine events in some cases (waiving employer obligation to report), and lying about deaths (they reported 12k+, and when it was discovered they took the page down and replaced it with the previous day’s 6k), and I submit that this hasn’t been about medicine for a long time.

    caseoftheblues in reply to randian. | August 25, 2021 at 9:43 am

    The vaccines aren’t really that effective and becone less so…chasing mutations with boosters is absurd. Long past time for the medical establishment to work on effective treatment protocols to keep peoe from ever going into the hospital. Sorry not sorry Pzfier and the government grifters pockets won’t get filled as much.