Even Biden Allies Having Trouble Defending His Afghan Withdrawal Fiasco

The shameful Biden-created cluster in Afghanistan is such a tremendous blunder that it caught some in the media off-guard.  For example, CNN’s Jake Tapper was caught doing actual journalisming on the air . . . for all five of CNN’s remaining viewers.

In fact, despite the Biden administration’s and war-mongering neo-cons like Liz Let’s find a country to bomb Cheney’s attempts to blame President Trump, there is a surprising (to me) consensus that Biden really stepped in it here.

As noted in the Wall Street Journal, Biden’s first major decision as commander in chief is “damning” and “an unforced error.”

Some former officials, however, say Mr. Biden’s troop withdrawal was a blunder and that the fallout could have lasting repercussions. The cratering security, which has put the Biden administration in a race to evacuate thousands of Afghan allies, may threaten the rights of women and could provide terrorist groups with an opportunity to move into Afghanistan’s ungoverned spaces.“I think it is damning for him to have created this situation in his first significant action as commander in chief,” said Ryan Crocker, who served as the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan during the Obama administration and has worked under Democratic as well as Republican presidents. “It’s an unforced error, and as an American I am deeply concerned.”

The buck stops on Biden’s desk, he’s commander in chief, he approved the disastrous withdrawal “plan.”  This unqualified shambles is all Biden’s.

And everyone knows it, including Democrats, their propagandist media arm, and their #NeverTrumper lapdogs. 

So the outliers here appear to be the ones trying to blame Trump.

MSNBC opines: “A Taliban takeover in Afghanistan will not be Joe Biden’s fault”

Stunningly, apparently Biden’s clueless sidekick wants ‘credit’ for Biden’s Afghanistan fiasco.

Does politically inept Harris ever understand what is going on? Even a little?

The rest of the Biden administration is well aware of their Afghanistan ineptitude and are, of course, deflecting blame.

Biden administration officials blamed the Trump administration and Afghan security forces for what they called a “very risky situation” in Afghanistan, defending their decision-making as the Taliban took over the capital of Kabul.Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken briefed lawmakers Sunday amid a massive effort to airlift Western diplomats, civilians and Afghans likely to be targeted by the country’s new rulers.“This is the remnants of Vietnam, with helicopters coming to remove people off buildings,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) told the officials, according to one person on the call. He questioned the U.S. decision to withdraw now instead of during the winter, the person said, presumably when the Taliban was inactive.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has been laser-focused on weeding white supremacist extremists from the U.S. military and on ensuring that all military and civilian personnel receive a steady dose of morale-crushing, anti-American Critical Race Training.  Priorities!

Meanwhile, even Politico is having trouble swallowing the Trump’s to blame line.

— TALKING POINT 4: This is all Trump’s fault.“We inherited a deal that was cut by our predecessor,” a White House official told Playbook this morning. “It’s not finger-pointing; that’s just facts. … It’s not about blaming the Trump administration; it’s about what we inherited.””We had to put in place an entire system to deal with this,” Blinken said on ABC’s “This Week.” “Unfortunately none of that work was done when we came in.”There are a few problems with this. First, Biden is the one who decided to pull out U.S. forces by the upcoming 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. That was his call, not Trump’s. Second, part of Biden’s appeal as a presidential candidate was his vast experience and foreign policy credentials. Third, this argument undercuts the other ones. You can’t say both that this is what you’d planned for, and that it’s also a catastrophe that isn’t what you’d planned on. If this is Trump’s fault, that suggests that the situation is bad enough you’re trying to blame someone else for it; but if the situation is bad and this is also what you’d planned for, then that begs the question of whether the plan was good.

When you’ve lost the Trump-hating UK (and the ultra-leftist Daily Beast is reporting it). . . : “Even the U.K. Is Turning on Biden’s Hasty Afghan Pullout.”

Meanwhile, GOP leadership is pointing out the truth of where the buck actually stops.

Trump also issued a statement:


If the GOP is smart, they will pick up this clarion call and run with it . . . right over the $1.5 trillion “infrastructure” boondoggle, over the $3.5 trillion Bernie-written socialist Green New Deal monstrosity, and on to historic victories in the 2022 midterms. If they’re smart.

Tags: Afghanistan, Joe Biden, Media Bias, Trump Derangement Syndrome