Branco Cartoon – Evacuation
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Branco Cartoon – Evacuation

Branco Cartoon – Evacuation

Fleeing for their political lives

A.F. Branco coffee table book “Keep America Laughing (at the left)” ORDER HERE

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Can I get airlifted out of NYC ?

It’s also been taken over by the looney radicals.

I was thinking last night that we aren’t even a year into this epic failure of an administration, yet it already has managed to create an indelible image of astonishing political incompetence. And here Antonio is, summing it up in one sweeping image.

Can we do a recall on Biden / Harris ?

    fscarn in reply to Ben Kent. | August 16, 2021 at 10:48 am

    Nope. Your only option is impeachment. And the chance of that with a D House is zero. There is no Democrat alive who has ever taken the Article VI oath to support and defend “this Constitution” and actually meant it.

2smartforlibs | August 16, 2021 at 9:57 am

We have military generals and we have political generals. Guess who’s in charge?

Time to call in Snake Plissken

Mark Quatrain | August 16, 2021 at 2:08 pm

Trump sold out our Afghan allies when he made his deal with the Taliban last year, just like he sold out our Kurdish allies to his business partners in Turkey before that. Biden is letting Afghanistan go down the drain, but Trump pulled the plug and let most of the water run out.