Why Is Kamala The Last Democrat Still Arguing Against Voter I.D.?

Kamala Harris laugh 2

Having to prove one’s identity to vote is something that has always had majority approval among Americans.  Democrats, however and not that many months ago, contended that it was “racist” to expect “black and brown” people to get a voter i.d.  It’s too hard, it’s unattainable (even when free), and they simply can’t manage it at all.

This tune changed recently, however, with top Democrats and even the “real governor” of Georgia not only saying voter i.d. is fine, good even, but that they had never been against it in the first place.  A demonstrable lie.

The most common analysis suggested that it was poll-based.  And while I do agree that the polls suggested this was a losing issue for Democrats, it always has been.  They just didn’t care.

So what changed their tune?  Vaccine passports is my guess.  They can’t claim that “black and brown” voting blocs (how insulting and disgusting is that dehumanizing leftist construction?!) cannot manage a voter i.d. while simultaneously claiming these exact same people can somehow manage to figure out not only how and where to get vaccinated but how to obtain their vaccine passport.

So suddenly, not only is voter i.d. a good idea, great even, but it was actually the Democrats’ idea in the first place!  They never said otherwise!  Really.

Somehow, Kamala Harris, who is currently occupying the office of the Vice President, never got the memo.  As usual.  She’s always a day late and a dollar short . . . not to mention, out of touch, tone deaf, politically inept, and “completely wacky.”

Poor old Kamala is truly the outcast in the Biden administration; Democrats know that she can’t compete even in a Democrat presidential primary let alone in a contest against President Trump, her staff hates her, her off-putting cackling has to be reined in, and the Biden admin set her tasks that she mangles because she’s inept, in way over her head, and her staff hates her.

So it’s no wonder that she’s still reading from the 2018 Democrat playbook.  No one sent her the memo—and no, not because she’s a black woman but because even Democrats, up to and including those in the Biden administration, see her as a nothing who needs to be locked away in the Biden basement while they busily “transform” America.

Here’s Kamala saying that voter i.d. is bad (although all other Democrats have recently disavowed this view) because people in rural areas don’t have a local Kinkos at which to make copies.  I kid you not.

So not only did she not get the “hey, we’ve ALWAYS supported voter i.d.—say it until it becomes ‘Truth'” memo, but she didn’t get the whole point of the gas-lighting effort.  Clueless as usual, Kamala is left hanging out to dry with this bizarre assumption about rural Americans.

“Rural Americans” are not quite as happy as some of their fellow “black and brown” Americans to be lumped into a fake, divisive by design, leftist “identity group,” and they had thoughts.

Embarrassing, completely out of touch, disingenuous, and condescending . . . . If memory serves, this is exactly why Democrat primary voters rejected her so totally in 2019-20 that she didn’t even stick around for the first Democrat primary vote.

Tags: Biden Administration, Democrats, Kamala Harris, Vaccines, Voter ID