What the ‘Third Wave’ Tells Us About Future of COVID-19 Pandemic
It’s time to have a serious conversation about achieving herd immunity the old-fashioned way: The naturally-obtained immunity through actual infection.
The World Health Organization (WHO) announced a “third wave” in the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus described the recent data in an address to the Emergency Committee on COVID-19, established under the International Health Regulations (IHR), a treaty that guides global response to public health risks.
Recalling the sustained decline in COVID-19 cases and deaths that was being driven, in recent months, by increasing vaccination rates in Europe and North America, he sounded alarms over the fresh reversal of that positive trend.
“Unfortunately…we are now in the early stages of a third wave”, he said.
And while the Biden administration and its media minions continue to press for vaccination, we have troubling news that the vaccines may not be as effective as initially hoped. For example, Israel has widely distributed the Pfizer vaccine, which scientists originally touted as over 90% effective.
Now Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett says that the vaccine’s protection against the Delta variant is not as robust as initially assessed.
The effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant is “weaker” than health officials hoped, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Friday, as 858 people tested positive for coronavirus and more countries were added to the list of places having high infection rates.
“We do not know exactly to what degree the vaccine helps, but it is significantly less,” Bennett said.
The prime minister held a meeting of top health officials and ministers to discuss the next steps for managing the virus in light of the numbers in Israel and what Bennett described as “the Delta mutation leaping forward around the world, including in vaccinated countries such as Britain, Israel and the US.”
…More than 5.7 million Israelis have received at least one shot of the Pfizer vaccine and the country continues to push for citizens – especially teenagers – to go out and get the jab.
And while the vaccines appear to prevent more severe disease outcomes, the trend is disappointing for experimental vaccines. Furthermore, the reduced effectiveness will have to become part of the risk assessment calculation, especially after reports of heart inflammation and other adverse reactions following vaccination.
If these findings of vaccine effectiveness stand, then it will be difficult to argue that we can vaccinate our way to herd immunity. Therefore, it may be time to have a serious conversation about achieving herd immunity the old-fashioned way: The naturally-obtained immunity through actual infection.
In its dreadful reporting about the pandemic, the press has failed to highlight that for most people, COVID-19 infection results in a mild to severe cold. The vast majority of younger people with no underlying conditions are not at risk for a significant infection. Paired with the potential side effects and the potentially diminishing effectiveness of the vaccines, the argument that they must be vaccinated no longer makes sense.
Politicians, public health officials, and the press must do a better job at stressing individual risk factors. For example, 40% of those who died from COVID-19 had diabetes, according to a recent study.
“The pandemic disproportionately impacted people living with diabetes,” the ADA’s chief scientific and medical officer, Dr. Robert Gabbay, told HealthDay Now last week.
He called the statistic “really quite sobering,” given that so many of the US pandemic deaths came from a group making up just 10 percent of the population.
As of Friday, the US had seen 608,495 deaths from COVID-19, according to Johns Hopkins University — which would make nearly 245,000 of them diabetics.
“I can’t say this strongly enough — if you have diabetes, get vaccinated,” Gabbay said.
“With the risk of hospitalization and death related to COVID being six to 12 times higher for people with diabetes, it’s time to get vaccinated,” he insisted.
As I noted early on in this pandemic, exercise and a good diet are critical in the battle against the coronavirus. Paired with more effective treatments and early diagnosis of the illness, this classic approach to handling the virus appears to now be the best option in the future.
Beyond these new reports, it is pretty clear that people worldwide are tired of ineffective mask mandates and public health rules. We have seen protests about COVID-19 restrictions worldwide because there is no definitive way to “flatten the curve” ever. In this country, parents are protesting over mask mandates in schools and delaying returning to regular schedules.
One last thought: Nobody is afraid of the common cold. Here is a medical analysis of its disease outcomes well worth pondering:
Respiratory viral infections, also known as the common cold, are the most common infections in humans. Despite their benign nature, they are a major cause of morbidity and mortality on a worldwide basis.
Several viruses have been associated with such illness, of which rhinovirus is the most common. Symptom production is a combination of viral cytopathic effect and the activation of inflammatory pathways.
Therefore, antiviral treatment alone may not be able to prevent these events. The optimal use of such agents also requires earlier initiation; therefore, it is important to develop accurate and rapid diagnostic techniques for respiratory viruses. Before any reliable and effective treatment is available, symptomatic therapies may remain the only possible choice of management.
In conclusion: I believe that the “third wave” shows COVID-19 is here to stay. Thank you, China!
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Nice Read Here:
XAVIER BECERRA, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, et al.,
They start out poorly. They claim: “Assuming the accuracy of Defendants’ COVID-19 death data, SARS-CoV-2 has an overall survivability rate of 99.8% globally, which increases to 99.97% for persons under the age of 70, on a par with the seasonal flu.”
Per the CDC:
U.S. deaths/infections = Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)
624983/71362000 = 0.88%
That is many times more deadly than seasonal influenza. In addition, the number of hospitalizations is about four times that number, with some people having long-term effects from the infection.
The filing doesn’t get any better.
Should we be surprised that CCP Coronavirus might span 2-3 years. That is what happened with the Spanish flue. I am not suggesting we should crawl into a hole, but it would be foolish to dismiss this.
Leslie Eastman: And while the vaccines appear to prevent more severe disease outcomes, the trend is disappointing for experimental vaccines.
Preventing severe disease outcomes while also reducing the chance of any infection is a significant benefit.
Leslie Eastman: Furthermore, the reduced effectiveness will have to become part of the risk assessment calculation, especially after reports of heart inflammation and other adverse reactions following vaccination.
The severe side-effects from natural infection are far more likely than from vaccination.
Leslie Eastman: If these findings of vaccine effectiveness stand, then it will be difficult to argue that we can vaccinate our way to herd immunity. Therefore, it may be time to have a serious conversation about achieving herd immunity the old-fashioned way: The naturally-obtained immunity through actual infection.
There is no reason at this time to believe that the immune response to natural infection will not wane like it is reported to do with vaccination.
Leslie Eastman: Paired with the potential side effects and the potentially diminishing effectiveness of the vaccines, the argument that they must be vaccinated no longer makes sense.
Again, the side-effects of natural infection are worse, and the immune response will probably wane in a similar way.
Leslie Eastman: Nobody is afraid of the common cold.
That’s because the fatality rate of the common cold is much lower than it is with COVID-19.
A daily dose of fear porn. You don’t willingly give up your rights if you are not in a constant panic.
To quote Pete Townsend, “we won’t get fooled again!”
My favorite version: “Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.” George W. Bush
It would be much better for our public health officials to list out the specific conditions that are linked to Covid deaths. Even a top ten or top five that indicates who has an elevated risk of severe health outcomes would do.
Then base the messaging about vaccination on this subset of the general population. In addition, they really need to stop their denial about acquired immunity. Yes, not everyone had a large viral load so they may not have sufficient antibodies.
Instead of insisting on near mandatory vaccination lets work to make sure everyone has sufficient information to make a truly informed decision. Add to that a choice of vaccines. In my area J&J is nonexistent and was never available. Pfizer not available. Only moderna.
List out the side effects, negative outcomes and deaths from the vaccination. List out which vaccine has what rate of re infection and in what population by age and medical conditions and the severity.
More complete and transparent data would, IMO, go a very long way to reassure people and overcome their hesitation. The constant drum beat of ‘you are a bad person if not vaccinated’ isn’t getting it done.
Yes Commo – The health industrial complex has been very prolific with edicts and very short on data. They should try to inform and educate people – not just scream at them and coerce them.
This pandemic was far from the “finest hour” for the CDC, NIH and WHO. They were pathetic in every phase of this pandemic and, frankly, I would be deeply ashamed if I worked there. They owe all Americans a deep apology. Really, half of those people should probably be fired for incompetence. We as a country spend BILLIONS of dollars to give these people FAT PAYCHECKS for years – only to find my grandfather could have done a better job than they did. They destroyed our economy.
I want to know when they knew that 95% of the deaths were limited to diabetics and to those over age 70. Almost all of the remaining 5% were people who were immuno-compromised.
Why didn’t they just protect the 20% of the population that was at risk – so the other 80% could continue with their lives? Why did they have to destroy our economy?
Was it really just a ploy to attack Trump? Would they really destroy an economy and risk thousand of lives and interrupt the education of our children – just to get at one man? It seems that way – given all the insanity related to him. Like the Lancet going out of their way to publish anti-Hydroxychloroquine research – only to discover the data used in the study was all a fraud.
Ben Kent: Why didn’t they just protect the 20% of the population that was at risk – so the other 80% could continue with their lives?
Because it doesn’t work that way. Nearly everyone has older parents or grandparents or disabled relatives. If the disease is allowed to run amok, then it will kill hundreds of thousands of people—just in the U.S.
Oh, too late.
COVID costs lives. Immunization costs nothing.
“Was it really just a ploy to attack Trump? Would they really destroy an economy and risk thousand of lives and interrupt the education of our children – just to get at one man? It seems that way – given all the insanity related to him.”
The answer is, yes. They would. They would do all that to get at the one man who ran on the euphemism “Drain the Swamp!” which is a directed offensive against “them”. Economically, they’re insulated because they’re wealthy. They know their lives are not at risk and their kids go to private schools. And they don’t care a whit about anything but retaining power and evading justice. JFK and his brother Bobby both threatened to take on the same dark forces and were summarily dispatched. By comparison, Trump has gotten off easy.
Everyone has had an opportunity to receive a vaccine. Some don’t currently want any vaccine. Some of us would prefer a particular vaccine that isn’t readily available.
This bashing of the unvaccinated is completely counterproductive. The folks eager for a shot have gotten it. Now they need to sell the remaining population. Telling people they are either stupid or hat they should stop resisting the shot because it’s a political act isn’t winning many converts.
A basic principle of leadership is not to give orders you know will not be obeyed. You might have the lawful authority to issue that order but if it is flouted then it must be enforced. If it’s flouted then it’s likely stupid and the people who would normally enforce it are far more likely to ignore it as well.
The Biden administration needs to begin the process of selling the vaccine to people who haven’t walked onto the car lot. They ain’t on the lot because they ain’t looking to buy. It’s the job of the administration to convince people to come onto the lot then convince them to buy.
Yelling and pitching a fit, calling FB ‘killers’, while refusing to disclose all the information about the vaccines, is not an effective sales strategy.
“De Blasio’s order will not apply to teachers, police officers and other city employees, but it’s part of the city’s intense focus on vaccinations amid an increase in delta variant infections.
Vaccinate or get tested weekly is the order. So, they get the choice but no one else.
You do realise that 5% of 600K deaths is still a significant number don’t you? I’m not really clear that you can lay blame on the CDC when the policy response was in Trumps hands. Its really the case that Trump didn’t listen to the medical / public health advise so how on earth can you say its the Public health officials fault?
CommoChief: It would be much better for our public health officials to list out the specific conditions that are linked to Covid deaths.
CommoChief: List out the side effects, negative outcomes and deaths from the vaccination.
“…lets work to make sure everyone has sufficient information to make a truly informed decision.”
Yes, they are actively doing this. It is necessary, therefore, the suppress “disinformation” so people can make the “correct” choice.
“In its dreadful reporting about the pandemic, the press has failed to highlight that for most people, COVID-19 infection results in a mild to severe cold. The vast majority of younger people with no underlying conditions are not at risk for a significant infection. Paired with the potential side effects and the potentially diminishing effectiveness of the vaccines, the argument that they must be vaccinated no longer makes sense.”
Bullshit – firstly its been clear in the reporting from practically day one that the virus had a much more serious impact on older people. Its been pretty clearly reported that children are far less vulnerable to the virus. That doesn’t mean they were immune however.
“worldwide because there is no definitive way to “flatten the curve” ever”
Also not true since the waves have corresponded with the easing of restrictions
“One last thought: Nobody is afraid of the common cold” If the idea here is that Covid is somehow equivalent to the common cold then yet again pure BS. No one wants a situation where we have endless variants which require a new vaccination every year. The alternative is to accept that if you are old then you have to contend with a version of flue that’s several times worse.
Its all very well going on about herd immunity but the virus adapts that applies to your immune system as well
This is all about voting fraud. I think the current artificial panic over the Wuflu is to provide an excuse to ban both in-person voting and Election Day. Instead, we would get Election Season (voting held over several months) and voting by mail only.
We already have Election Season (with widespread early voting), but getting rid of in-person voting on Election Day and going to mail-in balloting only will take the massive fraud we saw in deep-blue cities in 2020 and make it both nationwide and permanent.
Perhaps it is time to stop ignoring all the previous knowledge we had on how to deal with respiratory viruses.
I know all our health authorities are “all in” on the brand new technologies of universal masking, social distancing and lockdowns., but I would hope they could be able to assess the evidence that so far shows a close to zero effect for all of them.
I know they’ll never say they were wrong, but at the least they can stop tormenting us with nonsensical interventions that do more harm than good.
If the WHO, CDC and all of our little tyrant public health officials disappeared today health outcomes would drastically improve.
Get the vaccine if you’re in a high risk category.
Leave the rest of us healthy people alone.
Stop the suppression of dissenting opinion.
But I’m sure they’ll try doubling down, again.
“brand new technologies of universal masking, social distancing and lockdowns., but I would hope they could be able to assess the evidence that so far shows a close to zero effect for all of them”
The evidence given the fact there have been waves at all is firmly in the direction of lockdowns working. Otherwise you wouldnt have had waves would you.
Zachary: I know all our health authorities are “all in” on the brand new technologies of universal masking, social distancing and lockdowns.
Of course, social distancing and lockdowns are not new, but ancient, and can be effective is properly implemented.
Zachary: Get the vaccine if you’re in a high risk category.
Even if you are not at risk for serious complications, you can still act as a disease vector, infecting others.
Is it illogical to suggest that maybe the common cold is where coronaviruses settle at the end? The Delta variant sure looks to me to be the equivalent of the common cold. Unless of course you get the jab. Then you have to worry about those possible long-term side effects that have been preventing the FDA from approving these m-RNA vaccines for decades.
“Unless of course you get the jab” you worked it out well done, now allow the virus to mutate when the vaccine doesn’t work and tell me there is a difference then
What possible long term side effects? I keep hearing about “possible long term side effects” but I hear nothing about exactly what they are and how exactly the vaccine would cause them. In its infancy (30 years ago) , mRNA treatments were ineffective because they couldn’t come up with a delivery system that didn’t destroy the mRNA before it could do its work. Early attempts to coat the mRNA never moved to human trials because the coating was recognized as toxic by human cells. The Covid vaccine in use today actually came about because of breakthroughs in the last decade in lipid nanoparticles. They were trying to develop the most effective form of delivery that wouldn’t cause the body to immediately destroy the mRNA before it could enter the cell and they determined that a lipid shell, previously studied in rare disease and cancer treatments could provide the vehicle. I believe the first human trials of the LNP coated mRNA were in new rabies vaccine human trials. Those trials occurred years before the Covid vaccine and there are no reports of people dropping dead or growing 3 heads.
Cardiac, neurological pathology. Autoimmune diseases. Unlike drugs, vaccines produce persistent effects, and side-effects that may not be observable for years. This is why vaccines require a decade or more to establish a safety profile. There is a conditional risk for infection and disease progression, which should be weighed against the known and unknown of risks of emergency use treatment.
What is the specific mechanism by which the vaccine could cause the problems you listed? You can’t just throw out stuff without showing exactly how it occurs.
How can he provide the mechanism for side effects the makers of the vaccine don’t even know?
That is why – here comes the flying obvious – vaccines require a decade or more to establish a safety profile.
Remember this nightmare?
Thalidomide survivors:
Evidence points to the spike protein as being the cause of so much of the mischief arising from this so-called “vaxx.”
Excuse me, I inadvertently gave you a thumbs-down.
There’s a short and clear explanation contained in the link from the very first comment.
Actually the vaccine makers do know, in terms of the specific mRNA technology it has been tested for a long period of time. Its also the case that they large scale trials have indicted limited side effects including in pregnant women. there is a large body of data that’s ben analysed by multiple standards agencies world wide. Further the reporting systems mean that the data is constantly reviewed and advise given depending on real world results. Hence why the specific advise has changed with regard to specific risk groups
Thalidomide bears no resemblance to the current vaccine. For one we have a data set relating to pregnant women and no risks have ben highlighted at this stage.
@Nordic Prince
What mischief, be specific
TheFineReport.com: How can he provide the mechanism for side effects the makers of the vaccine don’t even know?
There’s a process involved:
Almost all side effects will be apparent in the short term, unless they are rare, in which case, they only show up after large numbers of people have taken the vaccine. The vaccines have gone through the initial three phases of testing, including testing on tens of thousands of people. The next step is larger scale testing, which, guess what, requires giving even large numbers of people the vaccine.
As more people have taken the vaccine, more will be learned and the situation is being constantly monitored, but there is no indication of anything other than the rare instances of severe side effects.
“The Delta variant sure looks to me to be the equivalent of the common cold.”
In truth, it’s worse than the common cold and appears to be on par with the common flu, which is not worth creating a dictatorship or destroying the world trying to save it.
Brave Sir Robbin: In truth, it’s worse than the common cold and appears to be on par with the common flu
COVID-19 is several times more deadly than seasonal influenza. The Delta variant is worse than other variants, both in terms of transmissibility and in terms of mortality.
Oh, don’t worry….China’s labs are working in conjunction with the CDC at full speed on the next big contagion.
We were very lucky. There were viruses in that SARS2 lab in Wuhan that were way more deadly than they one that escaped.
IMHO, the Chinese reaction was overkill for even a Communist regime. Welding people into their apartment buildings? I still think more than one virus escaped or was distributed. They managed to contain the deadlier less infectious one.
Pasadena Phil: Is it illogical to suggest that maybe the common cold is where coronaviruses settle at the end?
As people develop their immune response, COVID-19 and its mutants may just become a background coronavirus. A nuisance for most people.
Pasadena Phil: The Delta variant sure looks to me to be the equivalent of the common cold.
The mortality rate for COVID-19 is much higher than for the common cold. The Delta variant is worse.
Pasadena Phil: Unless of course you get the jab. Then you have to worry about those possible long-term side effects
The vaccine has been is use for several months now, and severe side-effects are very rare. The side-effects from a natural infection of COVID-19 is much more likely to be severe than from the vaccine.
The problem with infecting our way to herd immunity is that a significant number of people will end up with post-COVID syndrome.
We know who is at risk and normally, these are the people who get the primary attention and directed to quarantine and prescribed medication. This new protocol of quarantining healthy people and making everyone wear masks cause far more harm than good.
Compared with the harm of being infected and the potential for mutations that might cause harm to a greater range of people. No try again.
We have very good outpatient treatment: we do need to persuade people to seek early treatment.
Here in North Carolina 3 adolescents (out of 2.3 million) have died from the Virus. That is 1.3 per million. Using the VAERS data I downloaded last night the average death from the vaccine is 32 per million.
So, using that data it appears that kids are 25 times more likely to die from the shot than the disease in this state.
Now, I do not believe that kids die from the shot at the same rate as the elderly. But, there is no data to refute that. So, anyone who says different is thinking wishfully. And, the CDC says no children have died from the shot. But, the 14 year old boy who died two days after taking the Pfizer vaccine was clearly in distress from the vaccine. He may have had an underlying medical condition, but millions of kids have underlying medical conditions and do not know it.
Lastly, once the Feds began suppressing discussion on the subject, they lost their credibility as an unbiased source.
MattMusson: Using the VAERS data I downloaded last night the average death from the vaccine is 32 per million.
VAERS data is deaths after vaccination, not death due to vaccination. There is a background rate of death, so some people are expected to die in the period after vaccination having nothing to do with the vaccine.
Feds lost credibility when Fauci flip-flopped on masks in March 2020. And when CDC f*cked up the testing kits in Feb / March 2020.
Dems lost credibility when Biden opposed Trump’s suspension of travel from China. Then DOUBLED DOWN on their credibility problem when they opposed all treatments other than the new Pharma promoted ones. Then TRIPLED DOWN when they censored all consideration of the Wuhan Lab as the source of the Pandemic because virtue signally is more important than truth or free speech.
That’s what trips me up. There is blatant misinformation coming from official sources. People who really should know better are endorsing the misinformation.
The Feds lost ALL credibiity when Fauci started accepting perks like a cheap whore. Then there’s the mysterious MILLION dollar ‘prize’ the asshole got:
If Fauci has an OUNCE of integrity, he would have never accepted a dime from anyone, nor seats at the ballgame in his honor, etc etc. etc.
The CDC has recognized heart inflammation as a serious risk for younger people receiving the vaccination. It is very possible wide-spread vaccination of adolescents will cause more deaths and serious complications and adverse reactions than virus itself. It should only be administered to adolescents with certain risk factors for the virus. To do anything else is unethical.
Why isn’t heart inflammation even more of a problem for the middle aged and elderly? The possibility of an induced heart attack must be seriously considered.
Brave Sir Robbin: The CDC has recognized heart inflammation as a serious risk for younger people receiving the vaccination.
It’s a risk, but very low. The inflammation is related to the immune response. Most patients recover quickly. Even for younger patients, immunization is safer than the risk of COVID-19 infection.
See Gargano et al., Use of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine After Reports of Myocarditis Among Vaccine Recipients: Update from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices — United States, CDC: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report July 9, 2021: “The benefits (prevention of COVID-19 disease and associated hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths) outweighed the risks (expected myocarditis cases after vaccination) in all populations for which vaccination has been recommended.”
Benjamin Franklin, on variolation, which uses live virus to cause infection. : “In 1736 I lost one of my sons, a fine boy of four years old, by the smallpox taken in the common way. I long regretted bitterly and still regret that I had not given it to him by inoculation. This I mention for the sake of the parents who omit that operation, on the supposition that they should never forgive themselves if a child died under it; my example showing that the regret may be the same either way, and that, therefore, the safer should be chosen.”
Third wave of bull$#!+
The initial shutdown should have only lasted as long as needed to prepare our healthcare facilities to handle the influx of cases. The shutdowns went on about 6 months too long.
Now that we have an effective vaccine, and what appears to be a likely end date to its efficacy at some point in the future, the best strategy is to let infections run wild and deal with the consequences of that on our way to herd immunity. The vaccines will protect the most vulnerable in order to mitigate mortality, but it’s time to rip the bandaid off and let nature do what it always does when populations are exposed to novel viruses–both host and pathogen adapt and reach stability.
It will have boosters just like the flu shot and I expect everything to be okay once that is handled. We are tracking variants like never done before with the flu, so this one should be nipped in the bud pretty well.
I think the mRNA vaccines may be highly specific and afford less protection to variant strains. There are several reasons for this which I do not wish to delve into here. Therefore, this disease is now endemic. It will not be eradicated. Over time, the virus will likely become less dangerous. It is unwise to keep pumping experimental medications into people, however. The correct strategy is to vaccinate the vulnerable and let everyone else catch natural immunity which is likely broader and less specific than mRNA “vaccines” and hence provide better personal and population wide protection with the best and quickest route to make this virus a pretty much non-event from a public health standpoint.
Brave Sir Robbin: I think the mRNA vaccines may be highly specific and afford less protection to variant strains.
The evidence indicates otherwise. See Greaney et al., Antibodies elicited by mRNA-1273 vaccination bind more broadly to the receptor binding domain than do those from SARS-CoV-2 infection, Science Translational Medicine June 2021: “This greater binding breadth means that single RBD mutations have less impact on neutralization by vaccine sera compared to convalescent sera. Therefore, antibody immunity acquired by natural infection or different modes of vaccination may have a differing susceptibility to erosion by SARS-CoV-2 evolution.”
Brave Sir Robbin: The correct strategy is to vaccinate the vulnerable and let everyone else catch natural immunity which is likely broader and less specific than mRNA “vaccines”
It is likely that vaccines are more protective against variants than natural immunity. See Greaney et al., Antibodies elicited by mRNA-1273 vaccination bind more broadly to the receptor binding domain than do those from SARS-CoV-2 infection, Science Translational Medicine July 2021.
Furthermore, when considering frequency and severity of side effects, the vaccine is less risky than the chance of getting COVID-19, even for the young.
What influx? The vast majority of cases were told to stay home isolated for 14 days. The hospitals, except the ICU’s were basically empty since other patients operations were delayed. I was in the ICU last September for very high blood pressure, nobody wore a mask.
I would take a vaccine if it was an old-style dead virus vaccine, with no boosters like aluminum. Strange that such a vaccine doesn’t exist, it’s almost like it’s being deliberately kept off the market.
The increasingly shrill demands to force people who are at little risk with covid (people under 30, most especially people under 18) get the jab makes me wonder what the real agenda is. It can’t be health, see the previous sentence.
Ivermectin, bro.
Now, the Bravo Sierra Variant is upon us, the most deadly iteration ever.
87% new Cases in Israel are among the Vaccinated.
snowshooze: 87% new Cases in Israel are among the Vaccinated.
As Israel has a very high rate of vaccination, and as the vaccine is not perfect, a relatively large percentage of new cases would be expected among the vaccinated. However, we would like to see a citation for your figure.