Virginia NAACP Leader On CRT Opponents: “Let Them Die!”

Michelle Leete, the (now former) Vice President of Training for the Virginia state PTA and (as of this writing, still) first vice president of the Fairfax County NAACP, spoke at a rally in support of teaching CRT in K-12 schools. She shouted out her remarks, apparently reading them from the paper in her hand, and stated that anyone who opposes this divisive, racist CRT agenda should die.  Perhaps worse, this statement was met with raucous applause and cheers from the small crowd.’ve watched this video twice, and it really does look and sound to me like the “let them die!” line was an actual, scripted part of this bizarre rant. The statement is bad enough, of course, without it being scripted, but did she really sit down, write this out, review it, and think, “yeah! ‘Let them die!’, perfect!”? The Daily Signal transcribed her comments.

Let’s meet and remain steadfast in speaking truth, tearing down double standards, and refuting double talk. Let’s not allow any double-downing on lies. Let’s prepare our children for a world they deserve. Let’s deny this off-key band of people that are anti-education, anti-teacher, anti-equity, anti-history, anti-racial reckoning, anti-opportunities, anti-help people, anti-diversity, anti-platform, anti-science, anti-change agent, anti-social justice, anti-health care, anti-worker, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-children, anti-health care, anti-worker, anti-environment, anti-admissions-policy change, anti-inclusion, anti-live-and-let-live people. Let them die. Don’t let these uncomfortable people deter us from our bold march forward.

It’s worth noting here that the people Leete wants to die are the parents in Virginia who are rising up in opposition to CRT, parents who are trying to protect their children from this dangerous, reductive, regressive pedagogy.

Saying “let them die!” about these justly concerned parents raises some questions. Die of what? By whose hand? Does her next sentence provide a clue? After all, “Let them die. Don’t let these uncomfortable people deter us from our bold march forward” sure sounds like a call not just to violence but to murder in order to ensure the success of the radical, anti-American racist left’s “bold march forward” . . . to 1930s Europe (?!).

The Daily Signal continues:

Asra Nomani, whose son recently graduated from Fairfax County Public Schools and who helps run the watchdog group Parents Defending Education, told The Daily Wire:

What we heard tonight was hate speech, pure and simple. It was shocking that anyone would cheer and applaud a call to violence … . Ironically, [Leete’s] hateful, intolerant words are a perfect illustration of the divisive ideology of critical race theory in action. In the name of tolerance, it preaches intolerance and is a betrayal of all values of humanity and decency.

That’s for sure.

To say the outlook of Leete and others like her is noxious and a serious problem for a republican form of government that requires deliberation, consent, and compromise would be an understatement.

It’s a more extreme form of the message that’s been sent by the militantly woke, who increasingly treat any form of opposition to their radical ideas as illegitimate and “violence.”

In the minds of some, those who oppose the revolution are enemies who must be destroyed. That this message is coming from someone in a position of authority and with a significant platform like Leete is both telling and chilling.

If anything, the “let them die” message of Leete is a clear-cut example of why critical race theory and the ideology that springs from it is poisonous to a free people and has no place in K-12 classrooms.

Anyone so wound up about ensuring that America’s schoolchildren are formally taught in the classroom to hate their country, to hate white people (and themselves if they are white), to hate, period, should not be allowed anywhere near other people’s children nor permitted to hold any leadership position in any school district or organization geared toward K-12 education.

Apparently, the Virginia PTA agrees. They “requested and received” Leete’s resignation as the Vice President of Training at the Virginia PTA.

Apparently, the Virginia PTA organization is suddenly concerned that the people it has hired don’t understand that screeching “let them die!” about their ideological opponents is unacceptable. To that end, they reinforce their commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE) and promise to conduct “sensitivity training.”

Something tells me that this “sensitivity training” is not going to point out that wishing death on people for wrongthink is evil and wrong. Instead, it will likely focus on not tarnishing the reputation of the organization by saying the quiet part out loud.

Tags: Critical Race Theory, NAACP, Virginia