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UNC Student Leaders Issue Anti-Racist Demands After Nikole Hannah-Jones Tenure Drama

UNC Student Leaders Issue Anti-Racist Demands After Nikole Hannah-Jones Tenure Drama

“We are trying to create a Carolina community that is safe for these students”

Never let a crisis go to waste, right? Progressives take advantage of any opportunity to gain power. Imagine what was said in the strategy meeting that led to this.

Campus Reform reports:

Student leaders issue ‘anti-racist’ demands to UNC in aftermath of Nikole Hannah-Jones’ rejection of tenure offer

In the aftermath of Nikole Hannah-Jones’ decision to decline tenure at UNC-Chapel Hill, student leaders hosted a press conference issuing a list of demands to the university.

To ensure safety, student leaders within the Black Student Movement are demanding UNC implement ‘anti-racist alerts’ into the campus-wide Alert Carolina system, terminate the employment of police chief Rahsheem Holland, hire full-time black councilors who ‘specialize in racial trama,’ and increase the number of black staff members in Title X and the women’s center.

Other demands focus on equity and include a ‘metric-driven recruitment strategy for Black faculty,’ publically available equity scorecards for all departments, a memorial for James Cates (a black student stabbed and killed on campus in 1970), the restoration of the Unsung Founders memorial, and grade appeal information on syllabi.

“We come to you today united in our pain, united in our lack of trust,” said Jaci Field, UNC staff member and Carolina Black Caucus representative. “And we are feeling betrayed.”

The press conference was jointly held by The Black Student Movement, The UNC Black Caucus, and the UNC Black Graduate and Professional Association. On their Twitter page, the Black Student Movement also released a statement condemning Rahsheem Holland’s actions as police chief.

“We are trying to create a Carolina community that is safe for these students,” said Taliajah Vann, UNC Black Student Movement president, at the press conference. “Because — and I’ve said this numerous times — it currently is not.”


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Notice the jobs for “counselors specializing in racist trauma.” This is one of the ways the left takes care of their own. Sure, it advances the agenda. More importantly, though, it puts money in the pockets of true believers.

    irv in reply to irv. | July 14, 2021 at 12:13 pm

    “racist trauma” should have said “racial trauma” but as I think about it, maybe this way is more appropriate.

“Safe”=not having to hear ideas with which one disagrees.

daniel_ream | July 14, 2021 at 3:23 pm

UNC Student Leaders Issue Racist Demands After Nikole-Hannah Jones Tenure Drama


I am so tired of universities allowing students to control them.
“No” is a perfectly acceptable word.

henrybowman | July 14, 2021 at 7:13 pm

“To ensure safety, student leaders within the Black Student Movement are demanding UNC implement ‘anti-racist alerts’ into the campus-wide Alert Carolina system, terminate the employment of police chief Rahsheem Holland, hire full-time black councilors who ‘specialize in racial trama,’ and increase the number of black staff members in Title X and the women’s center.”

I’m so tired of this bullshit.

We need to organize 25 women on each campus to shriek that unless the administration un-bans concealed carry immediately, their campuses are “unsafe” from rape and assault. Then it will quickly become apparent who gets to define “safety” and who doesn’t.

Antifundamentalist | July 14, 2021 at 8:18 pm

Could we send these people to live in Iran for a year? Just drop them off at the airport in their western clothing. Then they might see what actual oppression looks like.

These aren’t student leaders. They are self-appointed harridans and bullies. If they don’t feel safe at UNC, then they can leave and attend another school.