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UNC-Charlotte Now Offering a ‘Graduate Certificate in Anti-Racism’

UNC-Charlotte Now Offering a ‘Graduate Certificate in Anti-Racism’

“costs $12,321 for out-of-state students and $6,256 for North Carolina residents”

The left’s political platform is now part of the curriculum in some schools. In some places, it will eventually eclipse it.

Campus Reform reports:

UNC Charlotte offers ‘Anti-Racism’ graduate certificate for public educators

The University of North Carolina Charlotte now offers a “Graduate Certificate in Anti-Racism.”

Students who have completed the program will be able to “identify and analyze anti-racist movements through a historical and cultural context” and “develop a plan of action to effectively address racism in local contexts,” according to the course website.”

The certificate is open to all graduates with a GPA above 2.75 and is designed for “educators in public and private settings, administrators in non-profit settings, counselors, religious/spiritual entities, local, regional and state government employees, and others interested topics of equity.”

The online coursework, which comprises four courses, costs $12,321 for out-of-state students and $6,256 for North Carolina residents. The courses are: History and Psychology of Racism; Racial Identity Development; Race in Education and Schooling; Anti-Racist Activism in Education.


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Common sense, wisdom, and courage are in short supply!

$12k? Nice pay for telling lies and driving people apart.

How many times do I have to say it? With the left, it’s always about money.

And I remain glad I stopped giving to this school as well!

The Friendly Grizzly | July 8, 2021 at 9:57 am

Now, there is a certification I would list on a résumé, yessir!