Psaki Cannot Give a Scientific Answer About Why Vaccinated People Need Masks
Short Psaki: Because we said so you have to wear a mask even if you’ve had the vaccine.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki could not use science to defend the CDC’s new mask recommendations.
Fox News’s Peter Doocy: “If vaccines work, this sign says that they do, then why do people who have the vaccine now need to wear masks the same as people who have not had it?”
Psaki: “Because the public health leaders in our administration have made the determination based on data, that that is a way to make sure they are protected, their loved ones are protected, that is an extra step given the transmissibility of the virus.”
DOOCY: "If vaccines work — then why do people who have the vaccine now need to wear masks?"@PressSec: "Because the public health leaders in our administration have made the determination — that is a way to make sure they are protected, their loved ones are protected…"
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 27, 2021
The CDC recommended vaccinated people wear masks indoors and universal masking in K-12 schools:
CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky later said in a call with reporters that the decision to issue new guidance “was not something we took lightly,” but comes amid “worrisome” new science.
“In recent days, I have seen new scientific data from sequenced outbreak investigations showing that the delta variant behaves uniquely differently from past strains of the virus that cause COVID-19,” Walensky told reporters over a call. “Information on the delta variant from several states and other countries indicate that in rare occasions, some vaccinated people infected with the delta variant after vaccination may be contagious and spread the virus to others.”
However, only a few vaccinated people make up those with new virus cases.
In other words, it is up to us with the vaccine to protect those who have not received the vaccine.
Plus, some people cannot get the vaccine because of health issues or age so does that mean we can never go without a mask? Every time a new variant shows up, which will happen because science, we all have to wear masks again?
Want to stop vaccine hesitancy? Drop the mask obsession.

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She didn’t invoke the name of almighty Science™️?
If she had any scientific capabilities, she would not be a lying PR hack.
Her response sounded like “Because we’re smarter than you are and we said so.”
It’s not hard. Vaccinated people can both get the virus and spread it, just at a lower rate than unvaccinated people.
Until there is a new variant that their “vaccine” doesn’t work for.
That’s what boosters are for.
Boosters are the “in-game purchases” of real life.
Experimental, untested genetic DLC? Hard pass.
No, that’s not what boosters are for. Boosters are to boost the immunity against diseases we have already been vaccinated for and might have only had short term immunity for. Not to provide protection for new variants of a disease. That would necessitate creating a whole new vaccine.
Ever heard of the flu shot? It’s basically the same concept but just on a more intensely tracked virus with substrain variants originating from a single strain of COVID 19.
What would make anyone think the boosters are less safe than the vaccine itself? We are talking about essentially the same vaccine designed to detect miniscule changes in the spike protein that led to the designation of new variants.
Sure I don’t disagree. However that wasn’t what the American People were told at any point. That’s not what was sold. Further that’s not what’s being told now.
LA County has 26% of those hospitalized ID as entire as fully vaccinated. The vax isn’t a traditional vax with an initial dose followed by a booster of the same vax years later.
In essence as you point out, the vax are akin to the seasonal flu shot where public health make an educated guess as to what the next seasonal flu will be and then formulate a shot.
The public health community needs to stop the lies of omission as well as commission. Provide the full data that was used to formulate their recommendation.
IMO, legal challenges are about to begin undercutting this vax regime. Where CDC did not provide evidence to prove their claim or can’t do so because the basis isn’t supported they are going to lose. Big.
The legal basis for all this vax, masks, etc must be that doing these things is necessary for public health due to severity. If the govt can’t or won’t produce the evidence their actions are unsupported and not legal.
The flu shot isn’t mandatory. Not even for those with high risk of severe consequences or even death.
Right, because masks did such a wonderful job stopping…er…slowi…er….not doing shit the past year and a half.
This is true….did great against the flu, though.
I hear that but it makes no sense because rhinovirus and parainfluenza and other respiratory illnesses are on the rise. The more logical explanation is that CV19 muscles the flu out of the way and takes over. There is a term for this, when one disease supersedes over others at the same time, I don’t remember what it is.
Perhaps interference (e.g. resource, infection, response), where one pathogen inhibits viability and expression of another.
No, lumping all the normal flu numbers in under COVID was what did that, thanks.
Actually not true…just more games played with stats…
No, the retards at CDC were using tests that couldn’t tell the difference between the kung flu and the seasonal flu, therefore all were counted as the kung flu.
Ironclaw: No, the retards at CDC were using tests that couldn’t tell the difference between the kung flu and the seasonal flu
That is incorrect. COVID is a coronavirus, not an influenza, so the presence of the influenza virus would not return a positive test for COVID.
This is not even close to true. The tests were antigen-based and the flu is not even caused by a coronavirus.
Did a couple of the popular tests not just get pulled for that very reason?
I know those viruses are pretty different and think it is crazy that a test couldn’t distinguish the two.
“This is not even close to true. The tests were antigen-based and the flu is not even caused by a coronavirus.”
The PCR test is not antigen based.
Biden Administration: If you don’t trust the vaccine you’re an anti-vaxer and you’re destroying America!
Also Biden Administration: Put on a mask even if you’re vaccinated because we can’t trust it will protect you.
Stated by different Admin members on the same day.
Can’t trust a vaccine being pushed by a pedophile that has a 50 year record of lying about everything and taking bribes from everyone under the sun.
Where is the evidence the asymptomatic can spread it?
Demanding “evidence” when told how the world is by your betters is heresy. Sometime in the next few weeks, Fauci will be demanding that heretics be burned at the stake.
Subotai Bahadur
[Social/political] consensus (i.e. democratic/dictatorial) or flat-earth syndrome is a clear and progressive condition.
That makes no sense you know. It is counter EVERY vaccine based communication prior to this little power play to turn people into sheep who follow their ‘betters’ orders. And yes, I AM vaccinated.
We don’t really know that, do we? We know they can contract and spread the disease, yes, but not the rates at which they do so. And don’t be expecting the government to be honest for a change, especially with a pedophile in charge.
At a drastically lower rate than unvaccinated, which just raises the same question—why force masks when vaccinated and natural immunity reduce transmission and risk of death to very low levels? Which also begs the question of the effectiveness of cloth masks.
Science that is manipulated for political purposes is politically motivated scientific fraud….
How many times has Flip-Flop Fauci admitted to have lying about masks to cause people to act a certain way for political purposes?
How about that Global Warming?
Especially when no scientific evidence is presented to the public and no peer review or questioning is allowed.
That’s not ‘science’. That’s authoritarianism.
Q. Why must the vaccinated where masks?
A. Because
the CDCFauci says so.Q. Where is the scientific evidence the CDC and Fauci are relying on?
A. Shut and and do as you’re told, peasant. These things are beyond your understanding. Your betters have decided what is best and you have no right to question them.
Shut up and and do as you’re told, peasant.
“You don’t NEED to learn Latin!”
But what if I visit Latin America and want to talk to the locals? /s
To question Fauci is to question Science.
And to question Fauci is to be a hater who hates and wants grandma Dead.
Somebody should report all the haters.
What ’emerging evidence’. Where’s the data? Where’s the analysis? Where’s the ‘peer review’? This should all be easily and readily and publicly available.
That’s what transparency and ‘science’ is supposed to be all about.
JHogan: What ’emerging evidence’. Where’s the data?
The virus is still evolving. The data is a moving target. This should help:
The vaccines have turned many who’ve never had Covid into asymptomatic super-spreaders. Only those who’ve had Covid and recovered have recovered natural antibody resistance and are Covid dead-ends.
Geez …
Only those who’ve had Covid and recovered have
recoverednatural antibody resistance and are Covid dead-ends.John Rahm — professional golfer and U.S. Open champion — has been vaccinated and has had Covid, according to the testing. He allegedly became infected before the two week post vaccination period ran out. He was asymptomatic.
And yet just over a month later he tested positive again for Covid and cannot compete in the Olympics. He is still asymptomatic.
Looks to me like the testing of asymptomatic people is producing false negatives.
You are correct. They used the recalled test. When he was tested for antibodies to covid he was off the charts. Basically he is immune.
Here’s what it appears is really happening. The CDC and Fauci have no idea what is really happening with Covid and they have no idea what they are doing. Covid is running its course no matter what anyone does.
But they are all on board with exploiting Covid in any and every way they can to advance the Dems/socialist/Marxist political agenda and their ‘fundamental transformation of America’ into Communist China 2.0.
Speaking of the ChiComs. Notice they seem to have no Covid problem at all. How is that possible if Covid is as deadly and is mutating as fast as we are told by our betters?
Perhaps the CDC and Fauci know exactly what they are trying to do. Perhaps they understand psyops and bioweapons. Eventually, the web of lies becomes obvious and new lies contradict other new lies because mendacity cannot survive sunlight or time.
Their problem is the smart and ethical people who are defying the controls to silence them and are increasingly exposing the evil plan.
Why isn’t Jen wearing her mask? Do as I say not as I do.
The reporters aren’t wearing masks either. Federal mask orders are for the little people.
This has nothing to do with the Wuflu, and everything to do with forcing a nationwide lockdown (and using that lockdown to ban in-person voting, mandate voting by mail, ballot harvesting, and voting for weeks or months instead of on a single day).
This new mask pronouncement tells people two things:
1. You can’t trust the vaccine.
2. Getting vaccinated won’t improve your lifestyle.
Both of these implications are false. They will make people conclude that there is no reason to get vaccinated.
My attitude is that I’m vaccinated, and the pandemic is over for me. I go where I want and do what I want and don’t wear a mask unless it’s legally required.
The politicians and health service people should be telling people to get vaccinated because the vaccine works, and 14 days after the second shot, they can ignore the pandemic and go back to their normal lives.
It also confirms what people have been figuring out for the past year and a half: You can’t trust the CDC.
Gun owners have known this for decades. That’s why we got the Dickey Amendment passed.
I, too, go where I want and do what I want and don’t wear a mask except to keep some poor clerk out of trouble.
I take my zinc, and D, as well as C and a multi with trace selenium. I have higher-dose zinc and an ionophore on hand, just in case.
There is more than one way to handle this epidemic, and those fools in the current Administration and some of the States are trying to force infected people to go untreated until they are deathly ill. They are killing some people.
Didn’t you know? Us peasants aren’t allowed to think for ourselves, we just do what we’re told by the pedophile.
Seems like a setup to a new wave of “mandates” that strip voter integrity away from elections again.
Yeah, it’s odd that all this is going down right before the 2022 midterm elections where it is generally understood that the democrat party will be losing control of Congress.
If it is so dangerous that everyone has to wear masks, then it is too dangerous to require that people vote in person. Therefore we need universal mail-in ballots that can be easily substituted prior to being counted.
If it’s that dangerous, seal the damn border because until that is done and we don’t have a huge population of sick people coming in, there’s no reason to think anyone is serious.
IMO the administration has blown up any hope of maintaining influence over the implementation of their covid policy preferences.
Either the vax work in which case we don’t need masks or they don’t. Pick one or the other. I believe they are highly effective not foolproof but my opinion isn’t important. The CDC and the Admin need to understand how frustrating and confusing their message is.
The messaging is atrocious. Nearly criminally so. They refuse to address reasonable questions. Everyone posing an unapproved question is treated with hostile contempt. It’s beginning to look as if this messaging is deliberately and intentionally designed to be provocative.
The sad part is the narrative about ‘white trump voters’ refusing the vax isn’t true. The lag is in communities of color who have a collective memory of govt not being entirely honest with medical treatment.
So they are actually provoking and demeaning much of the base of the d/progressive and not MAGA voters. This admin is making a series of unforced errors that clearly demonstrate their incompetence.
Tomorrow the Admin is likely going to be asked about their open borders agenda which transports and deposits aliens into communities around the Nation. Were the aliens vaccinated? Were masks required during transport? We’re they tested prior? Were the positives quarantined? Where? Was the community aware?
Yah, think?
If it ever did, it no longer has anything to do with saving lives. It is completely and totally political. It is completely and totally about power. About getting it and keeping it. About creating a fearful and compliant population that will do as it is told. Or else.
The ‘or else’ part is coming. Sooner rather than later. All of the messaging indicates The Regime is planning something for the ‘selfish’ non-compliant, election result skeptical, Trump supporting, ‘white supremacist’, ‘domestic terrorist’ crowd. Something that will set an example and keep the rest of the peasants in line. They hope.
And then all h*ll may break lose. Which is exactly what The Regime wants. They are clearly trying to force a response they can use to justify cracking down on all political dissidents.
Leftists/Marxists have been doing this to seize power and hold it for over a hundred years.
This is an interesting supposition, but when the people push back on the administration’s pushback, it will be all over. Our politicians mud their pants and get the fatal vapors when a bunch of uninvited, unarmed tourists walk through the Capitol, or when somebody with a can of spray paint pays their front door a visit. If the actual hollowpoints start flying, these people are going to forget how their own lungs work.
When hollowpoints fly, the flu will die.
I believe it’s more incompetence than evil intent. The Biden Admin thought they had a cake walk. The heavy lifting was complete; the vax was developed and being deployed, the pain of lockdown and mandates imposed under DJT were being lifted under Biden. They could realistically get by with little blame for schools not reopening in Spring as long as a glide path to full reopening in the fall was promised.
Then they hit snags. J&J vax production issues, delta variant overseas and different Nations bungling their responses ECT. They rode the scare tactics narrative to encourage vax. The message became muddled. The admin had to balance teacher unions calling for continued lock downs, mask and vax mandates with an open border agenda where practically zero precautions v Rona are taken.
People noticed. They wanted answers. The admin can’t truthfully reconcile the two positions; super risk for teachers v low risk for illegal immigrants.
In addition the facts about the vax are becoming public. They work to limit the severity of the infection but don’t stop breakthrough transmission or asymptomatic spread. Even between two fully vaccinated people. See TX house d infecting an undisclosed number of people in DC.
All things we suspected but are now very public. So people dug in their heels about vax. The admin was very clearly frustrated in public over the past two weeks that people won’t simply obey.
The admin is incrementally adding pressure by targeted mandated for fed employees. Blue States and Cities are joining in, as well as some private employers. Now we are told that people without the vax are ‘not as smart as thought’ or IOW stupid.
This name calling follows weeks of media narrative that claim it’s all MAGA voters making vax a political issue. Why would MAGA voters reject a series of vax that DJT promised and delivered? The polling shows that the lag for vax is in communities of color which ain’t overwhelmingly MAGA voters.
The folks in charge thought they had Rona in the bag, that with the vax available folks would line up that they would get credit for solving Rona. Unfortunately they effed up their messaging and people asked questions. No clear answer given so more people asked more questions and still no answer.
Now the Biden Admin is frustrated and mad. They are allowing emotions to drive their responses. For now they are name calling, restoring mask mandates along with targeted vax mandates. Not to mention the whole door to door fiasco. They are, as my grandfather said: ‘ letting their ass show’.
They have no idea how to convince or sell this so they rely on intimidation.
Incompetence and e
Incompetence and evil intent are not mutually exclusive.
I think you more or less nailed it. I would only add they put out so much BS, before and after the election that is so obviously wrong and untrue that they now lack credibility and even now cannot level with the people and just tell the truth. Too many lies to keep straight.
CommoChief: The polling shows that the lag for vax is in communities of color which ain’t overwhelmingly MAGA voters.
That is not correct. Vaccine skeptics (uncertain plus unwilling):
Hispanics, 29%
Blacks, 35%
Republicans, 40%
Trump supporters, 49%
Zachs, what does 29 + 35 equal? Asking for a friend.
Your collective is on time out until after labor day so post whatever nonsense you wish others may directly respond but I won’t until then.
Fuzzy Slippers: Zachs, what does 29 + 35 equal?
That’s funny. 64. What you seemingly want to know is what percentage of Hispanics and Blacks are vaccine skeptics. To do that, you have to take the weighted average, which would be about 15.8%.
Oops. Typo. The weighted average would be about 31.5%
Fox News’s Peter Doocy: “If vaccines work, this sign says that they do, then why do people who have the vaccine now need to wear masks the same as people who have not had it?”
Because the Trump administration and Biden regime lied to the citizens of this country about the vaccines. They are not “prefect vaccines” (eg. polio vaccine or measles vaccine) that both prevent infection and spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus but are “imperfect” or “leaky” vaccines that allow a person to be both infected with the virus with reduced consequences and more importantly allows that person to spread the virus to others (along with any mutations the virus has undergone).
Which means that as vaccines, they’re a massive failure.
No, not failures. Simply were not designed to stop infections or transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus. Which is what the average citizen on the street thought it would do. Like all the other well known vaccines (polio, measles, mumps, chickenpox) do. The government messaging was , “Vaccinate yourself and be protected from The Covid™.” when it really should have been, “Vaccinate yourself and still be in danger of being infected and passing on The Covid™.”. Of course, the former goes over better then the latter when it comes to getting the sheeple to do what the government dmands. And here we are. Vaccinated and still in danger of The Covid™.
If the vaccines are leaky then we cannot credit the vaccines for reducing covid case counts.
No, we can’t. But we can credit the vaccines for promoting the mutations that are now going to be a problem. Mutations like the “Delta variant”. At this point it will never end.
“Information on the delta variant from several states and other countries indicate that in rare occasions, some vaccinated people infected with the delta variant after vaccination may be contagious and spread the virus to others.”
Quit with the lying. The reason that people are now getting infected with the “delta variant” is that (1) the existing three vaccines were never meant to prevent infection just possible reduced consequences when a person does become infected and (2) the vaccines still allow the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and (3) the virus has passed through several trillion replication phases in the infected across the world and has mutated its spike protein enough that the existing three vaccines no longer work effectively enough to prevent infection with the new virus strains.
And all three of those factors mean that the virus will continue to infect people with ever more virulent forms of the virus until it’s 100% fatal. (See Marek’s Disease for an example of what happens when a leaky vaccine is used in the population).
“Because the public health leaders in our administration have made the determination…”
I have made the determination that the public health leaders in your administration should shut up and shove it where the sun don’t shine.
As my elderly RI aunt used to say, “So far up that they’ll taste strawberries.”
This is all about using covid panic to institutionalize voting fraud.
That was my thought.. it is all about 2022,, The fraud is real.
Ruin Them
The data is that these jabs do not prevent disease. They also do not prevent transmission of disease. In fact they appear to, if you get a breakthrough case, make transmission more likely in that the Ct data from these miners shows equal or lower values on balance in the vaccinated cohort with one sample at Ct22! Reminder: The lower the Ct the more virus you have in your body.
Now granted this is a small group — very small. But it is extremely concerning that the lowest Ct recorded among these cases was a fully-vaccinated person. Where is the data from the state labs and CDC on these “breakthroughs” and their Ct numbers generally? It’s not being reported. I bet you can guess why not without needing more than one guess.
And here I thought the democrats were so good at unmasking
I am one person in a huge world.. My next door neighbor was sick,, and tested positive,, by stepson was sick,, tested positive, both fully vaccinated.
Couple months back another neighbor tested positive, after being vaccinated, which delayed some very important surgery… Someone on twitter asked if the vaccines are more akin to therapeutics, in that they don’t prevent a sickness, but they help lessen the impact.
The “testing positive” is the fly in this ointment.
The cycle setting will change the % positivity.” results.
There is a known % of false positives this number is never part of the calculation.
Well, that is the claim. Of course, if they don’t stop contraction or transmission, then they have to save something, right?
My anecdotal experience is that I vaccinated people are much more likely to go to the hospital. Hell, I know more people that were hospitalized with a vaccine reaction than I know that were unvaccinated and hospitalized.
Muppet-face moron.
Enough of this b.s.:
Over 40,000 Mostly-Unvaccinated Migrants Released By Biden Skip Out On ICE Appointments :
Hunter Biden’s Art Racket Has a Chinese Connection:
“Want to stop vaccine hesitancy? Drop the mask obsession.”
I’m more concerned about deaths and side effects of the mRNA vaccines, and the fact that the government is lying about the numbers of both. It continues to allow the covid vaccines to be administered despite the fact that any previous vaccine that killed a fraction of the official covid vaccine deaths was immediately pulled from the market.
The coherent pattern that is emerging and is supported by an increasing amount of evidence is that the “vaccine” is not a vaccine–it may be the bioweapon. Why the hard push for masks (fear) and shots (no evidence they prevent any illness) and submission and suppression of dialog? Why the obvious violation of ethical (including the Nuremburg Code) and scientific standards? Why did the flu suddenly vanish with the push for flu shots?
If what one sees does not make sense (i.e. CDC, Fauci, etc.), then you may be applying the wrong framework or model or agenda in your analysis. Perhaps all of this has nothing to do with health in any positive way.
Only a fool believes a liar. Con artists depend on fools. The CDC and Fauci have been pushing lies consistently.
I made my ultra liberal Aunt cry.
She told me that I should get vaccinated so I can visit her. I informed her that I wouldn’t get it, and thanks to the unintended consequence of pulling all the stops to get Trump out of office she will never see me again. Sorry, you get what you ask for.
She then tried to “guilt trip” me…said I was being selfish and should do it to protect my wife. I told her that my wife won’t get it either and that she voted for Trump after having voted D since 88
The “why” is simple.
The experts have a lot of sunk costs in the existing policies
They have demanded and enforced by law unconstitutional protocols.
They can’t let up now, or the masses will start to understand all of this is not science, but tyranny.
What about the kids? Wearing masks increases social isolation and depression amongst kids. It also increases the number of suicides amongst kids. Amongst kids increased suicides have exceeded covid deaths. Requiring masks K-12 schools kills kids.
In Britain suicides among children are over 5 times the WuFlu deaths.
If you think this (“covid,” masks, shots, lockdowns, test & trace, etc.) is about “health” or “safety,” you’re a fool.
It NEVER was about “health” or “safety.” It’s all about POWER and CONTROL.
The way out of this Twilight Zone is MASSIVE NON COMPLIANCE.
Mary Chastain: Psaki Cannot Give a Scientific Answer About Why Vaccinated People Need Masks
Um, because Psaki is not a scientist. She referred that determination to actual scientists.
“Um, because Psaki is not a scientist. She referred that determination to actual scientists”
You should think the administration would have prepared a better answer for this inevitable question. She needed a layman’s answer grounded in scientific principle most every person could comprehend. It was a horrible answer to a solid question.
I will even take a shot: “We now believe the COVID-19 vaccine does not confer immunity to recipients. It does provide significant protection from the symptoms of infection. Immunity is conferred after the person who has been vaccinated is infected with the virus. While the vaccinated person is infected, even though they may have very mild symptoms, they are infectious and can spread the virus to other vaccinated persons and to the unvaccinated who will suffer worse and potentially severe symptoms of infection. The vaccine will keep you from getting very sick, not from getting infected or infecting others.”
“Because you can still catch COVID despite being vaccinated and pass the virus to other people, we encourage everyone to get the vaccine to avoid the severe symptoms of the virus.”
Back to my comment. Then of course, it makes no sense for people at low risk of the virus to get the “vaccine” since they are at low risk of severe symptoms and the “vaccine” confers no benefit and therefore, even if not experimental, should not be administered to low risk people.
The only real choice, then, is to let the virus spread among low risk people so natural immunity is conferred and transmission can be stopped.
Finally, the administration needs to provide clear and honest answers or vaccine hesitancy will increase. And if the administration seeks to force people to take an experimental drug that confers no benefit, people are likely to get angry and lose even more faith in the government and medical/scientific/health care community.
Brave Sir Robbin: You should think the administration would have prepared a better answer for this inevitable question.
The vaccine is not 100% effective.
Brave Sir Robbin: We now believe the COVID-19 vaccine does not confer immunity to recipients.
That is not correct. The vaccine does confer significant immunity (95% Moderna), though less so with the delta variant (80-90%, Moderna). A booster shot appears to increase immunity to the delta variation, but that is still in testing.
The vaccine is 0% effective and doesn’t confer any real, durable immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. People can still be infected with the virus, come down with The Covid™. and worse yet they can still transmit the virus to others. That isn’t even close to conferring “significant immunity”.
And don’t kid yourself, therd is no such thing as a “booster shot” for SARS-CoV-2. They are creating a whole new version of the mRNA vaccine to cover the “delta variant’ as the original vaccines have now become ineffective as mutations occur to change the spike protein make-up. That Fauci, the CDC, NIH and the rest are calling it a “booster” is simply their attempt to cover up their incompetence and abject failure in terms of a vaccine. I know I’m not going to get another ineffective vaccine at this point.
Lucifer Morningstar: The vaccine is 0% effective and doesn’t confer any real, durable immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
That is simply incorrect. The Pfizer vaccine is 95% effective at preventing COVID-19 with the original strain. While the data is still incomplete, it is believed to be about 80% effective at preventing COVID-19 with the delta strain. That doesn’t mean the body can’t be exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. What it means is that the body will defeat the virus 95% of the time before it causes COVID-19. How did you think vaccines worked?
And yes, that is significant immunity.
“The Pfizer vaccine is 95% effective at preventing COVID-19 with the original strain.”
Please read this statement carefully. It says it prevents COVID-19, as a disease, not as an infection.
I am not trying to “dis the “vaccine.” I am simply try to accurately describe it. So the statement you object o may well be correct. While the “vaccine” is highly effective a reducing disease. it does not confer immunity. There is a vast difference. It means “vaccinated” persons are still a risk to the “unvaccinated.” perhaps even more so, since we have perhaps now created a class of true asymptomatic spreaders and why Fauci wants 75% to 80% uptake of the “vaccine” which is well above traditional levels considered necessary for herd immunity.
This entire confusion is because our betters prefer to lie to us rather than be straight up and honest.
I know exactly how vaccines work so you can take your condescending bullshit and shove it.
In any case, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is a leaky/imperfect vaccine that allows people to still be infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus and transmit that virus on to others. Whatever data they are using to make the claim of “95% effectiveness” is either highly manipulated data or an outright lie. You can still be infected with the virus and pass the disease on to others even if you are fully vaccinated. The only benefit that might accrue from the vaccine is a reduction of symptoms.
And no, that is not significant immunity.
Brave Sir Robbin: Please read this statement carefully. It says it prevents COVID-19, as a disease, not as an infection.
COVID-19 is the disease. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus. The vaccine confers immunity to disease. That’s how vaccines work.
Lucifer Morningstar: In any case, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is a leaky/imperfect vaccine that allows people to still be infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus and transmit that virus on to others.
That’s been known all along, but you had claimed it to be 0% effective. And that just wasn’t true.
“That is not correct. The vaccine does confer significant immunity (95% Moderna), though less so with the delta variant (80-90%, Moderna). A booster shot appears to increase immunity to the delta variation, but that is still in testing.”
Actually, that is not what the CDC is now saying. If they are saying you can pass along the virus, that means it can infect you, so there is no immunity conferred by the “vaccine.”. The “vaccine” is not a vaccine, but rather a sort of therapeutic that reduces symptoms from infection. The “vaccine,” actually a mRNA therapeutic, a sort of gene therapy, produces non-neutralizing antibodies, which reduces symptoms in those infected but, again, does not confer immunity as expected in an actual vaccine.
There is a risk this scheme will produce antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) which, in time and after the production of new strains of the virus, could result in the virus attacking the human immune system, in particular, the T-cells which will try to eat the virus but become infected by it instead and be destroyed by it. This risk is low, but likely higher than the 0.26 infection fatality rate of COVID making the “vaccine” inherently not worth the risk.
This property of the “vaccine” and the danger of ADE exists because the “vaccine” only targets very specific enzymes or DNA sequences, of many, in the virus. In essence, the virus is not fully encapsulated in antibody protection – it is only partially coated. Therefore, the T-cell is attracted to a certain antibody portion of the COVID virus, but when it ingests the virus to destroy it, the virus is not fully coated in antibody protect and can then infect and kill the T-cell.
Infected persons are infectious because, again, the virus is only partially coated with antibody protection conferred by the highly specific RNA sequence targeted, and so the uncoated portion of the virus can still attach to host cells, develop, and infect other people.
What I am saying is that my read is that the mRNA ‘vaccine” does not confer immunity. It is in effect a gene therapeutic prophylaxis that reduces symptoms. That is all it does. You do not really get immunity until exposed to and infected by the virus, and can spread it until you develop natural immunity. So what we have really dine is created a real ability to produce asymptomatic spread, something that did not actually exist prior to introduction of the “vaccine.”.
Have a nice day.
Brave Sir Robbin: If they are saying you can pass along the virus, that means it can infect you, so there is no immunity conferred by the “vaccine.”.
It’s immunity to COVID-19, the disease. Vaccines don’t prevent the virus from entering the body. It’s not an exoskeleton.
And even then, the immunity is not perfect. However, …
Z: Two studies from Israel …
And just so we’re clear, using their results, that means spread in the vaccinated population is reduced 96% compared to an unvaccinated population.
19% who become infected
22% of 19% who are infectious cause secondary infection—in their own household
= 4% who become secondarily infected.
That’s a 96% reduction in secondary transmission.
Um, because Psaki is not a scientist. She referred that determination to actual scientists.
You’re joking, right? She’s got every statement that could possibly be made written down in her loose-leaf notebook so that she can look it up if a question is asked about a certain topic. But you’d have us believe she had nothing in her notebook about the actual reasons vaccinated people now need to wear ineffective
face diapersmasks at this point? Yeah, whatever. Pull the other. The jokes a lot better.“They Say…”
avi natan: “They Say…”
They say the Earth moves. They say atoms exist even though they are too small to see.* They say dinosaurs once roamed the rainforests of Antarctica.
* Einstein estimated the physical size of molecules based on Brownian motion.
Just shorten it to:
There is not one reporter who ever attended a press conference who knew any more afterwards than they did before.
Perhaps WILL NOT is more accurate?
Non-sterilizing, Infection-Permissive Vaccination With Inactivated Influenza Virus Vaccine Reshapes Subsequent Virus Infection-Induced Protective Heterosubtypic Immunity From Cellular to Humoral Cross-Reactive Immune Responses
mRNA vaccines are presumed to be short-lived with a specific distribution. However, their viability, and [durable] immune response, has not been tested over a conventional vaccine testing period (i.e. years, decade or more).
Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus
These SARS-CoV vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV. However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.
This is why the potentially long-term effects and effectiveness, and side-effects, of vaccines are assessed over years, a decade or more.
Because Red said.
There never was a scientific reason for healthy people to wear masks in the first place!
Since getting vaccinated, I only wear a mask where I have to to get a service I need.
Yesterday, when the dental assistant told me I could take my mask off (so she could torture me), I told her that according to CDC guidelines, I have to keep it on. She laughed too!
The entire country needs to stand as one and shout “You’re not the boss of me!”
Coming soon IMO.