Poll: Most Americans Believe Biden Not Running the Show at the White House
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Poll: Most Americans Believe Biden Not Running the Show at the White House

Poll: Most Americans Believe Biden Not Running the Show at the White House

“56.5% of American voters do not believe that President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office”

A new poll has found that a majority of Americans don’t believe that President Biden is really running the show and that the White House agenda is being driven by other people behind the scenes.

There are power players behind the scenes in every administration, but in Biden’s case, it’s obviously a bigger factor.

Americans have watched for the last six months as Biden struggles to pronounce words and form sentences. The same media that told us to be worried about Trump’s cognitive state now cheers when Biden is able to order ice cream.

The Daily Wire has details:

Majority Of Americans Believe That ‘Others,’ Not Biden, Are Calling The Shots In The White House: Poll

A new poll released on Monday found the majority of Americans believe that “others” are really running the show in President Joe Biden’s administration and not Biden himself.

The national poll was released by the Convention of States Action in partnership with The Trafalgar Group. The poll, which was conducted toward the end of June, surveyed more than 1,000 likely voters for the upcoming 2022 midterm elections.

Key findings from the poll included:

– 56.5% of American voters do not believe that President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office, while 36.4% believe he is directing all policy and agenda

– 31.7% of Democrat voters do not believe that President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office, while 58.6% believe he is directing all policy and agenda

– 83.6% of Republican voters do not believe that President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office, while 11% believe he is directing all policy and agenda

– 58.4% of Independent voters do not believe that President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office, while 36.1% believe he is directing all policy and agenda

Josh Christenson of the Washington Free Beacon adds this:

Congressional Republicans have speculated that Biden chief of staff Ron Klain is responsible for much of the leftward shift in the president’s agenda. Some even took to calling the chief of staff “Prime Minister Klain” and “the guy behind the curtain” when COVID-19 relief legislation stalled in early March.

Biden’s apparent cognitive decline was the subject of much reporting during the 2020 election. At campaign events and in speeches, Biden frequently lost his train of thought, misspoke, lashed out suddenly at audience members, and uttered non sequiturs.

A stenographer who worked with Biden from 2011 to 2017 told the Washington Free Beacon in September that the former vice president is “not the same Joe Biden.”

This would certainly explain why Biden is constantly telling us he is going to ‘get in trouble’ if he goes off-script or takes too many questions.


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JusticeDelivered | July 7, 2021 at 7:37 am

From day one Biden was barely competent and od questionable character. Today he is far from competent. It says a great deal about dems that about 60% cannot see what is so obvious.

    Joe-dallas in reply to JusticeDelivered. | July 7, 2021 at 10:54 am

    Day one being January 1, 1990? or January 1 2021?

      January 1, 1990, because IMO his mental problems date back to the two brain surgeries he had in 1988 for brain aneurysms, one of which had burst. Exhibit A is the verbal miscues and non sequiturs that he has had for very many years (way outside an Alzheimer’s time frame). By the way, if I am right that this is aneurysm-related and not Alzheimer’s, the progression of his deterioration might be entirely different.

    Willful blindness is a plague in our nation.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to JusticeDelivered. | July 8, 2021 at 3:32 am

    Biden has been nearly brain dead for years. But he was the only Democrat who could beat Trump.

Of course he isn’t!
I still haven’t found ONE person that will tell me they cast their vote for Biden.
China’s giving him marching orders….Ukraine is a distraction from the REAL big guy Xi

I unfortunately know several people thatchers glad to vote for the scumbag

Ron Klain = Valerie Jarrett.

Jarrett and her acolytes ran the show when Obama was in office/watching ESPN, but it was easier to keep the public from noticing.

I think the fact that nearly a third of the Democrats polled said he wasn’t in charge is telling. Whether or not they care that the guy supposedly in charge isn’t is a different matter.

I think that should be “know Biden is not running the show.”
However, I don’t think he’s taking orders directly from China or anything else. I simply think (as I still think concerning the 0bama admin) it’s a bunch of communist bureaucrats and “policy wonks” running the show.

Admittedly, most recent presidents haven’t done a lot of the work we credit to them. They rely on “policymakers” to make things happen. A lot of Trump’s policies were driven by his family members – he merely signed off on them. It’s delegation when done well. But to be delegation, it requires the President to actually be driving the train – policies, principles, personnel choices. Biden is wearing the overalls and the conductor’s cap, but he’s sitting in the back, just pulling the rope for the horn when he feels like it. *TOOT TOOOOT

    UserP in reply to GWB. | July 7, 2021 at 8:57 am

    His wife is stiting next to him propping him up and whispering in his ear, “Joe it’s time to pull the rope.”

    Joe-dallas in reply to GWB. | July 7, 2021 at 11:00 am

    GWB comment – “However, I don’t think he’s taking orders directly from China or anything else. I simply think (as I still think concerning the 0bama admin) it’s a bunch of communist bureaucrats and “policy wonks” running the show.”

    good point

    Just finished reading “Stalin’s War” by Mckeekin. Roosevelt was basically taking orders from Stalin during WW2. Roosevelt, harry hopkins, and large part of the roosevelt administration were pro communists. Roosevelt basically capitulated to every request from Stalin, in hopes that Russia would assist in the war against Japan.
    Roosevelt was almost single handedly responsible carve up of eastern europe to the Russians for the cold war that lasted from 1945 through the Reagan/Bush41 administration.

    UserP in reply to GWB. | July 7, 2021 at 8:32 pm

    GWB, this is such a good post I have come back and read it half a dozen times. I also made a copy and sent it to friends.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to GWB. | July 8, 2021 at 3:35 am

    Most of the show is actually run by the Media. They are in power as they create the narratives. Democrat politicians and the Deep State simply execute the Media’s narratives. And this is the reason the Media hated Trump so much.

“Most Americans believe Biden is not running the show.”

Well, if he was it would be the first time an alzheimer’s patient ran a show.

Ghost Rider | July 7, 2021 at 9:23 am

The Biden admin is Obama 3.o on drugs. The same Obama minions are calling the shots behind the scenes. And Bumbles Biden doesn’t have the brainpower (actually he never had much brainpower even on his best days) to stop them.

That’s what they voted for, control by an anonymous panel of dems. Not Biden, surely.

Suggestion for Sleepy Joe : just turn the teleprompter around and let us read it.

This explains Biden’s Someone’s choice of Kamala Harris as VP.
She clearly couldn’t run her own office let alone a government without this “Someone”

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to Neo. | July 8, 2021 at 3:38 am

    I suspect she will be more effective once she is actually President. Right now she isn’t in charge of anything. Her only roles are to break ties in the Senate and to cackle while waiting for the President to die.

What, we don’t believe he is having whisper sessions with his cabinet?

Wait- there are people who do believe he’s running things?

Biden also refers to a mysterious “They” all the time. They will be mad at me. They say this is the last question. And most recently in Traverse City, Michigan, They will give me more information to share on that tomorrow.

Reasonable people have to wonder, “Who the heck is “They”?

TheOldZombie | July 7, 2021 at 1:06 pm

I wake up each day expecting to hear news that President Biden has passed away in the night and that Vice-President Kamala is now POTUS.

The man is not in control. He has to have notes for even the simplest of questions. I bet his staff sweats bullets anytime he’s in public because one of these days he’s going to say or do something that they can’t play pretend is something else. Than you’ll see talk of the 25th Amendment start cropping up.

The only upside to Harris taking over is that the Democrats are finally realizing they made a massive mistake by accepting her as VP. Choosing her because she’s black and female with no regards to the fact that she’s incompetent and her own staff hates her behind her back because she’s so terrible will probably cost them the White House in 2024. Short of them cheating and claiming she won 160 million votes. 🙂 LOL

    randian in reply to TheOldZombie. | July 7, 2021 at 8:04 pm

    I think they wait until Jan 21 2023, if possible. That way Harris can have a potential 12 years in office, 4 as VP and 8 as President.

      Xi will be in the White House way before then.

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to randian. | July 8, 2021 at 3:44 am

      Only if they have the choice of date. I think Harris just wants to become President ASAP. Whether she can get 1 term or 2 later doesn’t matter at this point. But it depends on Nature, and Joe’s medication, not her wishes.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to TheOldZombie. | July 8, 2021 at 3:41 am

    Most likely we will hear several days (or even a week) after the fact that Joe Biden died of another aneurysm and then Kamala Harris is sworn in as President.

This poll of course shows that if Biden is healthy enough to want to run he will be a very tough to defeat opponent 2024.

henrybowman | July 7, 2021 at 5:50 pm

“Poll: Most Americans Believe Biden Not Running the Show at the White House”

Proof by inspection. Even Godzilla could not level this much destruction unaided, and Biden is clearly no Godzilla.

healthguyfsu | July 7, 2021 at 6:37 pm

Some people are cool with an oligarchy until the oligarchs turn against them and their agendas.

He didn’t even win the election and he’s not in charge.

Really? It took them this long to figure this out? I know leftists are stupid but apparently I really overestimated their intelligence.