The 2022 midterms are still over a year away, Democrats and some media outlets are already making excuses for Dem losses. To them, it is impossible for Democrats to lose because voters are rejecting their policies.
It must be based on something nefarious. Something Republicans did.
Something like voter ID.
Politico reports:
‘We’re f—ed’: Dems fear turnout catastrophe from GOP voting lawsAfter Georgia Republicans passed a restrictive voting law in March, Democrats here began doing the math.The state’s new voter I.D. requirement for mail-in ballots could affect the more than 270,000 Georgians lacking identification. The provision cutting the number of ballot drop boxes could affect hundreds of thousands of voters who cast absentee ballots that way in 2020 — and that’s just in the populous Atlanta suburbs alone.It didn’t take long before the implications became clear to party officials and voting rights activists. In a state that Joe Biden carried by fewer than 12,000 votes last year, the new law stood to wipe out many of the party’s hard-fought gains — and put them at a decisive disadvantage.Democrats in other states where similarly restrictive voting laws have passed are coming to the same conclusion. Interviews with more than three dozen Democratic elected officials, party operatives and voting rights activists across the country reveal growing concern — bordering on alarm — about the potential impact in 2022 of the raft of new laws passed by Republican legislatures, particularly in some of the nation’s most competitive battleground states.
Questioning the outcome of the 2020 election is forbidden and can even get you banned on social media. Prepare for that policy to be reversed the minute Democrats lose the House and possibly the Senate.
Democrats have a long track record of questioning election outcomes.
Sometimes the narrative shifts so fast it’s difficult to keep up.
If you’re confused by this new objection to voter ID, you should be. Just three weeks ago, Democrats were saying they have never been opposed to voter ID.
Democrats have been allowed to expand early voting, easing restrictions on absentee ballots and mail-in voting for years. It is high time to get back to basics.
Saying that it may take months to know the outcome of an election is unacceptable. If you want people to trust the outcomes of elections, they have to be made more secure and efficient.