Chicago Public Schools Requires Everyone to Wear a Mask

Do you remember when the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and the union fought each other over science to reopen the schools? CPS said everyone should follow the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations.

Following the science only happens when it benefits their narrative.

CPS will require all students and teachers to wear masks, even if they had the COVID-19 vaccine:

“Based on feedback from our public health experts at the local, state and federal levels, as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), we will require that masks/cloth face coverings continue to be worn indoors by everyone, regardless of vaccination status, except for while eating or drinking. This includes students, educators, support staff and all visitors to school buildings,” interim CPS Chief Executive Officer José Torres wrote in a letter to parents.“Face coverings may be removed for outdoor activities, such as recess and some sports activities. Continuing to require masks will help make sure those in our school communities who are not yet eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, which encompasses the majority of our students, remain as safe as possible.”

Something tells me the union is behind the decision.

The CDC said vaccinated students 12 and older and teachers do not need a mask. The AAP said everyone should wear a mask.

The CDC also said local officials can make their own decisions, but advised they use the local COVID numbers as guidance.

Chicago has seen a slight spike in COVID-19 with only 115 new cases each day. Only 115! Do you know how many people live in Chicago?! That number is barely a blip on the radar. The numbers show “five hospitalizations per 100,000 people.”

The Chicago Archdiocese said the vaccinated teachers and students in its schools will not have to wear a mask.

At least the kids are going back to in-person school. But CPS and the union can never scream science or push CDC recommendations again to get what they want.

Tags: Chicago, Education, Illinois, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus