Brian Stelter Dunked By Own Guest: “You Are One of the Reasons People Can’t Stand the Media”
Author Michael Wolff: “you’re full of sanctimony”

Michael Wolff is making the rounds peddling his latest Trump book and landed on Brian Stelter’s CNN show.
Normally, I would not watch either of them, but this clip is so hilarious. Woolf calls out Stelter for his sanctimony and for living in a “virtuous news” bubble where he imagines he has “a monopoly on truth, you know exactly how things are supposed to be done.”
Stelter unintentionally proves Woolf’s point by chuckling and claiming that they are “just figuring out what is real.” To which Wolff replied: “Figuring out what is real is not so easy. And most people don’t want to turn to Brian Stelter to tell us what’s real. I’m sorry.”
LMAO Brian Stelter getting called out by his own guest.
— The Columbia Bugle
(@ColumbiaBugle) July 18, 2021
“I don’t want you to think that what I said at that point was in any way inauthentic,” he continued. “I think the media has done a terrible job on this. I think you yourself — you’re a nice guy, you know, you’re full of sanctimony. You become one of the parts of the problem of the media.”
“You come on here and you have a monopoly on truth, you know exactly how things are supposed to be done. You are why — one of the reasons — people can’t stand the media,” he added.
Stelter laughed and asked what he should do differently.
“Don’t talk so much, listen more,” Wolff responded.
He told Stelter he’s “incredibly repetitive” and even said, “You’re the flip side of Donald Trump. ‘Fake news,’ and you say ‘virtuous news.’”
“No, we just figure out what is real,” Stelter said.
“Figuring out what is real is not so easy. And most people don’t want to turn to Brian Stelter to tell us what’s real. I’m sorry,” Wolff shot back.
People had thoughts.
Brian Stelter has plumbed such depths of dishonesty that a sleazy muck-raker like Michael Wolff has plausibly assumed the higher ground in a discussion of journalistic integrity.
— Conrad Black (@ConradMBlack) July 18, 2021
I have equally low regard for Michael Wolff as I do for @brianstelter but Wolff's takedown of Stelter on his own show is pure internet gold.
— Chaskel Bennett (@ChaskelBennett) July 18, 2021
Guest Michael Wolff to host Brian Stelter:
“You are…one of the reasons people can’t stand media”
Must watch segment, including Stelter’s totally awkward, forced laughs.
— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) July 18, 2021

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I couldn’t stand the media in 1971 and threw out the TV permanently. Every time they reported on something I knew about it was hopelessly wrong. I generalized from that.
One time the local paper ran a picture of me near a car on the side of the road with a story about a one-car wreck where a man survived and a lady died.
Everybody in my town thought my wife died and were astonished to see her around town.
The real story: friend had car trouble so I went to pick him up. I have no idea why the hell somebody took a picture of that and cropped it to just me and a piece of a car.
That was a real eye-opener for me.
There is another thing that creeps like Stelter make people hate.
I was watching Don Lemon’s old interview with Morgan Freeman several years ago…I know, torture.
However, Lemon himself said I just wish we could move on because I get so tired of talking about this. Obviously, this was lipservice to Freeman because of what Freeman was saying about how the race baiting crap is pure BS (and he said Lemon and himself are proof that anyone of any race can do anything if they work at it). Anyways, fast forward to now and Lemon is so tired that he’s trying to gain wealth by writing a race baiting book.
Liberal used to have a saying that you don’t hear much anymore
Wolf just did that with Stelter and he will likely never be invited back to CNN.
Brian is George Costanza’s son.
Seems more like the progeny of Mr & Mrs Potato Head,
Mr and Mrs Potato Head sure raised one ugly little spud
from his brief affair with Totie Fields.
Stelter’s response to Wolff’s criticism was to laugh and laugh and laugh. Wolff wasn’t laughing. Or even smiling.
To to me that speaks volumes. Stelter is incapable of understanding the critique. Nor is anyone else in the mainstream media.
Stelter is a goof-ball, and for a few bucks is happy to act like an ass and lie like Jen Psaki.
Once you see Mark Dice’s imitation of Stelter, you’ll never be able to listen to look at him again wtihout laughing:
So how do you tell Brian Stelter when he asks what he should do differently, that there’s nothing he could do to improve his low quality self and he’s just a loser?
Well, there’s always a chance for redemption.
He should start by flinging his prepared remarks over his shoulder, hijacking the CNN signal and saying, ‘I’ve been forced to lie to you by my corporate masters for years now’. And just run as long as he can till they cut the feed and drag him off.
(I don’t actually think he was forced to lie, but I’ll grant him that one if he derails his next broadcast.)