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Branco Cartoon – The Artful Dodger

Branco Cartoon – The Artful Dodger

Dialing for Dollars

A.F. Branco coffee table book “Keep America Laughing (at the left)” ORDER HERE

For more A.F.Branco cartoons at Legal Insurrection click here.


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These are the kind of paintings we would see at the dentist’s office or in the a Motel 6 room. They aren’t even good for greeting cards. Just because it’s a painting doesn’t make it art. At best, it is commercial “art” serving as grift.

Laundry. Even the old Obama hands recognize it.

Recently sold Picasso sketch — $150K

Hunter’s latest grade school level watercolor — $500k.

No corruption there. No sirree! It’s all legitimate and aboveboard. Hunter is an artistic genius. Unfortunately, no one noticed until his dad became POTUS.

Imagine what the running dog corporate media would be saying if the names and circumstances were changed. If Hunter was Donald Trump Jr. and his dad was still POTUS.

This is the most laughable, bullshit, in-your-face corruption since they gave Chelsea Clinton a job as a ‘journalist’. Remember that? And how the second the election was over she disappeared from the public forever?

    This is the left’s “Let them eat cake” moment.

    The prospect of a Republican winning the presidency in 2024 is getting slimmer and slimmer – because of the complete corruption of our government.

    Hunter Biden selling influence through refiigerator art will be remembered as the ‘last straw’.

Mark Quatrain | July 12, 2021 at 4:27 pm

Wow. Looks like the VIP line at the Trump Hotel for the last 4 years!