Biden Promised Toughness on Putin, But Asserts Latest Ransomware Attacks Caused ‘Minimal Damages’
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Biden Promised Toughness on Putin, But Asserts Latest Ransomware Attacks Caused ‘Minimal Damages’

Biden Promised Toughness on Putin, But Asserts Latest Ransomware Attacks Caused ‘Minimal Damages’

Biden feels ‘good’ about the US’ ability to respond to attacks.

We reported that on Independence Day, a ransomware attack targeted Miami-based software firm Kaseya, which hit up to 1,500 businesses across the globe. The hackers demand $70 million to undo the damage.

The current administration promised to get tough on Russia if that nation had links to the cyberattack by a group called REvil.

The president told his Russian counterpart last month that he would retaliate against hacking groups that target the U.S., and on Saturday told reporters that he will retaliate against the ransomware attack.

‘This marks a serious escalation just weeks after Putin-Biden summit on ransomware,’ New York Times cybersecurity reporter Nicole Perlroth tweeted Saturday.

‘Not only is this a supply chain attack on MSPs,’ she continued, ‘they broke in via a zero day, a significant advance for REVil which has traditionally compromised victims through usual means of phishing, etc.’

The hackers used one of Kaseya’s software tools to infect the companies. The company is distributing a patch and working closely with the FBI.

Despite the fact over 1,000 US companies were hit, Biden insisted the attack ‘appears to have caused minimal damages to U.S. businesses.’

‘We’re still gathering information to the full extent of that attack,’ Biden said after delivering an update on the coronavirus pandemic and state of vaccinations from the White House.

He previewed: ‘I’m going to have more to say about this in the next several days. We’re getting more detail and information – but that’s what I can tell you now.’

‘And I feel good about our ability to be able to respond,’ he as he trailed off and left the room after taking just one question.

There was a painful moment in Michigan on Saturday. A reporter asked Biden about the cyberattack. He said, “I’ll be in better shape tomorrow” and had to refer to notes.

Cybersecurity analysts think that the REvil attack will pressure the current administration to get tougher on Russia, per the earlier rhetoric.

…{I]it’s been just a few weeks since Biden warned Putin in Geneva that “responsible countries need to take action against criminals who conduct ransomware activities on their territory” — and pledged “consequences” for norms-breaking attacks from Russia on the U.S.

So expect the bills for those tough words to come due as the calls for the administration to punish Russia get louder. After Biden met with Putin, lawmakers were already worried about the United States’ measured policy approach. On Monday, California Democrat Rep. Jackie Speier told MSNBC that she thinks “the president is waiting for the appropriate moment [to respond]. … We have the ability to put a similar act in place in Russia.” And Christopher Roberti, senior vice president for cyber, intelligence, and supply chain security policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said the U.S. “must use its full capabilities” to hold “known criminal gangs” responsible following this attack.

Interestingly, in light of the continuing cyberattacks that have hit key firms (i.e., Colonial Pipeline, JBS beef processing plant), Biden feels good about our nation’s ability to respond.

Biden told reporters he felt “good” about the US’ ability to respond to ransomware attacks after receiving an update from his national security team on Tuesday morning, and said he will have more to say on the subject in the coming days.

Another meeting on the subject is expected to take place next week between US and Russian officials, Psaki said. Many of the most prolific ransomware attackers are believed to be based in Russia, including the group known as REvil that is believed to have attacked both Kaseya and the meat supplier JBS, and Biden confronted Russian President Vladimir Putin about the scourge during a summit in Geneva last month.

I would argue that the evidence suggests that the only aspect of the presidency that Biden has a handle on is eating ice cream. And I will note, for the record, he is allowed to order two full scoops with chocolate dip without any complaint by the press.


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Stop blaming that poor, senile old man for what the administration is doing! He’s just trying to remember what’s in the script they give him each day. Even that is too much for him!

    txvet2 in reply to irv. | July 7, 2021 at 12:34 pm

    He may be senile, but he’s also evil and corrupt. He deserves any blame that attaches to him.

    Ironclaw in reply to irv. | July 7, 2021 at 5:31 pm

    Dementia Joe doesn’t care as long as they keep him in pudding, diapers and toddlers.

2smartforlibs | July 7, 2021 at 1:34 pm

I low IQ liberal told my wife the other night At least Joe is sensable. I’m sure you all heard the explosion. Let’s just say the lib won’t other that phrase again.

    healthguyfsu in reply to 2smartforlibs. | July 7, 2021 at 6:41 pm

    Sounds like you blew up but we’d all be better off if the libs would come to their senses about how the “demeanor” of the POTUS is highly subject to the political motivations of the “free” press.

Ghost Rider | July 7, 2021 at 1:54 pm

Biden’s toughness has Putin quaking in his army boots. Just like with Corn Pop. That Biden is one macho dementia patient. /s

Biden gave Putin a list of 17 things that are off limits and must not be attacked. And Putin, with a great big smile, said, “Thank you very much.”

    Paddy M in reply to UserP. | July 7, 2021 at 2:16 pm

    Slow Joe is so tough! He’s no one’s puppet. ; )

      UserP in reply to Paddy M. | July 7, 2021 at 7:21 pm

      That was the plan – use Joe as a puppet. But it’s gotten to point where his mind has deteriorated so much he can’t follow directions. Jill is upset but Kamala is chomping at the bit.

What’s to be said? The dementia-ridden pedophile projects nothing except weakness.

henrybowman | July 7, 2021 at 5:58 pm

“Minimal damages” means “it didn’t affect the White House or the Capitol.”