‘Anti-Racism’ Guide Pushed by Girl Scouts Claims Color-Blindness Perpetuates Racism

Just your daily reminder that the left has infiltrated and ruined pretty much everything.

The Daily Wire reports:

Girl Scouts Push ‘Anti-Racism’ Guide That Claims Color-Blindness ‘Perpetuates Racism’The Girl Scouts told its membership that taking a color-blind approach to life “perpetuates racism,” and parents must have conversations about race and racism “regularly” with their daughters to counterbalance this narrative.The organization released an online resource for parents designed to help their kids “take action against racism.” Much of the data and resources cited in the article are inspired by “anti-racism” and critical race theory. The resource is primarily aimed at encouraging white parents to have conversations with their children about their privilege.“While we should be having conversations about race and racism regularly, checking in with your girl is crucial when racist violence claims lives and sparks widespread protest, grief, and unrest around the nation,” the article reads. “Having honest discussions about race is important for all families, and it’s vital to have them on a regular basis, even if you find it uncomfortable or you think your kids already know about racism and understand right from wrong.”“Saying ‘we’re all the same’ or ‘I don’t see color’ might be well-intentioned, but it perpetuates racism because it disregards part of people’s identities,” the article continues. “Plus, saying everyone is the same implies that everyone has the same experiences and is treated the same in our society — which statistics and the everyday discrimination faced by Black people and other people of color show isn’t the case.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Education